16 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday Aagust 13, 2008 roi* Index: Real Estate 100-135 * Business 140-169 ae Rentais 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 * Communîty 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miîtoncanadianchampioncoM a Merchandise 300-385 a Auto 400-470 * HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fh. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad subrnission by mail or en person. The Canadieni Champion, 555 Industriai Drive, Sude Sons. 2n4 Floor, Miton, ON LOT 5E1 Doadliles: Tues., 1Oa.m., ton Wed. publication, Thîrs. 108 am. for Fri publication. Special Feature & Holiday doadlînles may uiry. Paymoni: 46e accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa. Mastorcard. Americar Espress. Ait l optaced ore no-roloudoblo and ns credi Witt ho isad. Business accoînts cas be opened with ae approvei credit application availabie front yodr Sales Cooscltant. CHECK YO0006D THE FIRST DAY IT 000010o eesure the intormation is correct. Contact yocr Sales Consultaht ithir 24-Hnurs il an error appears. An error on a Fni. publication must be reported no later bhan Hoo., Il .0. i Housoog Waooi *Apartmrents a&mot-" eTwhue al ais: For Rosi FiMais For Root For Ront COUNTRY Restai Homes MILTON t bise SILVERCREEK Towers, MILTON 4-bdrrn town- oated bytsature' expe- bsight basetssst apt. 60 ParkAenue. Large house neartmail.paol,6 rierreed aduits. No chot- Shaed estrance. sable, broght clean 3-bedroem appliasces $1350irea, lst drert, nro smeokitg. Excel- !-parking spot & iacttdty coit fret Ot300irsot & test outtijies. Available lentrt5erences. 647-233- ,relcded. Single perses utilities ineluded oeto 2 Oct 1tst. 905-691-4325 6500. prsetered. $800imth. rea apploasees, in-suite _______ tirstflast/reterences te" stotage. Frieediy stature OAKVILLE- 2 antd 3 dutil qcted. Avaiable irme- bsilditg, iceiodes iaundry bedreoom toorehouse. diately 905-878-0410. tacility on-site and tegular Aeailable September st. ÉW Comm. Spocral resident avets. Openr apploasees, Hopedale t- Bedroors Actes. days/eenis. Ask about MaIl aras Lakeshre REASONABLE ordcstrai Avolabie Septetebet lSt oct ircenttees. 9083 Maeagement 905 876- unit tROOsqh wth drie detes isluded. No pets. 8080 otsl.teaistateda inr 905-277-9347 et 905- Fi,stfastireteresoes te- 36 275-6834. quired. Celi 519-853 iiHo sWo S 1 fieBsns -BIEDROOM apartreent 4-BOr t stsese dowtstee Georgetown. lotrls to e ryt ho LOCAL famiy iee6osg te SMALL preat ifoe Aeoolaole Septambet ltt sesý SS apîiasoes, tront rent option te boy is the be elaly apossd $750imonth pics hydre. ledrWO vrai ct outskiris ot Mites. 3 pius Aory 21 Cla s gtN Set Ot72hitsth plus 1 acres and 2 car garage. 3 25& 40t 1-905- stseker. no pets. 905- tedeth socuttty. 647-278- hodreeme pius and0 277-9347 or 905-275- 702330t 9036 tsstcse 2bttos 6634_______________Please eaul 905-592-2t33 1-OEDROOM apartttent -Ca bungalow double sef ot eat. IY IBusiness on hstric building. cl00n- SCO uae o * a tees Gergetown. Lest garage. iutdo eiisgs, wih Aic. ecuntty irsettn os fff Rooil For heatwaer/arkng ntees Frst/las erediO m Rosi & Waoiod JOB et hotse. $467-68 hatdeipayroera. No check. 