Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jul 2008, p. 16

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16 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesâap Juip à0,'20 rM . Idex:Real Estate 100-135 laBusiness 140-169 -À l Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 la Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@miltoncanadianchampioncom ai Merchandise 300-385 la Auto 400-470 la HeIp Wanted 500-57~. Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com. * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION caîl: 905-878-5947 ho submissin hy mail oî in pers00 Tho Canadian Champion, 000 ndustriai Drive, hîdo Door. 2n0 Floor. Milton, ON LOT 5E1 $eadfireo, Tues.,1 Oasm. ion Wed publication, IlioS, 100 aý or Foi, publication. Specia Featore & Holiday deadlies may vaoy Paymenl: We 700071 cash, cheque. Interac, Visa. MasiorCard, Amerîcan Eopress Ait ado pfacod are nor-retusrdabfe and no credit wIl bo iosued. Business accoonts cast ho oponod oîth an ppr0ovd credît appication availahle fnm your Sales Consultant. CHECKC 50888 AD TE FIRST BAY IT RONS to 005010 the information 16 correct Contact youn Sains Consultant ojîhîn 24-Hoors if an109000 oppea1oA ho 110 in a Foi, pubication trust be reporind no0 14er thas Mon. il arn à - - -.N Ivan & Ruby Armstrong Congratulations on your 60th Weddîng Annisersary July 31, 2008 Love Chaarlene, Ken, Gwen andjâjiiles H~ouseFor Sae .1 Business M 11150$ 4 00101 00954 JOB ai home0 048708 190 400,14018 î010100î40 Weekly 000001be Fr00 y ful cl baseliient 2000004,a10o Comppr u01 bains. soporoto n oo k 0-0 0010,10i nance1 t0 coloniaîl ba4e- www TopJobOooîoo 0001 men, op' 0430000 Con1 00,1 CHRJobs 372 Rî. Mtaw ON l l71 bu naopt w00i0 69 pi ONec oooîd pork i Ooalb New Mi00$ N 1901 0o, 1510 00 0w 000 nakutiseen 000 w000i FasFoh 04000t $300 a p ros OK!NTheN MorTONg 15010 C'o 0AisMito 6411 M i ero0s 6,000011 0100 walk.Oo Io 82 Milloide Drive. interlock potia n land 19 Aotttivoque ldinîg. scaped yard I01modale0 S990100000400010coli $300.0000 Cali 300ie1, 02000000101,1 art m 28070-9282 Open jauni00 000110y and 00000 Oo11000004001 3 social 0000on site 000012001 4p01 Roguios 000,0000t evoois Open 7 deps 10 acres ooiable for OCTON APOOSMENTO J. 05-43-0152 000h 0001r 004050y o A9 ost 0 1 .200d Infduofniat & 300dr 000 000l Oct Cj MM. pecal_ s Open 7 9490 & eo9 M tans Sonne day approo REOSONOBLE od40st0ial ai C411 1-510 803 4374 in 905-277 9347 oîOO$5 275-0034 MILTON 30 01, main1 la Sp oi SOOSO otS 900 OMACC p010000 offices0 OOOoOioliy a ppoînted 0oy 25 &401 0_90015 277-9347 or 905-275-1à ý AparImeois &_ Aparimenti MILTON 008 Main 01000 PATIO (hal Casernent) ap' 4 2 Main SI Apt0#2 004000101 1-2 $0000001 $050 otilOîooicl 10 06 Gorgeoo rural 0000,110 i 0001190 av041000 for $0000 or 0eorget0wn. r $850 092 Main St. Apt Referooooo nequoO. 