TheCanadlian Champion,, Wadcneaelay July 30, 2008 - le Skitted & kiledï &nc Hep oflceiii DH Hl cal, liii ____ i Týho tal9e! Tehca Hl Technl elp 07joe1j MdclDna M a etl eclDna Vet@riarr r..Iîic ian braiarea requires a. fi VV t,,ckn fra PAR rTIME RECPTIONIST Repotting tu the controller, pou will be respon- Wate;r;n -, hrlrkol Hoars Include 4 levenfings a week (4:DOpm sible lot prouiding administrative & accountiog FULL-TIME PHYSIOTHERAPIST CONCEPT FORD toi 7:DDpm) and Sataretay mamiega. support for Peridat Medicai Inc. DISPENSARY LICENSED AIJTOMOTIVETECHNICIAN Excellent computer skills and a rour dulies ai include. A/P, AIR, irvoicirg & ASSISTANT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Ford experierce and ut geai offitude required. pleasant phone manner are essential. aaety olcingl crepn IEILGSISITN We01v ope0e~ u ad r g ce uoPlease fax your resume Do: dteryclctrsgnracoepr- Exper. ptelerred, KIEOLGS/SSTN eum 9ofDs4- 169pttv a pa n riig netvs dence & office dulies, ard teception. The suc- trairing prvvided. PDRHS Wok ocaywla get tem 0-5-19cetulul candidate must have strvng computer Must have good PDRHS Forward resumne to knowledge irrcludirg MS Word, Eacel & Out- coptrSil. HCRC sawletbihdprvecin n Davi dHoden look. Knowledge on AccPac an asset. Must be cpte skfaxs, lo. iv s a CR w if otalsv pate Ioc ina SeIeravidcess axrsue Maltd Phorie Manage lD pouire weunto; pofworionaiv Se ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ce in0 PrsMngehexelnwrenadvr 95-9306 clinic that proodes a supportvv oesoo Phoneý 995 873 1b261IFaxý 905-873-3309 bal communicationR a . Aftn: Kristln Gilmoar ftenidly onoîrornment. Computîtîve salan, flev. Ema 000 den@cvnclfeptlo dcv 2 dayo par wevk S M and PM. To ifyu . . . . ..sedi inspsiin pes kriatin.gitmour@ houro, v greut opporruoity lor Ivurninp mrentor- transport rodivîdualo withîn Haltor His to our .umi you .eun ttigsl ing hp advanced Orrhopuedîc Thvrapioss -Need a wympoyele? JR. ANALYST, EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT Aecor Inrastructure Grovp, Milton, Ontario. Essential Functians and Resparatbttttiea: *Montttly distribution of tele- communicatîion reports *Development of monitoring tools and processes, resotaîrg wireless software/hardware issues *Wîreless communication cosl unalysîs supportîrg hardware epenidîtures and budget planning *Davelopment of coot cortrol processes lot equîpment tleet(tJ Pasitian reqairements: *Exemplary communication skills P rolicient computer sorlls ara assentral *Demnonstrated organroational and problem Solvîng 510115 *Collega Dîploma /University Degove an asont Faseard resame and caler laCter qeatixo "Junior Analyst, Equipmant" to amati: hr@civetandutiltiesqrou.aecfl.ctC or Fax: 416 940 2152 icurrently looking for. IAUTOMOTIVEI ITECHNICIANSI Buyso eursaddittonal 1jcesed Techncanj Contact Mr. Davidt Steeves Entai dateeeadOhtat.caCC Fax: 90"478-0180 C STO E SEVC * VISO Excellent communication & organtuatior skîlls, ala 1 pmuvide a cvnststently hîgh levaat of customar serc mn a busy enaîromant. Sonme automotive knvcledge a plus, but nlot neceasary. PC skîlls a must. PIT Mon-Fni. Please call or amaril resumne to 519-829-9727 Emait: KEEN RESTAURANT SERVICES 68e are luokîng tut a Fuit Time Service Technicien Gas Fitter to service tire Hvspitality lnduatny. Must lave G2 Gas Licence and ciean Drivvng Record Piesse fax reaumne toi: 905-702-0912 Enlai keenoninepgç-et.comC or Cati: 905-840-200 TECHNICIAN ITECHNOLOGIST PRODUCTION SUPPORT Libardi Atomation Inc. us a teadîng aero- space companry, spectalizing in tIa desigr and manvfacturtng of rolvtîc weldîng