Ptspp les raeis acr nid4 , 1 l 5415sot. de- cOred Asking $800 Serios inqv'rîes o/y. 905-876-3921 Generatian Wireless, FIDO autharized dealer specializing in wireless and data praducts. i jj a[ý1_1aae currently looking for: 2001 For Taru nav e ny$0 Cal, 90s SALES REPRE SENTATIVES 2002 1,0 Fcvs , ta jain aur team in our LONDON location fu114 equ/ ped, excellent Westmount Mai on Wonderland Road South ond411n $295 Siess or Moîro 0Milton 005-878- Must have positive professional attitude and excellent 1797 communication siIls. vie continuously offen great conthly 98 poa, Snore contests and inceonîves, competitive compensaion, heriefits 401,1,1 atitoali eo - and providing ongoiog trainng. We helieve inthe 'procote p0r0104 lranssportation froc within" concept aod offer advanceceot opportunities 80 $1995 seîllîed Sl.sov our staff when avaîlahie, Mot. rs Mt1v, 905-878 1797 Piease emait resume to steve@celcomwieOs.coml 199 Chvroet avaier or fax 416.645.1023 (a/Ils. Steve) 1990 Cerel aolaier V prcaeteitreto i plcns owvr nytoesl 160,(00kms0 I.oks & for an intrîeview iiine1,1,01acte4 vessolîke Cee $2995 Oes, Motvrs Milon 905-878-1707 f 1997 3visk Cenlvry 4-d41,,17 0 km s Fvlly eqvippad pe4811l coridi- bon $2995 ceîrtifid siessor Molors Milton 18 Fond Essoît4 Sdv. tlied S18000, Mvoo Mil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ton 905-875-1797 1997d e olibe reat MROllnventory Coordinator condto Reîol ane 984 parts toi 1,01 $20500 or besl Leodîng canufactvrer and distrbutor of aluminuc and vînyl siding, elle, Cvii Mark windows and accessori80 has an imcediate career spportunity for a Ci. f15635-6800 MRO//nventorp Coordinu or Reporting to the Purchasîng Manager, you ai ho responsil ho omonitor and Pschase plant MRO re/a/ed stock 1 998 Chevoel Cavalier- inventories co dirase carntenance repaîn services iequirements, 5 80884ý 2 ceei, source cost et/octivo qua lt solutiors, contor and controi designated 200,0005m e ever8f cueiy quee thi09. AIC, lrs greal aeilreurmns mars nee parts, 8 12" The succesoful candidate wil hase superior organizationol SkIS, speakers ewal oflsourref eetremely detailed-orented ard the abilr/y to priorfîize, strong cocputer $1700 ccli 90007039 1ia o1 kilis; ps fciency in Excel a must, outiook and MF2 applications an asset; ah Sp $ o coR -tsk in a ast-paced, high volume environent; the ability to worh independentlp as weil as in a teac. Candidates are asked $0 mail, oa or e-mail their CV to the coordinates liated below: KF Building Produots - . ,C/o Hucan Resounces Haveyoubor 11000? ( C P BUILDING 323 Main Street North (Kd8j~ "L PRODUCTS Acton (Ontario) L7J 2M4 daaifl~8Fus: (519) 853-4690 i Trcts for Sale Whîfe Ive alopreciate ail epreosed intereot in jsining sur teac, ssly candidates selected for inteiviews will ho csntacted. 2001 Dodge Ocer 5-pe' 318 cobîs onhs erf e-tete An Exciting Career In Fitness Four Commun pot 5Okl9 $8.000 Canada's leadîng Wocen's fîtness chair i Newspae 050876-4912. now hîrîng' If you have a strong interest in fil- in .,i neso, s desîre t0 succeed and an enthusîastîc tlPrn 198 ese akia88 personality, thîs may ho the career for you teoded Cab pick-up, ail Fositions are usai/ah/e in the fol/swing areas ý A $3095 Mito 90511 8 75-ese CLUB MANAG ERS ~ r 797 e 90 7 SALES MANAGERS =four Totli Fax resame to: 905-761-842 or Maoi clces Emaf t: -Quole BF//t & position in the suh/ect liro' eaul 905-8 78-2341 1998 Suzve, uov Red Me ce 48 88 5k10 ca 050870-366 M C,, Trinn ClerTraining_ 0 ouCleann aLA cenes esper e0584 & utsicabe 488 s 8 Ca -57824770 u eyaw lgty E tu Iem ntsI S't Service, Genrl peovemreell00. CosgW W Osies, neli WSIO, wil 416-400-3251 Profil- Offic Administation progrm arn '1 ge Battagle Removat rciahnso plctos n elpaeyuit &lu/ng Onrnîî's mort provoinent taw liro fsr 7 weeks ofi pasd v 1-877-JUNK-tWO GO. thîs is scconiîisiehd in îînty 10ev ocrrsstes, so ysu dso 1-877-586-5896 Som neesr tnc al4166562 x.47 n e day lunk semoealser- ooî00.r isr at4hf7 5 o 0$vd vice Senior disccaClt. casi à get it dons!l JUNK & r0ish remval Great raies vive oail the8 heavy iionig 41,6- eeo cmc, eîo & adcpn HUM BE R GARIENS by 0ev s The Business School Cvontent Beav lil gand.e design. pl8ct110 rIaine- Linsaf 416-258-639, ftio rs l vlegy Applit ation Sservice #02141, 85 h,ýi, 1d"yog0o e The Canadian Champion, Wedneadlay Juty 30, 2008 - 17 Caen Carn Drie7 rivr HamiltOME onmut BOAwRD AN(ASTiR ~ ~ ~ - 5NA -HMIIN ONTI -1NIY(Ri POSITION VACANCY Account Executive Th3e Adserising depar/ment curenly nos a fll rime openîsg for a motivoned 054 dynam1ic Accov'îr Oeecolîve in rhe 0e/ol 000017sin arec01 Ou, goail 01 ov adcn exceprionails 310011 10011s Orieolea ard experîenced suie, plcoeesivr it a 107101051 recod o ciievemefll Reporing ti tho Adve0î Cirg Mariager the v 010/1,1l candate wîii ce o hlgho csganized and 10 ivated 0,0/ose 1,01i wîro superoi cusromeî oe 051in service skis and have the 1ib1liv tu0w01v oopereovey in010fa1 paCed teoam envîroinent /îrorg îrileîperîona and verbal and written communiîcation skilîs are reqvirea for presentatîonî, negorialions and pîobiem resolulion The0113 ablt uoner vu, clienIs crecli00 advOOtising slutvions is essooriol, asîis the initiativeO t akre /old es colis uadseek out 00W business reionships. As ai braven, se/I starOr, y0v wl i vld upen exis/îng aiccvvn/s ana 0600,7110 oe uvîness partnershpv ana opportvorries A post seconuary eaucation in0busines or orner reiaîted 0ie/a wouvib ea aefinîrv asel Tisr posilion or/ets on ee ting accovnl lier wîrth grear earnîng porennial and a cempelîîive /otl compensation package. If inrerestea please applo in 1110904b AjOvot 1 sf 2008 tu JAVMero1and fr PARALEGAL For prof. entrepre- neuria/ ce. in Burlîng- ton. Dulies IIc/ drafting and review- ing legal agreements, cor/I. minutes, contacts and other, Excellent comcuni- cat/on skil/s and coin- puter knowledge a cust. Fleoibility wn days of wonS requined. Emait reames 10 maofngka@ opafflngmaup.coa unqeLaw Fim n-site training. Att st hans ts do aoy isew lite Hami//on Cocmvnity News 333 Aroîn Avenue Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 2M6 Affo: Advertising Producionl Manager jobs@hamitoneflws com M0earennetl Sueekinga atnac LOCATIO:rîs ,Otai isone Deoftt Aana'i lreasibllllycr Th upreen lyes aneaceycîes at ahe oundas faprcilt including plants equîcen fatd o* Froand decîsie sues, directibo n ando posre supprrnl $0ei a Maintenanceno /2nu nîonîzed, hc onour e inyees. s O nta înasaio. kn nvrnen n ap/ cocpanyg H ea f Saet pelcies. * Surise h Maintenance earîmite t shn cocplîarce îth vnldgantu oercentn reaion nding e nro etaHCF Pr d L ead ho Furesion ndi Fredcti, en moiiesptt aintenance programf 12 Fr-u ep mahnrly e /fienc l/ons worfinti aordero ig enior e t n Rappy oeda Heaft ancd Eduat on:ie -5 ynuea findnt lManenance Dprmnsi Sumpervîsoî exienc n ios anufactn tenvîrtonsct gEniometl HC P . ea Mu th ha veve an d E/cnca r Mîlwrîgh maicenae rgas .3 yreare hno te cenc ep or ts,/r gnciden mecorand elcîc/ ndim oxpeatîng SStrng e lenc bAgnd Euain:st . - Knwedge of Indusry reaionc nc dng /erc/,envîrn ea e a lcrrcina/ ord safergt strd 2- HeA sweg hand tehaeperience nssth * roe vng omUrI/S n/dngMcoo atn g lcrclbcgon asset . * oiedwen ok mady o reui inlui tneetri pcae eiomna, an yo atee and resume ta: andaeperieaae n aset.Ls qattong coatternances Saperlsarng Mcote Wetank a/anoes h ppphoelo/ thPosse elrtrl d o k n y bnervie î ir ted + 1111 1 TRANSPORTATION IP FIARNOLD DROS. *' TRASPORT LTD Arnold Bros. Transport Hîring Cony and OQv8»rat0r AZ Dries We are Iooking to fi 3 driving Positions for the tollowing runs... Round Trip: Ontario - Illinois & Ontario - Alabama. Please contact 905-893-1667 ext 244 for turther detatia OUTIiES: To transpor children fron George-I tsari Schools to a Matial Arts F ogarn Type and codel of eehicie E350. Applicent must hase appropriate lceose. Fick-up tice be- tween 2 and 4pc, Monday -Friday (or three tices pet week asaitable). Apply Nicait Start in September 20081 Cali 905-873-2809 Orecail telixaztec-netcon OÀrtÇStudent Canada HuRing for a Gmut Part-drne Job? Become a School Bus ÎD riverfor the Iargest 510t Trait Eatery r Campbellville Plaza F- r - i ok 1 GnerH ep Leading Milton resume toa Fsl &6 Fart Tice benefi$s Iavaitable. Milton.I resumnes to: 905-529-1974 Attn: Mary Cash paid daily, 3nd party fundnaising gnsup lookîng for people to help fundraise for Habitat for Hucanity Ha/ton. $12-$20 per hour. 905-510-7897. tsetrolasd West Media Group Mailroom Individuals needed ro irnserr f/flers//v /esening shifts availahîs Appîf in perton /0 Grace or Trîsh aI: 5300 Harsester Rd. West en/rance. 1 'w V19 Apply now! 4 1 Program starts in Septeinber - - - À