05 004,14010 Ao4 000. Cai fi,05111401 Absoîoroîy no Poboroo TotO 9050878- p000e 01 99 akIn 7777 $01 000/month1 ,o01,,060 00,1,0,00 A04000 000 410 O DOWNTOWN Milton, 11 82006551 000111114 Moll Street Bock of houso. He401 09000 m11 00000000$ modern cluded, large parking c0111letely 000004000 00000, $05010o 9050 îange 1 200 0900t 858-8723 aoaloble 2-p100 000' 010 oaol Cirtooo o sec- 2-BDRM $900 o n000 & 00100 ond 0ooro hydro 004,10010 Sept 01t amne adCoer. 000001 0750 ,oa &0 t'O'0 Park $0509901100 hydro ava,00010 Sept 000. plus hydro 7011 0019856- o01 00000 bni bce or bi 9854 or519-8274129. $750 an inluiv avai10b10 Aug 000. OILVERCREEK Taviers, Fîrslt 009 9050691- 60 Park Aoenue. Carge 2254 leave me0sage or 00,000 clea0 300000001 0014,0 00,00 0000 $0 3007010010 00090000 0401411000 00iit,0 11101400 0,00 2 _ 10 ne ppiances0, in-su0,te M LTON oid Milton 000 00011000 Frien019 mature 200b,01 20b000 'Ab oo 00,10111 ,110i000 laundry grad0 orodows b0401 Oooîîly 00.0,0411 and rgul0 a oolooi Oss 7 040000110. ap tecaysieveaigs. As h about ororooo Cal, 905-070- STE WART'OWN 2- 000 010pa Ooailable Septem- 0-0EDROOM, 00000 be, 000 Caundry. large Ooalable 00p0001009 l01 yard '0000000 Ullitie includedO No pets 0100 000' Non plu,0600 Frsoilastlrofrenoroo e $1,050/0o1000 yO qo.îoo Cali 5100853 Cal905-877-0064 AETON 1 004d,000 Fr1 en $700/mo0 As eoola 2 Ilease cal 9050469-6118 cairn . den C0000 01905-300 1450. ý-èr O.la$ .ings AIC 71109000 Ne pe00, ACTOS0 2 00000001 00050010th Ooo'Ilab 400000100 4o4o01 000 Aog r Cal1 047-220- $9001010010 -filles0 In 1254. c10000 Qui Buiding. _______ No-pi 092 Churchll - 0000 South Coli 519, MILTON- Brand n00 1 853-0280 becr000010dn00 4a1100 00111114. $ -brillances' OCTON 200000001 00000 gr0000 parkin, o s. t10 060,o of apartm1001 Stipe, 01 00 GO, 00050010 , ale en1100110 Parking, ut,i,0,00 Non 0010600, n0 0,0001050t 0050010000h a1 pets preiorred Oooilabi inclusive.0Con 519-853- Immediaite. Co Cn arry 002ý 9005-33601287 or 005- ACTON 4-yaali 01 0250 sq.nt man1 000o 001140 nuse 001, 300000010 plusO 004 5-appOoacos. m FrRn 0011 01064ù 00 pets rire- MILTON 010 Milon, 3- IlrO 00.300010110 plus 00001 main0 level utiiis. CaI, 900573- yard/patio, 2 pookîng 7724 spots. 000005ý & appl0 onces. $040010100 , GEORGETOWN 1 & 2 Olîlîlos. 011tlire00000 00000001 spis. 0040 GO encs/cred0 check. $700 O M00 plus hydro Oooilabl Aog/Sept. 905- no pets/smoking0 905- 878-7056. MILTO01/E SC ARPME NT GEORGETOWN 000000000 new suer seai 4- tooBacSolo, and ONE 000011pp1101100no 00000001 000000100000smoking/pets $0600900h Aoolable July 100 Ni0 + utlitos FrOOO40090i CY 060004760 F0rk- onces 000,14010 000 1114 lauriîy, 0040 a- 2200. 406-20908264 $9001010011 Cou 300,00, BACLINAFOD 3-b000 905873-0438 0001, 2-sloîy Ooriory 000000 yard, parking, 5 000,1000e immediate0ly No 40011011000 OoOtlOyndo pelossmokers, -e0l. .0010000, $0401010 I01 onces p10000 FîrsIlost 0100,000 No pets 9050 $0 OnOlroorOO C411 416- MILTON: Bright, ooa. r MLON Mallamy 4000d BRM a00 400,fable Sopt. 10001 delache0 07, An1 no1010010 Matu0e poulag backa90 drive- 0,0 so0. Bosono0uoooRd, ooyîgarage 401 oooooo i905-878-7623 416-898-1021 ITS A GIRL! shed baseooent 2 bon- coins, 