5t9-853-0336. Wsekiy AssetsbesPd- cies Hde eraN ucs v o optr mkn' Firetotastý MILTON large tsars beor cor. Maie orC tis $stssku h Aaitb BALLINAFAI) 3-bcd- badrots, ehared ta- Wworlr FRe i Doai OSretbrtt Aalab905 reets 2-stoey Csstury cilrres. quiet seçlueds writes.ToJob6Scr 372 Ri- pt7-54b5 hotse os t-aces Backs ecutry hotse, Mals pte- atue C6Jbe 72 <-677540 ete park, 20' Cstolre- tesred. 401iGueiph LUne. dsac St, 89t6-yt5 ACTON t-bedtedts base- place. 2-car garage. adscto 805-654-359. Ottawa ON, KtN 037 t- table___________ N 807-625-5576 tsent aparttssst Bright Acadai tteiti.N __________ and cisas. Abovs greiso petessokers. Rater- MILTON. 2 sece motei e odoas, $0montOin-t en ees pisase. Firstitast. 1la Moigge, eledes utirties. caîl s1g- $t.47sitsonth Cal 416- ce coquit hose, g000 8on 53-9743. 888-5721. loeatien, share kitchesil Loans bath/ iacsdry, parking. $$MOEY$ ConoliateACTON 4-year eid, 1t250 GEORGETOWN 3-bed- $2/ot tsdetcre mo D90ebts Mortgage dte cf.mi lorbna o main floo bcsga-O2is.at 450 Secte Meotgagsse Ba tt low n - er scg eets ts Near auinrclusive. 905-875- soc eeese oC e 3bdretss ics0e1518; 416-40i2-8004. credO OKI T5e Me gags Cenrte 1-802821sOir OOWNTOWN MILTON MitiieaTacers 62 Mitiside Drive. Attractive quiet ebuiding. Opacooce bt0450 oieen 1 &2 edroest cnit$ oth soialdryooiionnsie, eeguîar sesodant avants Open 7 doge & eveelns colt 905-876-1249 cww.eeoisOo.ca MILTON 3-bdsnt ai lo -bungaleow dpt heac/hydre il parking setl. OtOhitsth. 905 299-998& ACTON APARTMENTt very cisas, qcoet buiiso dotS iaunisy tacioty sits. -bitm eeiaib otsmadoateiy. 2 t.bdss auaieble Nou st. Opes daos &evesongs. Sacs day appreedi. cal t-5t5 853-4374 eesa. ras MILTON Baemeot apas Ment mnutes awayttvsi Shepposgo40t. Lasa baeityard,' guiet Stteet,: cor parking, laui taeloty $680ts55h icA soce 905-875-888 MILTON t -badsoeo apadoent with baises Aealebie Oct, te SteOltetS. Utltttee cicisi. Ns dogs pro roai&d Jacots blirei 4-9p 905-864-7336. MILTON t-bitte + de sesiei apt. Avaitabls O tsi 905-334-6610. OMALL 2-bires tr MiRO st0v5. boidg, sas-este or, se pots. APPtY Mule 90"5-78-3286 Mars loies icsdsy, CiA. S Non sm0oing/no pers pre- o ferre. 55 .3noomcnth pics t utoirtos Laul 905-873- T724. nocoTOco Geeorge s ton large t-bsdsOsom s OvtSitsontb pics hydro a usd0005s apploescesipasb- t .ng. No smvoipets i credos check ittstotcstet t Snes Acartabie Au-i gcst 3Oth. Cati 905-877- 4427.i GEORGETOWN 2-had t mcontbassteentointasilyo hoe. Soptembet lts Quoet etspioyed Noo s m 0k ing 1p at s i t $850imocth pics. Ors- 998-5101ý GEORGETOWN Dooro- town Bachelos and ose bedroote Apartts Pails July lt Neciy seseoeted. Parking. escn- adry, Seat ncies. $7000tsosth and $90itsosth. Cail Jseotsr n905-873-0438. MILTON curnseressi etth ensuite tsarsflo -and amsple parkinsg tOutabie fos goret teteate n Ltght eOOkrs§ and lac64srY e asuiotes aoaiehle. Pleasa no 5eSoking et pots prs- -Y tesred .Srtso. usetudes o. eat attd hydro Asaatable Oct 2046 Firsi0 last 905-878-4571 m MILTON- Large ose bei- Y sote baseatsst apadt- t, mentt A-.ib-. eptet t- ber t. 2008, $850soin- u s-sluisgutifioee Matute rit neighbeerhooi. contact Scott Pior Remae Real - Este Centre se 90s- n. 878-777 ct MILTON. 