A20 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 1, 2008 SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANO e-mail sleblanc@miltoncanadlanchamPlofl.COm Ready to get back behind the wheel Fletcher makes returu in Canadian Tire Se-ries tomorrow in Mont real John Fletcher knaws there's far taa mucs autside bis contrai ta, leave anything within il t_________ ta chance.In t e cames ta hts t n Dodge Avenger, the 41 year-old 3iln-FLM Miitoniap takes the term meticulous ta a whale new level. Same - like car owner Jim Bray - wouid probabiy thraw out the phrase obsessive as weli. But that would hardiy be used ia any kind of derogatoty manner. "Like a lot of drivers, John can be moody But theres no hetter fabricator (builder), set-up man or driver," said a rathet blunt Bray, whomn the local racing veteran has been driving for off and an since thse late'90s. "He can do ail three, and thats why i put up with bis moatis." Nvr one ta leave a single stone untumed when it cames ta hts cars performance, Fletcher initially questianed bis readiness for tomorrow's (Saturday) NASCAR Canadian Tire Series event in Montreal. That he'd cansider pulling out of his oniy scheduled race this year speaks volumes about bis cammitment ta bath Bray and new sponsors London Mechamical and JBM. Leasing. "With John you'll neyer have a DNF (did nat finish) because of workmanship or not being prepared," noted Bray Added Fletcher, "Most people wouid be shocked at how much work goes inta getting a car ready, not just before tise seasan starts but between races as weil. You put a car through an awful lot and its an amaztng amaunt of wark ta keep it gaing - overwhelming, reaily "This can be a cruel spart, because nothing ever gaes wrong in practices - its always tn the race. My phiiosophy ts that theres a thausanti different thmngs that couid mess me up out there and 1 have no idea what it couid be until 1 check everything. " 0f course tise mechanic and car builders own racing endeavours haven't kept him nearly as busy as in previaus seasons - due ta a harsis set of circumatances eariier tis year. -see OWVNERS on page A23 Wé Sports Medicine Centre 1010 Kennedy Circlo, Milton (inside new AAP/Shappsr's Plan) -m878-7477 GRAHAM PAINE / CANALIIAN LHAMPIUN IT'S RACE 11ME: John Fletcher dispisys his Dodge Avenger just prior ta leasing for Montreal for tomorrow's Canadian Tire Series event. Marauders to face Oakville in first round Wll clash tomorrow night at Brontefield But the Marauders felt their neighbouning rsvals shouid After much discussion and debate, the were unable ta provide a back-up field - and Marauders will be on the road for tomorrow's thus agreed ta have tomorrows game in (Saturday) first-round. playoff game. Oakville. The game is set for 7 p.m. at Bronte Milaon initiaily looked ta, have home-field Athletic Field, an Lakeshore Road between advantage against tihe Oakville Longhorns, due ta Brante Road and Third Linre. the Northem Football Conference (NFC) awarding> Milton gat out ta, a big 3-0 start this seasan one point each ta Oakville and the Oshawa HawkýeyeS but srtruggled affensively down the stretch, being held for a recent rained out game in Oshawa. ta a single touchdown in three straight defeats before That allowed the 4-3 Marauders ta edge 3-2- alsing things out with a 20-16 decision aver the wsn- Oakville out of faurth place, wtth Miltonfs 24-23 season- less Kingston Prîvateers. apening squeaker (head-to-head play) serving as thse Shouid they prevail, the Maraudera wouid iikeiy head ta, tiebreaker after the two Haltan teams fmnished with eighnt Kitchener next weekend ta face thse unbeaten Tri-City points each. Outlaws. (formnerfr ýEramre'éa ~kth6rapyAssoci8teÉ%s), Loo fo au e anCii Rcq,ýtvw(l ~ ~ ~ ~ . ***iiprps ScPîFAM AC -pein JJJ*-ust, 200