-A14 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jufy 30, 2008 Tough weekend for local anglers at Canaduan Open Miss cuifor Sundayýfinal The big ones jusi werenît biting ai ibis pasi weekcnds Capital One Canadion Open of Fishong. Ai least not for Multons partici- pants. Neother Doug Brownridge nor Dj. Howk were able to make the cul for Sundayos Pro-Am final ai Sarnia Boy Manina. Hoving jusi won tbe Renegode Boss Team Tournameni on Momrsburgs St. Lawrence River, 40-year-old Brownridge -a pro ongler since the eorly '90s - placed 25tb in the pre- lominary round wih o îwo-day total of 31.4 pounds. Neoîîng the alloîîed five fosb on botb doys, bis besi boul - 16.9 - came on Tbursday Meanwbile, 45-year-old Hawk bad ail sorts of trouble landing onyrbing wortby of the weogb-on. He broughî in owo fish Tbursday and o measly one Friday for an overaîl total of 6.55 pounds. Thot placed hom 56tb. While fonisbing on the money îbre years ogo wotb o I 2tb place showing, Brownnidge boon't bad o greon deol of success overaîl on Sarnia, stating, 1 jusi haven't bad the qniality catches ibere.' Cbatbam's Josb Myers snagged the $25,000 top prize Sunday witb o byve- fosb catch of 20.7 pounds. He hinisbed wiîh o ibree-day bould<if 58.55 pounds 10 eclipse Gary O'Neill of Kitchener (57.8), wbo'd led during the firsi Iwo days. The World Fishong Network îapped Sundays final and will likely air ot sometime in early foîl. Tiger stili huge hit in Japan Another big tour Jor seasoned wrestler Tigennanoo ix otill munning wild on tbe Land of the Rosing Sun. Miltonos Jogjii Singb Hans - better known by bis in-ring per- sona of Tiger Jeet Singb - jusi completed a swing tbrougb Japon, where ai 64 years of age he continues t0 terronize fans and remoons tbe wresîling- rrazed countrys ultomate vil- loin. Gornering serioous media coverage, bis lotesi tour featured o triumphant encouniter with moxed martial arts (MMA) standout Bob 'The Beosi Sapp, while along with compeiing be promoîed bis firsi wrestlong eveni at Tsukuba, Ibarogi. "This os like o dnog to me. l'm addicted," Tiger told AP sports wrier Jom Armstrong hefore a tag îeam bout ai T ok yo 's K or ak u en WHtllbo Hall hi w r e stiin g career now spanning five Tigor.Jout decades and Singh bighlîgbied by wins over Worldi Champion Antonio Inoko, Yokozuna Sumo Grand Champion Wajimo and World Martial Ants Champion Onita, the saber-wieldong madman bon't bost bis otatus as tbe guy Japanese fans love to haie. Hos moot memoroble quote - "If 1 slop some japonese lady oi i an ut itci t, titi x it liui selves for weeks, becauxe ibeyll say lTiger slapped me ibere.' Tbis ix tbe respect they have for me. - xnill holds irue. Meanwbile, eldest son Mick - or ratber Tiger Ai Singb, 37 - is in the midon of preparing for a retun o0 Japan laier thio year t0 flot only gel bock io wresiling but toy bis bond ai MMA, on wbich he was original- Iy trained before ihe WVWE came calling in 1997. The former WWE heel box been oui of action since laie 2001, ofier suffering îhree con- cusoions wiîinn o nine moonth period. He and Tiger Sr. are also hop- ing t0 stant up theor own wrestling/MMA associaion on India. FCCUS A MONTILY PIJBIICAflON FOCUING ON 11,E RESIDENIS OF MON a AREA Otir Readers hadve heen axking for a taper wiih mnore xommunity locus, and we *ioore Io Fotox,. oor item monihlil paper, aiid ant extension of The Canadian Chamxpion. has hdd a greai responxIe dfld il s only going Io gel beller! Our readers wrile "I though Il »âa tah lk I levry &choo and coouunity oilenwa. Wla a trait aditioul" "Wt la rat paperi k su »oNU pro ed om4lh the bod color and dear pliotodjaph. k la lruly a MUtain pape Oê401 ton& oRuf Ufo local peopla go raid and aujoy. Kaap up Uta irait wooltl" p ritd toi high tuiodt owoehitek *fuil ititîti tront o titik! Ititaii ihxtiix itiiii iii amaril wixotg elitîiîuraiioîi * tutt i urntitiitit5 foi tutu - evuti iiie id kii(paktý - rixitit ix ai i tuit ix ait lhiu tutui tht tirditixtt ofiitîtisting spat i S iîiui iiitttt îotîh, titi, îîîîioth fo [iiîittt REF pii tpil tuttI hisiîtexxes, îîfiiîîc, itrait antî iiiî th uîîgh luxai * di t tluu tii lud rafles! * rqetiteti ileaix aixît ataiahic T0 SNW CAS WMU BWINA IN 'MI§ QLMM PRMooI, MMN NOta! C'it Cathy Chuchuaci tutti -uvor'Yiore ft ii xxus Reprexeiative frittti 4ixu i t xoîxotîîîîr 555 Induatrial Dr., Milton CAINV CHUMACU Slimil calhssmifh@mîlloîcaoodiaoxhampoo.com Tel: (905) 878-2341 x21 7 Fax: (905) 8762364 beieve... 1Deadieov 11alipg. for minor hock Anywhere. Haven't signed your kid top for bock- ey yet? Well nows the time Io do so. In an effort to better plan for tbe sea- son, the Milton Minor Hockey 9Mo I & t Asoociation bas boosted its fee for latte registration Io $100 - wotb that penal- ty being enforced as of Friday. WE WILL HOOKYOU UPAFIER EVERY GAME. STE STORE FOR OTTAIIS. EAST SIDE MARIO'S MILTON aga UAliN CT 9TSID OTIT [)id late fee ey nearly here That applies to alI levels excepi the senior division (players humn between 1989 and 1991). Laie regostrants will also be placed on o waiîing lost, os many of the younger-oged dovosions are filling top foot and neaning capacoty. Registering for the 2008/09 season con be done on-line ai www.miltonwin- îerbawks.com (under Regoster a Ployer). Those wosbing to pay by cheque still need to register on-line, but con drop a cheque into tbe MMHAs maolbox ai Milton Sports Centre (Ronk B). Senior divisoon players con regoster nigbî up 10 the stant of the regular sea- son. Lawn bowling club hosts holiday event Mlionoons are onviîed Io swing by the local law bowlong club thos holi- day Monday 10 check out ifs a .nnual summer tournoment. Sponsored by the Chianipion, the event - moso likely a triples formai - will non from 10 a.m. to about 4 p.m., witb îown councillor and former ployer Moke Bougbton kickong off the festivi- Oies. Along witb the games, the Commercial Street club will bave a number of draws and offer refresb- ments; from Troys Dîner. The club is closong in on ots lOOtb onniveroary, set to be celebrated in 2013. LOV, al .u sit BRC Dyo. antn _ ~55OLHO f W dâ - ;n=o 8-ltli i lEbe Qauablan 0t~ampion