systemas, and pteciaior celding paver suppimes lot aero an- gine, spaca launch vehicie and advanced ou- clear and industrmai applicatrons. Primary FanctIan: We ara seanclîng for an enengatîc persvr to aupport tire masufacrurtng ot paver supplies and the repair and trouble shocitîng ut vlectronic circuits vn power mod- ulas P ot candidates Il excai, mte is a fu- tara growtl pvtanfial into desmgn, service and ptoduct deveivpnnaent teama. Freterrent Edacatiae: Electronica or alectricai engineering tachnoiogîst graduates ut Me- chancial engineering Teachnvlvgrsr graduatea. Application intormation: lntereated candmdates cao errait Itevr resurne ta resvme@iburdu caot ora fo 905-e9-0739, Ret:LAI-3 Onfr qualifieut candmdates veecled for an intevewa wli be coviacted - -i - G Ise jnu Icil TCNCIOUS antelot Retaintep- nodea candidtese poes enace.n raily expaivoe an ca.nn npersn a 70 uce -lp ie lelehone moslanner Eîn Moutai Op- Nuca Studenlas nidali for nterview et. 76rinn Weh va a : 905rti333a- tbt239 a ENTRY LEVEL ACCOUNTING CLERK As a paoi ut the Finance Depantmvnt, pou ai be respontible lot irvorcing, recovery of shipping costa arid daily cost entores, as welI as provrding back up reception on a darty ha- sis. Vos must be a quicli leurner, have a posi- tive attitude & excellent communication SIS. OUTSIOE AOVERIISING SALE.S GnI ýký v r th, ex an), L m l 1 iv îrvmr Or ,,,,, s n4lP d jTo landle AP, AR, pay ol and morth end Please faa esume wihslr xettos954630 BPANT1H1\EN HOMES Branthaven Hoamea haa been building homes in tire Bariingtan, Oakviiie arles for axer 30 yearn. Wa are gmowing and are currentty iaaking for a CONTRACTS ADMINISTRATOR The successful canididate cr11 have 3 toi S pro progressive administrative eeperience. le hîghly organized, lave stronig analytical 5h05,s able to work independentlp and ir a team, be detaîled orîented cr11 a high degree of actîra- cp. Responsbîlîties include, but are not timmted to udmîni support, document coordination toi lînalize agreements wîth svbcontractort and suppîrers, enter prîcîng irto NEWSTAR, create, enter and run budgets in NEWSTAR system, coordînate tender procass, prepare tender packages, modily worlî scopes yod loI- loe up tender suhmussuonos Provude adminis- trative support to Cortracts Manager. Post secvndarp dîpioma or degree un Admun, Pur- chasurg or Computer applications. Advanced MS Office Skiis in Excel and Outtook, NEW- STAR knowiedge. strong keyboard skulîs, math aptitude are reqvured Pleasa aendi raese toa: or Fax 905-333-1720 (Reterence position in aubject fine & incdudte aaay expectatians.) ControllerlOfficer Manager Burlingtan Golf and Country Clab Burlington, Oetaria Rapvrtitg iv rira Ganemai Manager, you wîlI ha raspunoibla tor tira day ta day accauntling lot rire conporation as catI as Accvunts Payable, Accvurts Recaivabla and General Ledger in pot. Ylu amîl gaserata annuai budgets, mvnthly tînancial atataemenita, and prapara tut the pear- end audit. Tha succaaatul candidate culi possess tle voi- lowîng qualificatins: Minimum of luve years relevant eperienca, Advanced computer akîlla, Strong knvciedge of accvvntîog systema, Pro- lomiuonal accaunting desîgnation sudh as CMI is preterred. Salary ertl commensurate vilh aaperianca de- perding on qualifications and esparience. Il yoa are teresCed en iearnieg mare about Chta dyaamic mile picasa emalIL4aC yaar re- suame te David DeSaveria, Ganterai Manager or fax 9054-484- o phone colis pieuse. Stepler D. Jones and R. Jay Thombluson ara Clartered Accourtants iocated un Buliîngton Wie are offerîng competîtrue compensation flexible wora bant and a casuai