Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 2008, p. 28

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28 - The Canadian Champion, Friday August 08, 2008 OUISIBE ABVEBIISINJ SALES God BoaI s the prise and anlise directosy division of MeOrsland Media Osovp Lsd., a whslly owned svbsidîasy of Torstas Corposatosn. Wie service local markets, prsaidisg srnalf buivaîesses witi aflordable maltimedia advertisisg bundles and prsviding cosomers with complete listings of buadresses aod seroices relevant o sheir To esore sur contisoed grswth asd soccess, Oold Book is searcisg for esergelo asd self mativaiva rodividoals to lois oui team. vie are svekirg Sali rime 001510E ADVER TISINOG SALES REPRESENTATIVES 50 service sur Brampon, Miltos, Caiedor & Osasses/lle markeis, The primai/i sesporsibility of this position i 550 maxime advertisisg revenue for Oold Book. In Ohis sole, yov wlI be cvstomrne-focused and wilI bonld strorg selatisonshp with sewcliuests. 00v will provide potertial custorners miih cressive, effective adver5isn/rnsrketirt solutions and wilf play a kep sole in the averafi success of sas s sgana rtias. - Are pos a hard warlisg and irdeperdeot, self-starter? A Do yos esîsp dealingt smisraîl basinsses and rneeting sew people every day? *Are yeu a hunter, wînh tIre confiderce asd drive ta eecei as genesaiig asd cltsing n0w business? *Do yta have excellons comnincation, preaertatîss and telephsre skills? *Are yoa a type-A personality vens la goal-oriented asd capable of rneeting aggrecsîve weeklp targetos A Dopasu have a "whatever it takes" atttde wher it cornac to achievîsg poar hsnancial goals? *Are poa eetrernelp arnitiiss w/tIr as outstandirg work ethic and unprocederted drive for îrnmediate resaltal *Do psa have a reliable vehicle? If ysu answered 'Pet' to aIl of the above and woald lIte te purse a rewardirg career witb an isnoative leader in thle media inidacirp, thlc opportanity rnap ho thre rigfrt nne for py. 90e tufer a cempebtave compensation plan w/tir unlimIfed incarne petentiel Interested candidates are ineited to apply te Mary Ricket, Regionial Sales Manager at mrickette@gldboek.ce mie thank ail applicerre for their inrereet howeoer onlp rhose seleoned foroan irterview wiii lie conrtactaed No phone cafis or acerores pieuse. GoJd~ ---o --------c The Milton Canadian Champior, a divison of Meiroland Media Croup Lid,, has ar immedîie opesing for ani: Advertising Sales Representative The quatîfîed candidate wili be a moiivaied, ondependerit, self-starter drives by achieve- ment. sou wîll posaess excellent wsifter and verbal communication sIsilîs and be familial with Microsot computer applicatios. Advertiu. îng sales experience ls adehylite umset. n i/ris rote. pou wiii ho cootomner fncaoed and wîil bud otrsrg reiatîsnshîps wîth new and eeîsing cfients hp ensanng thraitNe/r adenio- îng needu are met. Yoa cîli ho goal-orienteol and capable af meeting regular monthlp budgets and special section targeta. If pou wouid like tu coro for a leader in the media industry thîs oppurtunify may ho the ngite ane ps u. A neliabi e vehicie is nequired. Il lnterestied pIsas tarward pour resamne ne later tan Aagast 15th, 200810: dkappelao@mlltoncanadianchamplon.com Fax: (905)632-O30 Wo apprecicto the iniereat of ail applicanto howeser onip those seiected for an interview wil ho contaced. Ne phono calos or apencies ploase. 'TOILVO 0F OAKYMLE e SALES MANAGER Vovoof Oakl co ling for aSales Manag- er 505il the vacac in os dynamicSalesDe- partmnent Vnlv of Oakvle is te excusie Voies Deaiemshîp servîcîng tho Oafmiiie and Barlingtsn area. We offen a stase of the art fa- cil/tp, competfive rernanenation, and an oxtet- s/vo new and used car irverior. Car expent- encad management team iv dnver to essure total succesa. The ideal candidate cii ho a sales manager or sales psofesaîonal rn nelateol and non reiated fields, We eutl aiso consîder dsrven, seff-molisaiod business ececatives seanchîng for a nec challenge in a Premier Auismotîve Sales Ervîsonmerit ALSO REQUIRED FULL TIME SALES PERSON Please apply by emnail tai martinsj@volvoofaakviHe.com ~2JàP -o 1is ~~SalSale Hep __ ~Op ~7 Fndiar-tm R sotng agos stobe wasi o P . clt a fie as n s part-s p.m aslots a xincha o am IQt u et a muI i the G a e s rg a els s o c a tio n