The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - A9 FAMILY FUN: The Darling Home for Kids on No. 15 Sideroad recently heid its second annual family barbecue. Clockwise from leH. Children enjoy pony rides courtesy of Vanbrook Equestrian. Parents and kids gather for the festivi- tes. Connor shows off his balloon bracelet while sporting his f ire chief hat from the Milton Fire Department. A famîly takes part in the event. Kyle and bis mors base fun in tbe inflatable bouncy castie. PHOTO AT LEFT COURTESY Or DiIGTAL HANOS PHOTOOeAPHY PHOTO AT TOP CîERE et CLAUOIO CUGLIAeiI /SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Mr. 8.9811 BO km 43 CRY: SAOÜ 100 Mn 28 mpu