18 -The Canadian Champion, Wednesday Auguat 13, 2008 8 careers ripe for the picking Milton Loblaw Superstore 820 Main St. E JOB FAIR SATURDAY AUGUST 16 TH lOam - 4pm Corne in for your ON-THE-SPOT Interview! We are currently recruiting for: Store Clerks - Night Crew - varlous depts. MUST have flexible availability *Applicants must be enthusiastic and have great customer service skills e Flexible availability Lincluding days, evenings and weekends e Loblaw Superstore offers flexible hours, comprehensive raining and attractive employee discount package. YoM, Community e"paper 0lIkfr Fin)+ oI«tJ Firqst tudent Canada I ~olit, rM i1 111a )vUS USh pm H E Ri TAG E rPLAC E Heritage Ploce, boom)e reonWolbors Lino in Burlingten, 50 laouny retiennent reiidncnfor eios tîoi nmpbosîans o lifeipin ofroretero sonurtyand ivdnpnenre Propnty moagd bypeciky L.iinoadiision of Specioby Car www.speeiahphniingooa DIRJ3CTOR, MARKETING & SALES Wr haveoagetovpp sniey fvoree naed individual with r at eelosvonship-baîldng silis on) roperieece ie consumer soles. Yos wii hardie sales înquiries, boild reiadsîbps wirh clients and assist thon tdbogldieepmocss -fom salertomoveinYoucrlfl e aaesem leader os dvii psprry eperde in 2009 on) develvp o nsmprebieveîve maetihngand outreach psgram ta build omaniy avarenes ande a refeerel boue. Strmg covveoeioy contacts, exceleent foitow-ap oend sales silîs. oeil computer iiteeacy ar-e ail assois. This full so poeston cr11l mnov sreeenîvg oeil wreevd havre depeeding on the oiobility oyeur prospecice client base. Euperenne ir Retiement Loýing weuld oies beoanasses. Please senil your resmne oeil cverng levter, hy Juin 28, 2008, se: Mark Lugowski, Director of Operations. Fao: 905-319-6349. S-mail: mnark.iugowski@speciaity-care.com. We thovir ai candidates for tiroir ierst onip those seloured for or interveil beontacrrd. QAAssistant Yu wi gather and enter data pfomrotn alsad respond to inquies reaed toou A deaimet owila assis wt hcompaeywdeeaudtan olbre wit t depariments to ensure OA polce n tnad r implenrenteil and maintaineil. You have an OSSO, ideally a poet-secondary educahion in a relateil fieldl, and eeemplory organizational and communication skîls. Your elevaled attention to detail and experiesce with applications such as MS Word and Excel are ideally sapponteil by success aith QA systeme preferebly gaived in a manufacturing ensîrsoment. We offer competîtive wages and benefîts. If pou are interestein e challenging and rewarding career, please forward your resume tiv Operating Limiteil Partnership f Terri Hodge e-mail: ihodge@eicweat.com tel: (905) 825-2252 ext. 4214 fax: (905) 469-5708 CHILDREN'S PROGRAM INSTRUCTORS NEEDED The Town ot Milton, Commurnity Services Dopertnvnit iv currontly eccepting applications for the part-lime seesoniat positions o) Chitlten's Frogram Inistructor. The succosotul applîcents wtîl ho tesorOsiOle for planning ond delîverîng a top quelity rocroatior progran for chîldreni, onsurîng bhat tbe actioitios are sale, fun and approptiato fnt the ugo groap in which tboy are delisered. PUBLIC SKATING PATROLLERS & cASHIERS NEEDED The Town ot Milton, Communîty Services Departmerî is currontly eccepting upplications (ton nature ndîuiduals ro li tho part-tino seasorel positions of skate petrollero and cashiers. Reportirg to tho Frogran Assistant, Skatinig, these positions are resporsîble for maîntainîng order during thv public skating progran ans prouioîng a sale and enloyablo onuirooment. Intenosted applicants ahouîd elsit the careers section eft(ha Town's website at www.m)Iton.ca 4I CASUAL PART-TIME CONCESSION MIkIONSTAFF NEEDED The Tows of Milton, Community Services Dvpartmvnt as currontly acceptiog applicatins for casuel pert-tîme assistance for their concessions. lodîviduals wîlI assist wîth fond preparation and serving tfie public. The Town bas tbreo concession locations: Milton Sports Cenfre, Memorîi Atone aod the John Tonelli Sports Centre. The Tocs os tooking for dynemic individuels chu are able to work in e fest pece cork vnvîrosmvnt and posovos excellent cestomer service skîlîs. If yoe are interested in thîs position or could like more information pleese vsst (ho careers section of tbe Townos wobsito eit cww mlton.ce. Wcowto O0W In-paper Boac peo ,o u IN.-PAER jOB FMR COMPANY NAME xipploaienaadki usputyor eployaient & LOGO oppeeooieiootae ihan Bond f 00 147,900) hosho)dai va â0gion Company PROFILE: Ookeilk, Mills oeil Floasbroagh. (INCLUDING: Comny %iy notgiooUNyear co"yo (pM4 Spar nfÈ fetc} profile olong with Mle oilil ro YOt, COtiPaii Prdle Hm!e iafoeaolion, phone ue a daiof ie! Mg ~o erar jb opporiaoiooeyou hove to effet. YrCopn touadill s) p)ocod in oor spociot OipoiiOtttO Noe section euh eiialonten olal aloit CMPANY ADDRESS RUEON NOlISER peop)oih 1isoanoioctese on v hS I -MAIL -FAX km* iveiZ rie!s Boedrgton Ps h Wprtr OT Barn) oin oei Do AZ Drvers equird wit BONUS: AddilMtona 7boum cert)ictate Hyh< IÈm'ISise5o5otP Experierce 2p mu))) Ird -,DAL :A Crossborder (FAST) nc CWitlsohaua DEDLAgi Dry vans& 0005rs axenef tiIh Cos eie Wage an asst Cal: 905632.40 Fax SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED IN GEORGETOWN Good for stay est homo Mume, Rotirees, & ail interested applicants, woII paid. Duties: To transport children from Georgetown schoo)a to a Martial Arts Progralm. Type & Mode) o) vehicle E350 Applicant muet have appropria)) license. Pick up ((me atarta betweon 1 pm ta, 4pm Fram Manday thraugh Friday or 3 ((mes per week aiea available APPLY NOW - START SEPTEMBER 2ND 2008 CALL (905) 873-2809 OR EMAIL: felix@aztec-net.com Sa o a h di ... V'!O ( aiai CIptpo lasfe GeS eS-t s X I a". Boni Poge Avoiteble tA for devuili knvilte $929 Flembereeg fin $299 Dm enxloirfono $150 . CafikordettuLN u :15,20 PUBLISHING DATE: Anges) 20, 2009 9.6286.Eomal claesifed@tolîeeerch.com Now accepting applicetiuns for tfie Fait Pick-Your Ccv season, Septem- ber Oclober. Matere peuple requited furthIfe fuluwiog pus)tiuns: Weekond~ Be bequers BBC Sapervso Casbîers/Interac *Fuud Service *Shuppe Rotait *Play Area Monitors *Parking Lut Attondents *Wasbruom Maintenance *Tractor Drivers Weokdays Tour Guides (Mon-Fni) *Food Service *Tractur Drivers *Animal Area (Mon-Frît Please appîy In persan to: Chudleigh's FARM 9528 Regional Road 25, Milton, 10-5 Any day