Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jul 2008, p. 18

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1181- lTe ibanàdlàr Chram'pion, Wedneédtay JUIýt 30, 20 Mil Genr einp Gpelî.4 ProVeaLCo. Ic. os a manufacturer of cotisas consumer food products. We ar0 cunrenlly lookînig 0toi fI TWO fuiltlime positions ai oun grocîng production facility rn Milton, Ontario. " Food Production Lino Lead Hand I Operator " Food Blending Room Lead Hand I Operator " Food Cooking Room Lead H-and 1 Operator The succesoful candidates dîtl be tamiliar wîth food production and geseral procedunea. The applicanta cilI be traioed for a tead bsnd position rote in the dlay-to-day acbiliy of oun pnoduction Une0 and bierdirg room. You wti be a team memben betweer plant managen and Quolity Con100l to assure that produclo ara pnoduced accondîng to companty standards. Basic management skîlis in corkîng wilO fetlow employeeo, unden- otunding of Englith larguage, beîng a 'bando-or' individuel ard a team mînded persoraîty are a detînîte asset. Pieuse ferward peur resre to: Husae Reaeurces, PreVeaiCe Inc. 251 Nipissing Read, Milton, LOT 4Z5 Fax: 905-693-8980 Esail: marieka@preeeal.com SI/E 3tiîs"e' orf5 59'x3 lie'-.tc PapeAvaiabe -Aiklfor dews COOl Bariluebs amr Oubeille $929 B0911 Add Miltu and Etmberoxurh for $299 Spot coor s$50 oifProceis r fot$10Callb so DEADLLNE: Au"e 15,20 PLIBLIS6IING DATE: Auguef 2020 Cali: 9056314W40 Fax 905.632.8165 -E-mut ClaSifldlltxuarch.ces ClubLink is hosting a regional fail job fair DOrop ity lv subssît voue resusse and meet wîth mecnibters of 0510 mansagemnent team. Il îou ans iiable oe attend pIeuse submîit yoor resamne ut wws cltiiiliiik.ca or fax resusses lu 905 841-7033. Wednesday, August 6 ait Rattlesnake Point Golf Club 54117 Regîvîrat Roavi 25, Milton ON 2:0lipn -4:Olipm & 6:00pss- 8:00pa Tuesday, August 5 ait The Couantry Club 201 Lloyd Stree, Woodbrîdge ON 2:0Opm -4:00pm & O:pm - 8:0Opm Visit www.eclublinkca for more deuoils. 111el 0 Gl etpra Heo enHaelp Burlinigtoni Post iThe Bsnlîngtoo Pcool, a division ot Metrolard Media Group Ltd h au an immediate opeoîrg for a. District Service Representative Thte qualîtîod candidate ouil posses excellent wrîtter and verbal commîu- nicationsukîllo and wii base workirg knowledge of Microsoft office. Sou ouil be costomer tocused ta ensurng ltaI our custamers' distribution reeds are met. n titis noie, you ciii conît cioseiy eîth tbe carrier fonce by ensanîng ail newspapers and distribution producta are deliîered in a tîmely marner. You ciii be srganîzed and capable of csrking witiî a fast paced, team orîented ensînormeal. If you are înterested in wsrkîng for a leader in the media indastry titis op- psrtsnity may 0e lte rîght one Ion ysa. Il îrterosted please loreard your rosume, nso later tiant DATE bo; cbabineaa@buliîngtorpost.com, Fax: (905) 632-7768 Wo appreciate thee otorest of ail applîcoots itowecer oniy 1000e aeiected for as interview oi 0e cortacted. No phtone colis or ageocies please. We arr curnently acceptlng applicants for the position of RETAIL SECURITY OFFICERS for bîgh profile shopping ceores ta turlirgton. JOB FAIR - Tuesday, JuIy 29, lOam - 4pm Buriingtee Mail, 777 Guelph Line (Cornier of Guelph LUne & Faiiview St.) leside Mail, entrance close te Zeilers To 0e consîdered for rbîs position, applîcants sbould baoe presioas Securîty Esperience rn a sîmilar ersirasment or passens a Law and itecunîtyl Pslice Foundations dîploma. The abitity ro work rotationai sbîfts as weli as escellent wrîtter aod uerbal com munîcatior skilîs are alto requîred. A ualid Onrario Secorîty Guard Licence wsald be cossidered an asser. If peu caneet attend ee the abose mentieeed date forward peur ronî%!me bp fau te 905-362-2361 or appip enline ait www.pai,.igonsecuritp.ca Fer more information, please cati 905-362-2333. Purity Life Health Prod- LFF,,E.LTý ucts a SunOpta company is Canada's leading pro- vider of naturel heaith products. We have developed our industry through outstanding innovation, a true com- mitment to excellence and the belief in empowering people to create weil-being lit their lives. We are currently looking for: REPI ER 1 00,,m PICKER Fn'1Ja,,1ý30;îu] REPLENISHERS wili accurately and efficient- ly replenish product in accordance to SOP's and GMP's. PICKERS wili accurate pick cus- tomer orders. Candidates will have the ability to lift 50lbs and accurate math skills. Knowl- edge of RF scanners and lift truck an assai. Please apply to fax: 51 "53-4934 Email: bdanz@pur4life.com 6 Commerce scent, Acton, ON L7J 2X3 rIA, M SALES "ASSOCIATES, part-time, for Milton Fabricland. Frienýdlyy, courteous, energetic people with sonne sewing experience required; sales experience an asset but not essential. Must be able to work days, evenings and Saturdays. Interested applicants please apply in person