Ail)- The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 TRACTOR FUN: Above, Campbellvie's Car Reid looks over the arruy of vintage McCormick Farmali and John Deere tractors whîie ridîng hîs 1974 John Deere bicycle dur- ng the recent AillColour Antique Tractor Show ut Country Herîtage Park. Top right, Brad McBride drives his 1953 Aliis Chalmers tractor in the parade, complete with an umbrelia one of many seen on the rainy weekend. Bottom rîght, Suzanne Crosby (#48 tractori the only woman in the super-modified division -edges ost a few of her maie opponents, including Bob McClintock (#13) and Bon Clark (#94), diîring one of the iawn tractor races that were held in conjunction with the show. Notice 0f Surplus Lands Notice is hereby given that the Council ofîthe Corporation of the Town of Milton ha declared lands on part of the unused portion of the 9th Lins roud allowance as surplus f0 the Town's needs. Further details on these lands cen be obtuined from Staff report ES-039-08, which s availubie on the Town's web site ( The general locution cof these lands is shown beiow. This part of the unused portion of the road uilowance will be stopped Up, closed and conveyed to Hydro One f0 permit accesa f0 a transformer station which Hydro One is constructing in Mississauga. This notice is provided in accordance with Town of Milton Property DisposaI By-iuw No. 34-95. Further information wifh respect Io the utorementioned Notice may be obtained from the Deputy Cierk, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontarno (905) 878-7252, estension 2109. Dated uit the Town of Miiton this 3Oth day of Juiy, 2008. Troy McHarg, Town Clerti Town of Milton Employment Opportunity Casual Pari-Timie Concession Staff Needed The Town of Milton, Community Services Departmfent is currently uccepting applications for cusual part-lime assistance for their concessions. Individuals will assist with food preparation and serving the public. The Town ha three concession locutions: Milton Sports Centre, Memorial Arenu and the John Tonelli Sports Centre. The Town is Iooking for dynamic individuals who are able f0 work in a faut pace work environmfent and possess escellent customer service skiff s. If you are interested in this position or would like more information pieuse visit the cereers section of the Town's website ut ww.mIIt.on.e AdjusttoHome) Milton's Local Source for ail Home Health Care Products Haie is a Truly Revolutlonary, New and Unique Product.. ellness B E T Thit is very. Gonvenient ta Use INC. That la tiatural, leexpenaive and Very Effective.. A Product that.. TANES LasS THON 1 MME MEA DAM TO US Andt Il Helps Ysu Ta Si"d Dubos Annoylag Unuontud Pourds ond ladie Fram Your Waist, Buttocks and Legs.. and Lower Your Blood Pressure ... ad Lower Your Sad Cholesterol ... and Lower Your Rmsk of Having a heart Attack or Stroke.. and even Strengthen Your Hips To Prevent whil s aianung Muscle, Extra Energy, Strength and Endurance... osasg a Sale, Proven, Medical Duvicc thut Oftsrau t Iub la Os Ue As 7 Dop... WITHOUT DRUGS OR SUPPLEMENTS. or speclal eqaîpmest, und 119 9 YINOT Spdo à" * ~Timon" omfta A Aakif-17 M Thrdy 9 S0 m or Siay 9 30am Io553 SatuSav & Sav cvOses r0 arts- yen il