Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Aug 2008, p. 19

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The Canadian Champion, Wedneoday August 13, 2008 - 19 eneiHep GIHnrl ep Er ie7 ep GI eia ep GenalHep 8 GnIO lelp jMo/Heî ~ IHelp CIIIII enra elp BURLUNGTONI WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH AN EXTRA $800 EACH MONTH? Get plenty of exercise with early morning door-ta-door delivery of The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star! Profit Potentials may nary, depending on the size of the route. Must have reliable vehicle. 7 Days a meek. For complete detaîls on the route nearest you, please cali 905-526-3377 or simply fi11 out the antine application form at www.th.spec.cem and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. KIOSI KIDSI k,-ARAM4RK IS --Ageo2a-- JOB FAIR Wanttd foir TV& Monday Auguat l8tlr, 2008 Moie Jobs! 9:00 am - 11:30 am No Fean! MetI NELON IG SCOO Womet 16-65 yrs. NELSN HIH SCOOL Needed for turne! 4181 New Street, BurlIngton ON No ettras Apply tn Pes Parants cal!: Pttitions for Genenal HaIp and Lunch Room Suparoisont required at local high schoti (16l.32 cafetaituin Georgetown, Acton, Milton, Qakoille and Burlington. Some Pant-Tine atd Pull-T/me posiions uvailable. Great job for < 2 À l Stay ai Home Monos or Semi-retired pet. sons. Ali school holidays aid sOmmait off. NELSO HIGH SCHOOL Cenn 4181 Newe Street, Burlington ON 1 Reaumes car also be emailed foi Lai-c emify dolIhan@aramails.ca frhmýi No phone calt please. JOCIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$$$ We are looking for reliabf e, respons/ble Youtho and Adu/ta For door 80 door 10 deliverieo PLEASE CALL 905-878-2341 Ext#244 la cotrenty accaptg applications for a LEAGUE - ADMINISTRATOR This la a peanround salanied peut/on and al vfferei/ an a one peur canbeact basas. We are /so/tisg toi a self starter cha con cor/t ini/ependenfty, /5 very srganizei/ aindi / ah/e ho, cor/t anlin a team environnent. Piosa ses e mltonwlnsrhswlc0 for mare Information Emai! ail resus ta: into0mlftoawInWehawka.0o1 * part Time CleBs-up (Evetings & Saurduas * Full Tue Parts NOrirShIpper Recelver " part Tus Sbuttie Bas Driver /Esen/ngs/ We ana cunrently accepting applications for the ubooe positions. If you ana hand cor/tmg, naîrubleaund have a valid dinvers lîcense. Pieuse enaI or fus foui nesume confidence ta. Sob Dotales Pioed OperatlenO Manager Fo <905)>875 1516 Frasen Diract ha imnedi a caos opanîings: Cour choîca of etier a:0t ta 4:30 ceea/tys al oui Georgetown tacrlîiy or 7:30 ta 3:30 ceek/OVO ai oui Acion fuciliiy. Thesa are yaar round, penmanet positions for pic/t mng on/ais, relurn procasîtg and ganera labroui. Must 8e able Io lifi up t0 80 pour/ds (genaralîf lifting 30 poundo/ and ha in gooc physîcal condition. Siartîng cage $9.00/hu cuti oppontuntîra to rîcrease cages guîctlî for reliabît and producive anployeos Enari humnrenaounces@fruaerdirQct.ca and nefer ence 'Duytine Wsrehouse PoarI"on-. L/IGH OhS l ,'NdArNRE Canada's leadirng Weîght Loos and Nutition Cetrea s lookrtg for asargaiic and