with resumé to Store Manager at: 547 Main St. E. MILTON Punch & Break Press Operaters - $14-l7thr R otatirg fuit tise sbifts *Eeperierce anasset Maeufacturing Positions - $13/hr Jiunior wetding enperiericeretuied P ermnent, Ouy shift. Hamilton Maintenance Asseciate - $l2/fr *Straîght days M F *Permanent positions, sakuilir Wareheuse SortinglPacking - $lOlhr *Ail shits BL enlon CLuit vanit 563 3575 anA asb toi Melîssa or Gîta or corevs uto 95 Brand Sireet (Bant5t&inureviv Mst hase oin trasoation www.randcstacdc -ýr randstad, MR. LUBE FTIPT Lube Technicians Requined Stadting wagea $tt-5lnoan P LUS fait medicat axd dental bertebta. Pleane api w1t massme In person: 496 Dundas St, Oshlille, <ut Nopagavra) or Esal jutisnuutoiisited@ spticocuc De A 5tar Modci anud Act in A/ aqcoo immediately Top Aqency. Cell Nol!! 416o-221-5829J AvG $21 .25/H R Students t8c cieicomneit Examnerutîsn type n Enengy sector No exp. noodeef Training pmsfIded $000Training bonua Incetleott Scholtaships programo Asaitaiblo For un interview cati 1-060-421-2727 RATIj Do pu have a disability? Ox OOSP? Do pu cant ts wonk? Fiod oat 00w .... Cati today! 1-866-391-7284 est, 254 lb.way ta wodbrj ADDITIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY Type ofWork Door-to-Doornxewspaper detioery. For Milton - Wedxendayn and Fridays You Need Strong 50550 of commilmext and respoxsibility. We offer As many roates as pu cao baxdle. Training and nn-goîog communications and support. - Parrots Marngeron -Adsistt Sevcelln Malnr SePrie Wednesdus nd * g a positio fora e eservi c a s o_ * m okiaci Bobagment Asitnty LfievMner frHaIp' Daes Supow A g dentsr csomr seruic 9nd0ecn8c77 upprt18 e SouthpGorew FuTime Mesehni ardnutfts Partlmv fsaailable , (mn ays iwih ndW ee s) Mut be aalable n10 t oranuda & Suenday ust mrbly eiertise ad fifnlypeîm Please haed yo resuma te 333lnatiniaO Southdaehoretowcn ......................Ce , Depndabeliomleci Position uts a rslf e nedatlor dasbif C n. OAt ern o r s01 pl er ce en 4pto, ard -tme pmedas asktonTo mont N d ese dnc e uit'd sutî med ate clon transprtation (905)63700 -8795 eneiHlp GaraiHelp Mapie Leaf Contusmer Foodu, ose of Canada s premier prooiders ut enjoyabte and quaiity foud producta, currently reqvîres team playeru for sur Ontario Distribution Centre au. PART TIME ORDER PICKERS This map ho poar jeb if yea have: * Attaîned the minimum age reqairement ni 78 vears ota - The ahîiity to csrk afternons and/ or ceekerds * The abiiity of Workirng in a rofrîgervted on freezer corebosse enviroament - A 'positive' cork attitude ana the aîiiti for cotu cîithir a team eroîrormenit *Ar attention toi detal and accunacy *Hase your oco transportation *A desire toi ear0 osto cash Key renponsibiitiex ai ihis poition include: *Wotiting in a sale and responsbie marner O peratirg Radio Frettuercy equiprt lRFI (training cîi 0e prsvirteoi - Accurateiy orden pick cartons 10 exact quontities and specfîc dates chite fuifiiîrg customer reqaîremenits - Dpemating pocver tift trucki equîpment (trnig ciii be provîdedi *Pattetîzîrg cartons *Abiity to it upto 10 2tbs B e able 10 fsiioc ire direction of lte Wareitsuse Supervision Team Pay Rate: $101 Saur Start: Immediate operîngs for qualîlled applîcants If peu are intemnsted in applping fer ibis eppertunitp, pieuse fax pour resame te: 905-681-5070 We Itank ail applîcantu, however, only those lobe toterviewed tîli 0e contacted. ,Burlington TOYOTA'M- EXPANSION UNDERWAY!. " Sales Representatives " Licensed Technicians " Apprentice Technicias " Lube Technicians " Detailers Drap off fax or ornait application to: 1249 Guelph Lino, Bur ingtos Faa 905-335-4048 - Tel 905-335-0223 appiication@burtingtonto -ota.ca l (ïOSSW r NDS Hot going back bo uchoot? Looking for a fun place f0 work? OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE NOWt Bexeruge Cari - Banquet & Leange Servons Pso Shep - Bockx Shep - Marshuls Pleas contact Anita anlta@crosawlndagolf.com or 905-319-5991 X225 saai Sp el aon&SaH Hairstylists Wanted 0 itoanly wage plus commîxaînol , excellent benefît psckage o full and part-lime positions n flexible workîng boums éeqaîpment pnoided 0 advanced training pnovîded a no clientole reqvired- 0 nec gnadaateo welcome Please contact Karen ut 1-.888-888-7778 ext 41101 BURLINGTON! WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH AN EXTRA $800 EACH MONTH? Get plenty of exercice with early morning door-to-doar delivery of The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Starl Profit Potentiais may nary, depeedîse as the size et the route. Mass baoe refiabte sebicle. 7 Days a week. For complote details on the route nearent pou, please caît 905-S26-3377 or simply fi11 out the online application forti at gww.thempec.cfl and a Hamilton Spoctator representative will contact you. 9

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