~Ii Caimabtaîî i4jamptî o n's Community Newspaper Since 1860to CCANamed Canada s Top Coniniurniy Nest spaper 'Nomriai REA L E S TAT E buflding cenhie See what's on the market inside S P 0 R T S O'Meara makes first CFL start rwwmltoncanadianchampion.com C 0 M M U N I T Y Spanis h students enjoy Mlton A † † †-. . ..da ruRpblcain o. 19. 41 *..esay Ju g 30, 2008 44Pgs .0f . . njre resue Irwsacoecaifrarc (1' clmberwhopluned 0 fet dwn4 c0l0ff ai Rtrenae Pon Pot worth $1 .5 million seized More tban $1.5 million wortb of marijuana was sei.zed by police following tbe raid of a nîral Milton bouse Friday afiernoon. hIt is tbe biggest one (seizure) ibis year in ail of Halton," said Det. Anrbony Odoardi of Halton Regional Polices Deug and Morality Bureau. A total of 2,164 marijuana plants in various stages of growtb were seized witb a street value of $1.5 million. in addition, police seized 10 pounds of dry cannabis marijuana - wîtb an estimated sîreet value of $20,000 - and a qoantity of bydropon- îcs equipment. Tbe raid took place at a bouse on Bnitannia Road West, just east of Regional Road 25, ait 2 p.m. and was executed by Halton Regional Police's Deug and Morality Bureau, along witb members of the Royal Canadian Mounîed Polices Milton deug section. Police allegedly locaîed a sopbîsîîcaîed Insideàn Today's Champion OPINION Ï CHAurioN couNTRYAIO DATELINE SPORTS is alleged ibis house on Britannia Road was the site of a marijuana grow operation. bouse. its alleged a bydro-elecîric bypass was used to Fd9 o dîveet electnicîty to tbe lab before it was registered GRAHAM PAINE /CANADIAN CHAMPION by tbe bydro-elecrnc meter. Top, an injured clîmber is aided by emer- A 55-year-old man bas been cbarged wiîb pro- gency crews at the scene following his duction of a controlled substance, possession of a 20-foot faill Above inset, Milton f ire- conîrolled substance for tbe purpose of tralficking fîghter Gord Harse accompanies the and tbelt of electricity clîmber up the 50-foot rock face. All A13 CLASSIFIED A16 www.rritoncanadianchampion.com www.miltoit-oyota.com GORRUD'S www.gonrudsautogroup.coml 7429 Ffth Line Milton, Rght at lheeast end ofMai t Ta&ttorNrsj Vobur Garden! Weekly Specials Throughout August We wili be closed Monday August 4tli for Ille C 1 Vic Hol l dav