AIS - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Juiy 30, 2008 I OPINION Going for gold Il- ou lov c ui Ols ilpic lamcs, y'o dii bciihi plcased 1 1) kiiosi, îhecs an impies- a;ise group ol aibietes i irmi I ilion bicading iii Ch ina. l.),kviiie and Burlingion have i10 Olynipic hopefuis xvho xviii test ibeir athietic pmsv ess ai the 2008 Beijing Gaines. To make the August 8 id 24 eveni that much sweeier, Oakvile kayaker Adam van Koeverden xviii carry the Caniadian flag duning the opeming cereinonies. Van Koeverden is the reignîng Olympic andi worid champion, as weii as word record boider mmi the mn's K-i1 500 metres. J oining \,ai Koes'erden n Beijing wii he Buriingiîîn residents Mark (ldlsscanoeing, andi Briady Reardon, kayaking. i bis group. as weii as the rest oif C anada's caloe and kas'ak teais xxiii he coacicd ix' Buriîngton's Scott liicrsbiaxs binisei a forimer elyiopian. \Vhiie xsatciig the Gaines, keep your ey e on ihiese Clakvilie aibietes. Oskar Johansson, saîling; Andrew Hurd, swimming; Colin Russell, swimming; Kara Lang, soccer; Diana Matheson, soccer; Kyle jones, tiathlon (aiternate) and Alyssa Brown, gym- nastics (alternate). Oakvilie's Josh Cassidy xviii bc wheelchair racing iii tue September Paralympics. lDvei the ensuing weeks. iî xvouid be encour- aging for our athieîes io knosýv ibai they hase a very proud country cbecering ibei on to greainess. \Ve xsi ihenu iuck zb~r cEîaîn~ijarnpion 'N.pp î1860 555 Industnial Dr. Milton, Ontý L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief 3h11 Davis Managing Editor Karen Miceli Advertising Director D'bi K. l'l"'lan Production Manager Tir Doles Circulation Manager Chari'ni' Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare R a e s W teThe CanadianChmin ulseevr R ead y.q-.,W r«teWednesday and Friday, is a division E mail youir letuers W President lan Oliner Credit for rural high-speed "net access should go to Mowbray DEAR EDITOR: Lasi Wednesdays check- ered flag eveni iii lfficialiy iaunch higb-specd lnternei access in rural Milton missed oimt on honouning the real drîving [force bebind ibis projeci Ward 3 Counillor Jan Mowhray i bîîpe she gels the recog- iniion she deserses for sîcp- pîng ibis profect iii bigb gear. 1 helieve ibai witboui bier Ci fuel the work, ht sîmpiv xx îiîdn't base happenied. \Vbiie îîîosî of our rural counejiilors, the Test of' ioxvn counicil, the inaylr, the CAO and îîiher key staff leaders were and continue id be vitai ti ibis projeci, ils Mowbray who deserves the lion's share of tbe credit. fi was she wbo responded to bier constituents' pleas for bîgb-speed Intemet access by commltting berseif 10 it. Froru ibere she assembled a communîty projeci tearu, researcbed funding opportu- niules and prepared the way with the Ontario Ministry oif Agriculture, Fooîd and Rural Alfaîrs foîr our proiposai, mar- sbaled lier fliow couniciliors and staff ta support the woîk and providied tbe overali îînpeîus for the projeci. She continues iii press staff and Xpiornet for infor- mation about the remainirig extender sites so tbose of us wbo arenit s preseni tower if we bave an ice. MowbrayI and loyal 10 Nassagaweya weil as thosi dents wbo ha cd greaîly lroî i aiso appr ises Iroru i Xpliunei ie, k rcach ibe 95 age goal and seeing puhlic areas largele sites. Plenty of parking available atloneil DEAR EDITOR: In response 10 D. Knowles and bis or bier parking woes, Bronte Meadows is an exîreme- ly busy park on soccer nigbîs. 1 live very close by andl see people con- sîanîly parking on Launier Avenue wbere 'No Parking' signs are ciearly posteil There actually fis ample parking close by You may have 10 walk about a bloîck, but ibere's parking. Did you know that you can park a Johbn Tonelli Sports Centre, wbnchbjust sa bappens iii be nigbî down tbe sîreet? Tbis parking loii is usualiy fenil on suiccer nigbts. Cbeck oui tbe Milton Mag maps. i xvili save you tbe îim dircîly froru il - "Bronme conlains tbree soccer fields appear ibat ibere is park Avenue nexi 10 tbe fields as Nol sol lnsîead use tbe amp thaïs avaîlable ai tbe Tonellii ibis park." Milton îs a greal town, so compiain, please finil somel sîructive te, complaîn about. erviced bv the Increase in crime quite disturbing s can determine DA DTR y hope of serv- Rccently my car wav vpray-painted in three places with silver paint. ias heen tireîess l'm very divappointed w.uh the increase ibe eopi of in thefta, break-in of vehicles and vandal- the eoplof svm. on ibis issue, as This iv a great place 10 live, but very e Wad 1 esi- annoying to, have someone deliberately aie aiso benefî destroy personal. and public property. mr ibis. My concemr iv for this vandal, who one eciate the promn- day wiil get caught by a person wbo'l take bie Town aîîd the iaw into hus or bier own bands. It does- ceep pressing in1 nit take much for tbingv toi escalate out of per cent coxer- conîrol, and t xviii bappen. look forsvard id Everyone feels the pressures of ibis ifirmation oîî economy and the clock is uicking - tick d fori exiender tock, tick tock. How long will H take before vomeone witb great potential makea a poor TONI RITCHIE decision. and is injured or killed hecause of MOFFAT a deliberately foolivb random. act? ht will happen, and an 'othuer preciouv ife could be iarena loLavtly, 1 dont undervtand h'o oen îc websîîe under gela any satisfacion from destroying le andl jusi qulle another perscons property. Wonît their con- Meadows Park so sevred that tbey'll live with and it mîgbî the guilt of their actions? ing on Laurier You reap what you sow; how long will it tbe road widens. be befote thse perpeti-ator becomev thse soc- lparing spjace To ihose who, commit these crimes, iren adacen 10 pleave don't lct me love faitls in people, if yoîî'e gîîîng io evpecially our youtb. They have voi mucl to thingmorecon- offer in a world that needs to be made bingmorecon- right. E. CROSS MILTON DANIEL SILVERTHORNE MILTON even ir a yp.a phca ,i h i p o rion o the gcî, CCAB Audited Reevqnizvmi foi exclnieî isy Zn5ýqcxi Newsape r Asoiato NA Ntwîdaî,' Acitinîi lingle Bll Fund li UNITED WAY m 0 OF MILTON n- TV AUnioN ~Y ~VYMÇA i.h eç»' c vis SANTA PARADE