1t-beiraets baeseet apadtsest. - paeking, $750eois. Fîrsti o. test, Non-smoaking. k- Avaiiebio itstsditely. V. 905-064-6533; 905-699- Or111: 647-s5-3586, moking $1 2BSiteefth lcs AE ctriotues Cail .19-853-2161. CLEN Wlliams 2-bei- 0eM, ccssentiy hersg enseuted. soo fur taceiAC, essor appi 55es Ne pets/smoeking. lt.O0onuth pies. OCoe rset, First/loet. ester- sncesicsit check. 905- 877-5229. GLEN WILLIAMS bei- Oeum. ccstastiy hersg erooated. nw fr naceiisC. 6-sew appi acces. No pstsiesmokrs§. St ,oOOitsoth plus. Ocre- ber 155. Firstiast. Rear- ecasiesedut check. 905- 877-5229. MILTON/ESCARPM EST, Mastaty. New 4-beisset etth oppluatoces. Ne $202 /mOtosth plus utirtras Aealabie Sep- tetsber tst. Coui 647-285- OLDE Miton townhche 3 badssetse. 3 berce. iaunity 5 oppliasses. clir, dasA 500to utuirtres. FstLe. s Nov.905-876-2517. STEELESITRAFALGAR. Minutes to 401. 3-bed- ssets sudesepiot. 4-appi- acces. atsachsd double garage. O 200tsosth c liis 905-844-3007 MMFor ORnS MILTON 4-baîts toors- hsese ceas Meal;. pesI. e applitoses $1350/mo lst & lest oboCldes. Aoartbla Oct rer. 9ee-691-4325 GEORGETOWN 3-bei- cnn townhousa. St .40e1mth pics utiiotoes. Firsrdas. rater- essc esi ntcedit check Sa petsisosking Asaitebis Auaaet 1th Colt 905873-7468. Loaley Rasmussen and Or. Tim MerKee are proad 10 anneusce the birgh of their twis sons bort on Jaly 30, 2008. Griffîn Timothy McKee arrived as 3:40 pm weighisg 51b 1 4oz, and Oliver Andrew McKee arrived aI 3:45 pm ceighung 71b 2oz. Griffts andi Oliver are also welcomed by their siblisgs Eleasor, Ethan and Ryan. Special thanks 10 Dr. LiSke for excellent prenatai care and a safe delivery, and the nursing staff and pediatricians at OTMH. Daycare Accomm on A PLACE FOR FANSeAcE sets os BEFORE AND endes, eharsi hoce, APTER i bdtm's. 3 Stedense SCHOOL CARE 05-876-1403 os 905- Sas spots avarrable frt 0645825. yecs scoee-aged tomne ai Doriry Rd an alh bekfs Bronte. Miton 2 bai- menu, Lite e9tersses coins and tsarisesoo snack, Tucdairy bahroots Ohase app- astertres Aditionai 0699 0 /o cau Oayse viyDsb SRA Days, 00506 Closur e0ay IPÀril Nanis Reoarve yaar spot oaaoy 28-878-7245 PROFESSIONAL lise out_________ sanny teqcttei fot Oud BEFORE & ARtes sssaoi Miton Hoe. Rates- cors fr Oct Lady et Vac aeas, CPR. Police crieck, toty Oehsei. Pick-up & saguosed wth applicaon.ras op-eRf Music. sts. Positive bote, poid hoi- 8616 & parhe. obsaty out- dae. Fax (905) 864- caige Nutrotraus Iriais. 4774 amantt 90586486056. diana@abayer.c LIPE oct Nasss for infatset yiti seqcut ed 3-5 doystwe saI Cati Pot 905-875-1327. BABSrMTR edadir esiy esser es thos posi- Daycare toc tste s nsud Sept. AVcia-bie Pisase sait Bath 289-29t- BEFOREJAFTER schooi ptegtami seat Chs Had- fildstPO Hateor sup- rata Toon play. Larusco 905-864- TEACHIN position for 6723. prisais home S bouts pat day ta ork oruts pre- 9L scS ooias E0E or dti@bayst.co Monday ta Fnday M For Sale I9aMto5prn 000 suckets tor causee I~~aDors Auguet 27th gosi 905-864-7150. APT s Pianooung- caeirs. 