Tough run for Mavs at OLA champiîonships Novices eliminated in quarteiinals; midgt go out in third roun Adding to their league hardware just wasn't in the cards for two local lacrosse teains thîs past weekend. Fresb off their Zone 8 'C' title wins, the novice and rnidget Mavericks were both denîed medals at f their respective provincial cbampîonships. Moved up two -divisions i Whitby, Miltons novices reached the quarterfinals, wbere they were ousted 9-2 by Fergus. While refusîng to fold their tents after fallîng bebind, the Mavenicks just couldn't find that opening nceded to îurn tbe tables on their formnidable opponients. David Scarfone and Jacob Wickware did flic scoring. Milton ran the garnut in round- robin play ith a win, loss and tie. Tyler Townsend tallied twice in the fonte victory - a 6-4 decîsion over Mississauga's second-entry squad - while cbipping in singles were Scarfone, Wickware, Callum MacGregor and Mac Mazzacato. Baîley Brown was rock solid hetween the pipes, as be was in a tour- nament-openîng 4-4 stalemate wîîh Newmarket. Scarfone potted a pair in that one, wbile also denting the twine were MacGregor and Justin Wbetbam. The Mavericks closed out the round robin with an 8-3 loss to Niagara-on- the-Lake, with Scarfone, Townsend andý Wickware recordîng the goals. Midgets in tough Meanwhile, the mîdgets had ar equally tough time in Hamilton, bu mansged to avoid the minimum two and-out exit at the double-knockou championships. That was thanos, to an 11-0 second round annihîliation of Six Nations 3 Fortifying their oflence after a 4-1 los to Caledon, the Mavenicks struck eari and oftent to keep their provincial ru going. Cory Early and call-up Brando Bodiam splît the shutout, whîle Jalo Davis and Bryden Curran led offensivi ly Davis lîad a hat-tnick and two assi',c FUM1JE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE LG R40FO 9106706. Pieuse noien poge i of ihe Sut th flyer, 1his pdoi s advotised es hoiîg on HDM Otput. Ths modal dos nt oi u n IIDMI Oîipo W. «@ ferii np6ii tatmWd il, My hmtu To uuied cuoîtmefs W. aPDIOL ur ta ay 7" agnegcpuu by n etor n our fper daied: cessory Iutas$9995aJe $70 wen, nr ac ît houd e $79-99 save $50 SKU: 1t105346 CORECTON NOE Wi taSpol 8300 Due. SPori 1001979/ 1007197 On page 28 ofth .gos Oth oyet md adviM h t dry. mb- el 1299.aotih O dIttnnoîî while Cm-ran contributed two goals and tbree helpers. Also tallying twice was Scott Dermott. The Mavericks looked poised to slave off elimination again, jumping ont to a 3-0 lead against Oakville 2. But their regional nivals would enjoy a buge reversai of fortune in the second period and bang on for a 7-6 squeaker, with goal inside the final minute of play Tbe lone scorer versus Caledon, Curran stood ont once again with a couple of goals and an assist, while Brenclan Farrell and Vikram Kalia helped keep the Mavericks in position to advance with a goal and two helpers each. The Mavericks bave one remnaîning shot at an OIA medal, with the ban- tarus set for this weekend's showcase in whitby The Canadian Champion, Wod, Aug 13, 2008 - Al 5 Brothers set to coach IceHawks lias, bad quitc a lew broters pass through its ranks over the years. Now the lceHawks will bave siblings hehind the bench, as bead coach Bill McDougall will be joined by brother Rob - wbo'll serve as the senior assis- tant for the 2008/09 season. Lîke bis brother, Rob played the Provincial Jr. A league and enjoyed a fhve-year tenure in the East Coast Hockey League after attending Plattsburgh. clevelopincot trainhng with NCAA-bound players. The McDougall tandem wnll be joined by assistant Bryan Gent, a 27-year-old native Miltoian who just recently completed a brief pro soint - after an impressove run at Oswego. Expected to have most of their eligible players back froru last year - including Kevin Caister, J ustin Basso and Dillon Branco - the lceHawks open hîtion gaines schcduled, hegin- ning wîth a meeting wîth flie jr. Canadian Thursday at 8 p.m. They're currently looking for a number of volunteers [or the coming season, including an equipment manager and public announcer. Family bil lets are also heing sought. Anyone interested in filling these positions is asked to caîl club co-owner/president Dean Piett at (905) 467-1651. Charity 3-on-3 hoops tourney back at E.C. E.C. Drury High School will once again he holding court in meînory of two of its alumni. Back hy popular demnand, the fourth annual Sbooting for Angels 3-on-3 charity hookethaîl tournament is slated for August 23 and 24. Sponsored hy Kenworth Tnuck Centres, the late summer event is a tribute to Mike Maynard and Doug Burns, longtime best friends and beloved members of the school communîty who were killed in a car-train crash in 2004. for recipients L-awson Ministries (branch ni Salvation Army) and Milton District Hospital. Organizers are also hoping to use some of the proceeds to establish a scholarship at Drury. Games will be played tbrougboui both days, wbile a Saturday night party is also planned. To find out more about the tournament, reg- ister a teatn or otake a donation, visit www.shootingforangels.comi. Ask about Our diabetie program. WEIGHT LOSS & NUTRIIO CETES Carriage Square, Milton 1010 Kennedy Circle (Corner of Main & Martin SIS) & (A&P Plaza, Off Thompson Rd.) 905-693-9594 905-864-0292