I-undPNTînPsîîss il'..tsl - eaI 125 Crossl h-paveuOk Cropofs t/ osese Seves ndish agetjWasr sm e seion s a t sstt JbFr10ProneF 905- 65-176 or al NWHIRRING FOOEad ERSAG Appy nperes ort feam: 90639 1967 l CubyCu 363ion anleAnuemi m Milton Gara ge Sale for Weekend to End Breast Cancer Sat. Aug. 9; 8 arn - 1 prn 30 Heslop Rd. unit 22 Lots eftoya & boye clatnea. Ran or ahine MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 9 - Bam-ll1am 579 Clover Park Cres Many brand new items in original boxes. Dont miss this onel MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat August 9 Barn - 12 naon 989 Donnelly Street (Trudeau & Losi St. Laurent) Whoeichar, turnilur, hvasewareo, etc. RAIN OR SHiNE Miltes 2-Family Garage Sale SatAug9-8am-1 pm 880 & 884 WilIow Ave. Excellent qai/y furnittire, Ptous ehold goods & much more! Oakville Moving Sale Sat. Aug. 9; 8 arn - 3 prin 1060 Sheltered Oak Court Antiques, frnture, coloctibiet, ailIt planta, glacaca, etcf Rais date: Sun. Aug1t GARAGE SALE Sait Aug 9 - 8am - Noon 579 Moorelanda Crea. High tale & barctouis, ewhite ieather sota set, (cofa ecooeal &6 cair), pitrs miro , firepiace mantal <dlecoratme), bîkee. Pooens, bar stoc.tcea rai optcSarnang 17" GARAGE SALE SatAug 9- 8am-Noonl WieDrive *Gerbl, otep machine, sports equipnenl, tosadmach more Milton GARAGE SALE' Sat Aug 9 -Bamn - Noon 282 Woodward Ave. Treadmil. eoercîse eqatymeor. comparer gsmes ciassc fvosbaii ltae, bar top odes tee andS mach mach more. L Ag7 B O Y Unique Opportunity rU IN v EG ER Dermeticu, s groaîng Burlîngton cosrnetc Are pou is RETAIL SALES soc? Are you practîce oeeks soîf-asurel, passionate mndi- istereuted in a mach BETTER relait job? vîdua e/service eeperience, apas/oiirg pemsos- Weîre seeking mature, lalented, eapenîeniced ality genaine interestins people and desîre t0 people wîth a backvground rn sellîrg sn a roîsil be chaiienged ir profesorona, pet fori teav enr environrnent to becorne La-Z-Boy Scies Pre- virsyment. fessienals. Canididate is organîzed, corufortable isieract- We effer a generous Compensation Program, ing wlclîenls ail ages/backgrounds, has good Company Benetit Plan, Professional Traînînig, comnad of arîtter/spoken Engish, avoulable Opportosîfies for Advascernt and a unique tu cori Thursday throsgh Salsrday, spportsnilp t0 wonIs euh Canada's faslest Ereaif rosume ta jstipancic@dermetica.c groeîng Irigh qualiiy fassîture showrooms DeOnmetîco as eçoal opporsvsiy employer salves the lhi Lazhep Farnttre Galtorios. verOs4y of sas wonîîfvrce and hsovlvSgr of ovî people Yeu must have reliable transportdtion, excel- lest verbal and wriften commnicaion asilis, sorne prevoos selal esperiesce and a flexible 11 i , tu il schedole that permîts you t0 wors os wees- ends and sonne eoenings.aM We have openîrgs ai - OakvilielMississauga ~2 Border, Brampton, Barfingtcn, North Mis- sisuga and Etchicoke lits easy to apppi We taIse applcatiors 1010le phono only - 24 hos a da - sîrnply oeil Char- lie ait 905-315-9966it - when greetîrg begîrs pu dîi 150, iher dial #6151# Io respsnd to sevesal quesions. Rtal sle lp lm Rli SlHlpr .---do.11N 1. Milton GarageSale Sat. Aug. 9 8 arn- Noon By The Oaks Townhouse Complex Sevoral familles partlclpatlng 341 Wilson Dr. & 741 Woodward Ave. Household items, efectronlic, fur- nitutre, books, sports equipment, bikes, childrens items & moiral Grce Anln -hrc -a u 6-37Mi S. . I9arn-Noonl 361 Highside Dr. Ty v& Jooki GARAGE SALE Sa. uýqst9, 465 Valleyvlew Crea. (Laurier & Ontario St) Furniture, houaehald Itema, etc. GARAGE SALE Sat Aug 9 9am - lprn 761 Johnson Heights Tops, bînches, ciothog. faroîlure, Art. Milton GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. 9 8 arn - 2 pmn 1035 Eager Rd. Slîî5l lor slvde .uiO v rsîv Oovsehvld items ~rV ~E n TEACHING POSITION: SEEKING ACCREDITED MONTESSORI CASA TEACHER FULL-TIME POSITION Faxe 905-257-5954 or emali résumé: admin00trms.ca ta Trafalgar Ridge Monteasori School, School Director Onle Qualifie Applicants (accredited) need apply Oniv Qualifie Applicants wil be considered & contacted DYAESUPERVISOR MnateF day, 9:00 arn- 12:00 Noos. Busy and 1jsuesta okeegs nd eeeds. Fil Ad i PR ertifid poechek Please cal Cathys orsasat 905-702- T74 or faesurne ts cassb sncs@powerzone,Ç .ý à

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