ani/ruasiic people crith a good atiude to foit oun eaan ai Oui Kennedy Ci. location. ltdioîduaîa wll proorde notivaion and support toi oun clietsaond se/I harbaI prodacis ns oui reai/ cîretele. Pull trrining proorderi. Fax renoms t 05884-0293 Or s -mail: herbalmagimltn@cogeco.C5 MARTINDALE GARDIENS RETIREMENT RESIDENCE la hiring! I.F\T Fand FIT dinitg oon coin saff IP\i cooka and drahwashars atnd Iose /tea era M1aueenegic, chai/ul idOidualj h1 enîoy tan/ana ana itotil toi uppîf by enal tnarcon@martîndsleaarden.con on drop rn wih rasana. IW 4*1Ge 4aonOn//Oi/5Ott 40pi.Pieutant environnent. Eaparîenca Iprferred but c/Il train the right cani/atae. Pes ep ndwt eaume iMS Word format to: 0 Tf cie dev H1 00~ Dah Sports sý h/rtng ult PIT Children's Coaches GROOM d~l for M/ltonI L Georgetown. I On Horse Fanm Are you fun, [ :0mat t 400 p energefic. rellable? Cal/ Peler at;.905-877-OW4 Pi Email resume admln* PARTTIME HELP n NEEDED Neadel for onderground CATVisaIJ oy ves tgs, Pic/t and Shove Wo k. Drivors i cence rega ed. t Ic eekond ol Milton and Geoo3town aeas. $1.2 14 pa hour No suitable 2ao41-2018-O7 for studets 525 Main St E. MltOon, Ontoio 905475-075 Seasatal Position Instructors 5 mules & 5 fomalos neei/oi/ nmediatll Lawn Maintenance and Landacape Nu ooporine toc. Crese Leadera and Labourera needed. r W il irait! Esporionce noga red. Pull tIna posos Mat ho porsabile loadin 10 permanent empîtymient for the night Humiltoas cati/dafo. New equpmenl atd gaad cages. %05-522-3237 Cali 9063-1530, Fo 90-69-914 or OOkYalf e fs eume t0e:ÉÉNM N TRAVELOOGE .a-htGofCus Choc/tan (w/ends (for the go#l ceunie) only).Guesi serm/ces ls rap & Meeting Roon cd 11as-n7-fl «(La Atendat, Pieuse ~o~eUt 2020 La/tashona Rd AVG $ 20/hr The Turf Maintenance Enunieratlon type wo*k departmnent is Comipensation NOW HIRING * performance Indivrduels muai be crllîng io conti eanly nomr- NO EXPERIENCE inga and ceekenis. Succesotai applicuts ia r r NEEDEO conti 485 hralday, paitoring varous duas ra- r Training lot laîad 10 tOry maintenance of tha course grounds. icceptedapplicants Sendi resume t0: Sean Mclo For as Interview bui/tongolf@lbellntca aei 1-866-421-2727 PuolCaîl 905-68t-2260 LOOKING FOR A IALLENGING & REWARDING w. ~PLOYMENT OPPORTUNITI? C e YMCA of Hamuton/Burlirgtôt a offeoing 1 î art Orne postitas prooding liceised caeti i * W! chidoet heteen the agea if 3.8012 yaars. 1 G he ta cetofo candidatea aitl he enthus aaic, atvoa ch idl focused and ahl att air it ta hie schada e. Reapona bities e cuda frontlne 1 tuparols/ot of chidreîi, as watt as, piogram îeopmnt, administration atd coinlg as part if the YMCA School Aga ChId Cane tan. f lava a diploma tn [CE, Ch/Id and toutr or tecia/ru r haoe to on none yeao aopi/etca coi/ing e/tr 1 chili/ret le a necreatiot on ch/Id cane sattitg éAre 1f yai if aga or otder Please comptate the johrtppî/catlon foarid on out cahaita ymcahbov.ca and etc/t c/th yoor lemne atd covai lattai ta o . SACCjohs@ymca.ca orma/i[ 00: SACC JOBS c/o H-amiton Docetowr FaniIy YMCA 9 James Stneet South, Han//ton, Otario L8P 221 We thaok ai tote lto apphld; soiy