905-542-2793. U 1 ýIjjli b work! call 905.878.2341 249 M Oosten -Barrott Nicole (nee Soucie) are pleased 10, annousce the 00:0en on August ltI, 2008 ait 5:dlam, ceighing Sîtis ilozo. Prous*d grasdparenls are Bev & Jim Soucie and Brenda & Hugo Oosten and proud - great grandmother Denise Soucie. EGGLETON Ouane & Amy & big alatero Haley and Tiffany are pleased 10 announce the birîth of Kylle Joan 7lbs Sozo on July 195h. 2008 ait Milton District Hospitl. I eii your f ahrIy & f riends Iwfth BidhAnnoLsenenfit 4t g u t üîog veot Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Services of Halton (S.A.V.I.S.) In Partsershîp citft: Amnesty International, Haltos Commundty Legal Services, -lion District Sehool Board, Hahton-Peel Humanîst Communty, Hafton Rogionai Police Services, Hafton Women's Place, Ninas Place, Qoaille Poetry jAlliance, The Worns Centre & Women of Haillo Action Movement Presents: Wharn: Thurmday Auquel 21, 2008 * O:OOpm - 9:00 Pma Whore: Hopedale Mail, 1516 Rebecca Street, Onkvlie Informatton: $AVIS et Halton p A1 (905) 828-3522 envie@savisofhiiitofl.org fù www.eavleofflton.org %l Tala BacloThe Night (TBTN) bas been as inlorsalicnally organized eet sînce the 1970's. Halons TBTN inldes a voirin and cidres only aoCi-violenice walk toi protest veolence aganst corn and childres of ail ages and back- grounds. Wo morch to1 roproseni our nighltoi colk at stght witlaut fear Mon cos conttact SAVIS about lac fttcy cao la an ally at TBTN. 9W .~~ --j SaUDdenly asohen etPrr o Health C ete est onay Aud 2008.h Johren oaldisg 8 Milton 1o1, ha8a. Jotn Cathyn Gofltog. Sady mîsbad ofhî Cahylrn Shacong adlhi ite Kely As anid er Shuasad Des Maeel, Mak and hus wite Isabesa Lyns, r and h uanf saeJefre Lyand Jefr hand his ce Daselre. Loang frememberd bhis 14 rand-le chilre Sured by ts b4rother Pheter Goulding. Faiy asd frited are îte o isit Fati the MoKRie-d KaCeRivtdt ii i FUN hA H M E 1 Min St.HE Mîlto L HO-ME-45 f1om24 Mi an.Mito -9058845 pmo o-4 ThraAMi Service cil be Thed ay th fasnri homie l e sanghtl at 9:00 pm. The hoea Tsvcel b het vs FridayTh ugualseric 15, l 200 at 1100an n they fuusaI, home hapel 11e0eptti te funerw. hmemorial donations 1 te Heartw and Srke Fonation or the Milt adistr ospla Fosodatios h Milaod Deiarcîastal Ledtteon coldleoe ay eiedtfo ether fl ait wcw.mckersie-kocher.ca ta place an ad cdli 905.878.2341 MOOLER, Ann Passed acay at Martiodale Gardens sn Milton on Sanday, Asgasl 10, 2008. Long lime resident of Wasaga Beach. Ano Modler, beloved cite 0f the late George Modler. Sadly missed by her daughter Sasan and hec hasband Robert Dosaelli, and son-în-law George Prior. Loving grandmother of Scott asd his wife Detibie Prior, Detibie and her husband Pal HaggarO and Steve and his cite Denise Prior. Fondly remembered by hec greal grandchildren; Jordoo Haggarl, BrandonO Haggarl, Shacn Agaiar, Victoria Prior, Joshua Prior and Daniel Prier. Predeceased by her daaghters Bonsie Prier and Patricia Green and son-mn-lac Jerry Mandel. The fanerai service caes held on Teesday, Augast 12, 2008 at 12:00 ait the McKersie- Kocher FuseraI Home 114 Mais St. Milton 905-878-4452. Memorial donations to the Canadien Cancer Society woald be apprecialed. Lellers of condolence may ho ieft for the tamily ai wwc.mckersie-kocher.ca '~The Mitoni District apprecoates asy In Meriamnatioens: Miî8on Ontario Foundation LgT 2X5 L 3 f ffl Available 1