atmvspirare We are saekîog designated or non-dasugnatad ACCOUNTANTS culh aaparienoe rl a public accvuntung turmÉ prepane yahar-end files, tunancial statamaints a,. si as carpvrata and personat incvma lau returns. Knnwtadge of Caseware, Tae Pret and Exceli s pretanred. Please submit your reaume toi: Marie Rea, Office Manager Stephen D. Jone,, CA and R. Jay Thorebtison, CA 3515 Mainway Drive Bariington, ON, L7M 1A9 emait: marie@sdloraea Ca aenty saekin a fulv me Recaptinos to jo vur aam. Pavioua recepto and offic admi istatior eeperiance is requred, Strong con munîcatian skIs and v gnizatonal skile ai aisu a mast Experce whf accaunts payab ardusr daa Pnmr sqconsider anrasse. Calt 905 076 1515, Emal cannie@hcrcca HCRC iv Mîltan o Cenre for Evcellence in Or- rhopaedîc Rvhfao:litativo provîîi Massage Therapp, Oothoticv, Kinesirtiogy Phlares, Per- voval Taining. Pool Therapy, Acupuncture, lontophorevss Spinal Decompreuvron. Speé wmi w wspac r mheal esatha cretcmt provider et eursing aed homne heaCir services dedicane t Cv excepelarai service, axte.a d aatssianat devetapriree. Ail candida4tes must ha0e: *a Fersona Support Worknî Certiticate 1 -a vaid driveris licence and reliahin velîcile "i a ,. ri, v, , 9î,i s asucanraiee saves fulleraius trinn and i st-r,, ov 50,,,tîî,iannkm e-t- Bok v, lis ini I vi ,L i v v mi Dni ongu scasfc ctv valtte vnt ne.,ii Cl taie nt n v IdtItI vivtir i idv n tva i " Phnve 7 24 roni Findng atret jo wr Ai e v ai irn ,rimir5 ,iidnisvinîvavri,it a soifvîaarvi4 I urVrraie m aicyvont SammtI,ýsan rin e.rmi - Hdayle &y Ostrean rorm Doyr h-vi coai el Ii t oi ati,vi Summdtito asndiv tee&mmuS h n it0 -i 4 T reancor Tam Avi oij via ty.Apr -ad i o v ii v g al orieie arnd ra iv pofî meetig aa ( la ss) d Ar ion tenelybtrv vir e t n tsa n di ng wrkvv ca ndui i'Patguee ay evtn ga drvefo imeiae esrtl D ire t or, i &I Reg tere u ors aiciat s a D vy. ainaaiiivarcai ioe, ,îa uiaSu Smem t as muffrdisciplinary Tte, o oea carait wi an innovaiede inamet thaelttin suppor aodsry cerîsîselyma e h -. intervention services fot irdividualo adh serrous VieI i apu rt poi mi, mal o wervî omm i sanva - and persistent mental ilîneas in the clients' eni- fo, ~ ~ In Ltvcný1dN ee arisrgaIo vvir-ail tonnent of cloice.This position voald be pre- k~B domînately 8.3ffam-4:3Opm Monday-Friday, with occasîonally an t t OOam-7:0Opm Sift. Ci Dd Book qîllvrlIcî i~.,This is a fuîltime, salarred position rn accor- 1 sa dance vth ONA standards wîth fll bentettas QOaiicationa: - Current Registration wîth the Ontario College of Nurses. our Please vîvît our wehoîte to vte. a detaîled j00 ur Commun*descriptior: w smmt-hovsî 'ew~spaner Pieaae reptp Il carrent resame ta: .a - Sammit ACTT Pragrare Director iprinlt i Emait: acft@aammit-haaaing.Ca -il i.Fax- (905) 647-2959 ,4orkopte ~ Ruaft ~~o M0DflfV4 NOà H RNGII cai 905-8784 REi SEENU E Please cunta ci: Eden Hause Care Facitity Fax: 519-856-9171 Or emariluo admin@cdenhoaaecrhoim- RR. 2, 5016 Wellington Road 29 GueiphON NiH6H8 vîxt our cebste:wcwedeehaiisacrexMeca 'Excellence un HeaftI Cary lot 40 pears" FULL AND PART-TIME COOKS ton sar new location in Dakvillel Eaperiexca as assai. Fax yoar renoumi te: 905-565-1726 or ereast: deeeyceistessaugaOyahoo.cael Loigfor (J 1 II Part-Tome l assff&e our Bai-tender Monday to Fnde Mast hase 9 arn to 5 prn jSmart Serve.~ Fa surn: L 9~ 905-876-3572 5 I 1 Please conta clonsite.ýi2.u our ApplyIoýJanMcCaîbe Fax:905-875-9262 Email:ntýmIýMerstrde@haitoýnhealthworLs.ýa SMALL COMPANY Located in Milton ils looking for an ACCOUNTANT TO pply. submit your resurne via email: careers@ý or fax to: 905-338-1909. Y,