qoalified canefdiutes wiii. be cantucted for an interview. YC IE ----------- j /i roduction Assaciates - $12.00[hr ttraighl days M-t, nanafanturitq eapariroce a musi Permanent pastions, Ourlingian eneral Labour - $10.OO-$11.001hir traighi days M-F, aspanience with bond tals aurlingiot farehouse SortingilPacking - $10.GOfhr Aii shîht, lifting op to 30 has 5arnton resto Press Operators - $16-17.00Ofhr 2-3 years eopaietct a muai Permanent positions, Ouliailie MUSi HAVE OWN TRANSPOTAtTION Cal Os ai 905.637.3575 and as/t for Oeil,. 95 Brand tnt, Onit e -Oriingion ww.randstaiic nr randstad mat/t solutions CAN-ROSS Environmentai S Services Ltd. 2270 South Service Rd. W. Ostoville, Ontarie L8L SMO We orena Progressive Entrepeeuoil Company specialiong in Envarrotmetal Iti/osiral PnOdUcfs. we reguireGENERAL LABOURERS fan van Production area. Pisas Fao: 988-847-7175 or MAIL (address, aboya) resois ta Attn: MîrisoTidi Than/t /tO frnesoatiing, fu ol/r qaa/iiei/ cantidiaiea cr11 be conlacicol & ac/tnow/eigai/. PIess ne phono as. WHbLE FOO, Whole Fooda Markeat wants you tai Join aur Team. We o/fer conpeiive cages taing aiS $1.58 pan hoar, a prof shanîng plat and benefrt foi fa/I unme isan manheit. Domp lIst sur Job Pair on Auguat 101h, 2008 Promn 1O:00am lo 1:98pm Or forword resums ta Brendan.oneil@wholefoods.doin CUSTOMER RELATIONS $17.901 hr Local Disrrîbuo for International Manuacturer toc eapatditg tn Oalintot and COarile. Have openroga in Cosioner Relatirons Depari. mat No eaperiatce requrrait. Conpany offena. Complala training, pard oaca- tion, raprd Adouaneni & tonal is. AIl appîr- cernas matb hat in appeaanca and raady Io siani immediaiely c/th 0*01 transpontation. 90"434-0000 lOam-8pm tatPi CVctions vaila l im or r S mm no Mua! hes to ean validiveattictne. Asi hatvets a,,picant pîuNSaseraLy ta Fax0-7329 inrTe 90582-55 r Emai ino@polle,,.c or eryo ooing fore agr jo? aAus rlargeut FurtiroApuie ad ls ecora meulrueing alinthuaiic md du abl arondae em itla ouin - Fuii &hul catieontOffihe E:aett - weekond sls viab o mpeti- vsa s 10 ait o. pply lie persang 3osi87n NathServie frd Burlinga Poolli:g st&abConsui.c Nut e la Hirit dr/T r R iERERS Gal nese abourera Fortee rphcaot atdmah: mo poietcv.ef Arelyo l persng sora rt Copbv M-aa' Bas t - rnpm, e A lae a nd 487rni 9peter s d., in Penus st resame u It fr ea round airdyen er t oumples: ng on oaintofil te flown stons:@ (W.I art mîl hollco orein 1 & wuekn s hit iabe omei Miasissauga, Lons acprsnnlC In Evelyn 167Not ServiceA Rd apleview SUN IIDEM Storebu Manager Nos Hrng RP/TERS Sw n trbuctrsa Fo axe l ic atd Ser v oraf i Brlgattot /ailt & M naera (R orea 2 yetpiîtc Pull &re Paiiers p gai-erail asgen adm mor e LS.- 47SesRPlease cal!reum 9u 05-3-3B, aInd Ltfig peie (W. ofior novl Q/tolle orT1e cueent S.o &Pa-u iios it pealian avable mep mnel. PI&ss e caî unWifat fý1q e & e ldl cepm Ist octos e xeln ligad L aeager reai xpren Reiuîns F&iabe P/st marl TI haeSiritt uperisan rbunea.a PIeuse al[ 90*39-00oo ghEn Lngri retani tnaavil slab@ltyx coin 7

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