00000000 loc, crmc.4a ppliiooooo aooe yard, large garage 440 004000 g0000 for woîkshopi Ooaiabie o.0 $950 plus ,,iiio No smo0king,9 no pts Coodîl che0k, firstO test, 000011,09 toposîl, aie-61s-0305 or0905-453-0730 Toiwhouses' For Ront MILTON Oldo Milton1- huge townho0se, 3-bOrm, 90000h, ioundry/irplace, a/o aI appianOoO in00100 114 dishoosher, priv000 polio & yard. Attractive 00000, noos iloors, lange sonne, ohookie extraso $1450/mth0 905 078ý OAKOILLE- 263 b00- aalbe Seplolobor 10s0 4a p0plarces Hope0410 Mail ores Lakeshore ManagemeOnt 90$ 071 Il10 , tFroi 400 140 MIL.TON loroohed nom0 forî rem,00 04000001 rame MILTEONT 00000100ro Boy, P,40000 batuco Fui OqoîppOd. 10080 000k, 000. nhopson $040 90$ ~Fo Il LBa, 9001000 0000Fll Bol, padole baai 90005-0 LO CARE 0000 pen îiside the 0 2ae.Cntc for a $00 revientoolo 01CHLDAR srco o5200 oOOky $10FR l 01,0,00 weely.miRcestfe HOT Tob/Sp. 2008 0,th CARBAJAL-SAENZ, Sandra- ln oi- prd,2 ors Ioving memory of Sandra Carbajal- 40+ jets. sti11 wapp.d Saenz, whom passedi away Tharsday must1 sel' 9t $7895 July 24, 2008 at the Milton Districi Sacrifice $3950 Cal, 19- Hospital. A beastifal woman, mother 9200 and person. She wiIi be missed and NEW si in 0 bobt iooeé by ail that had the pleasure Of t.î,, e $10 Rr ange meeting her. She is survivod by her 0000200ite $00 Rooooî. mothor Gloria, sons; Aaei, Aagaotin 9,4,0 bookel and wringer and Dylan Nicolas, sisters, Alison and $30 416-417-3989 Janet, brothers, Juli0 and Carlos and her lin fiancée Scott. Famiîp and MASTOC %forma01 friends visitod at the MÇKERSIE- F,dgo, 27", 0,00 66" KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 M ain 0140156 oh C049 0,00 St. Milton 905-878-4452. The Masso0f are 00110 & in1 4000 con- Christian Banial wss coiebratoé at 0,1100 Besi o"e, 905- Hoiy Rosary Cathoiic Cbsrcb 139 864-1253, Martin St. Milton os Moidy Juiy 28, 2008. Lotters of conéolence may be left MOSQUITO 0104001 for tfhe famity at www.mckersio-kocber.ca o vr a9 $500 acr, i 'Wo wili miss you osd aiwops love you" $300. 905-07809861 MOVING sale q0000 $00 chaioros. ofa1 and1 cha00 8640 0, 416 6h9- REAR, Chanteil Laura- At the Henéerson Hospitali n Hamilton on 3 piooes oi,0 Oak diffioq Thsrsda, Joip 24, 2008. Chanteli b'Î.0,10 5 leave0 a0d 8 Rear of Milton, sn ber 20th yoar, l00159 chairs Coms wîlh éasghter of Jim Reor and Kim Cogan ooatching hut00 and selo (Jason Cartmei). Dear sîster of or E>,ellen onditionî01 Lacey, Braydon, Ashlyn osd Skylar, Medium' stan 0400î11010 9i 1900 Fioase ennail step sister of Amanda osé R4achel Gil10, , 10001 ana 000 dol, osé step éaoghter to Wosda Rear, con,900$0 FamiIy osé frienés visited ai the 1141ai 905-699-2224 McKLRSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Mais St. Milton 905-8708 O A10 Kin o oî 0,10 rna 4452 os Frîéay. The fuserai service o c p0009141100sl New 1 nhatcW9,1411y Cosi wasShtelé siy the tuseraihomle capel S10 Sacrfic king on atoéay Jup 2. 200 liu f $550 Ooooo 5295 90$- fliers, memoi donations Io the $651s Canadias Cancer Society woolé ho apprecîated. Letters of condoiesce 08500011 Cheoyw...0 may be ieft for the famîip at 0B01000 dresef miro www.mckersie-kocher.co ch0000 nioooîon,î 00001in lion Cool $7000. 00,1 1 00 amîgoom il peeChonry New Cool $0000 houl $1900 9050 ~000054t0009000 567-4042. Kate Gleeson Gleeson Plat & 801h are tbriiied t0 an- noonco the birtb of their éaoghter Kate on Juip 22nd, 2008, woîgbîng 8ibs 4oz. Hon sister Lauren, granéporonts Pat & Martha Giosson, Don & Shoona GGiven ioniongfy weicomo her. maiy thanko 10 the staff at Seomenos Coi- lego Hospital for thoir oxcollent caro. GREORICK, Joe- ad N arae poafiiy t a toc Mton Dsrict o tHospitain Srnda$ugrJsy, 2008in bisre 751hva. Jos eand boibi 100108n os do boitei f49David Ter esi (Zalaoi Lon fal th0 Ho8 Wîii 0eliymîsso y bis grand- dasgTro Mran Gr sé Stacoy.en Srvinoo S bils s Micary acnd Chsf Asad amy ora-asé fnc ar anitd cou si Ma thk o Mthestaf- KOHEir FUNERALn HOMEa14Mai Stcful a h Milton 90D87-452frim2-tp aspi7-ta p on Torséapu 2, 200in 1 2008 Vigil rars wi e prayo ehd ats loi fand erai home o 49byarso Teresag ut 8:0 . Tved asse of Chriotias ogan w and Seceobace a HOrive Ro s seary Cabic Cba be13 S.Mtn 95Mî78o44os friéy os 2-,p 2008. aigi 10aer 0$ l 40 Cr dai the0 [ lieu 0f lom eron moriai éosino ai8:0 pli The os Stof Moarti or. hiMlton DiFidy gstrict Hospital Fooséation wooié be apprecîoted. Lettons of conéolonce may be leSt for the famîily ait ww.mckersie-kocher.ca 000000 fne. tain00 990 00,11 do 11019900001 & hall for $300. loolodes 00099 pari & Installion,1 (30 yardsl Slooo. 9050 HOT Tub i0041 Cooero Ail sho99o & colourOO Call r 866 .0 5 50056 new 08 0ornaiiyalop 004pp8 Cool $8695., Sacrifice $4200 Cali 905- POOL Table, Brand Neo. st111 in 0x. Soid OOd00 l»010l0 Ail Aooooooros Cool $6.700. Se11 $0ý990 ALC 0001 Cash$ F4,0- Coins, Jeelloly, Solo Sloer 0,4010110 Ch,- na, Cryoial Sîioel Figurines, Royal 040, ton Soorooso. A11 Eslofo Speci,41,000 Top Cash Cou Il0John/Fati 905-331 2477 1 iremoram inmo iam Ian Carsîey Sr. Pasoed 000$ July 28, 2007, Burlîngtosi, Ontaro. Thore are sonneO ses oho shoalé have moontains o 10 earthe501 nases 10 tîme Grave maîkers are rot hîgb 050595 oo green, osé sons go for 0009 o lose the flot the,0 fathers hané ii aloays sees. 1 haé a ftIer and a triosé cira liooé osé éieé in mighty si- lence s anl Whigrdty, let no0 Sook, or lover toi moorsi. Nor os Ibis a sournîng sog, bat only a sjamîng of bhis soostaîs os whîch 1 walk, hra- grant, doré. and sohip white unéer the pale of mist. 1 rame tris mouitaîn aller hîs. Loie you and osill miosing you pol Michael, Elaîno. Rpas and Andne Frances Twiss JuIy 30, 2007 n iooîng momory ot out dean 50,8e, Motbor. and Granémoîbor. A year bas pool. Not a day goos Sp wîtbout tbînéîng of POU. Yoa wîii always Se sn ost boants, as yve remember the wosdertui limes yve sbared as a taiy Lovîngiy remembereé Sp, Clouée, Chartes, BarS, Jean & 0009 oné gronécbîiéren James, Sarah, Boyan, Rebecca & Luke.

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