The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juiy 25, 2008 - A9 (7(n 1,ll r nlumheri -ri; wn' t be reviewed until after 2010 By Cynthia Gamble SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Halton Region wîll wait until after the 2010 Census before considening the number of counicillors represenuing the four Halton munîcipalities. Tbis means there will be no change in the regional representation for the 2010 munici- pal election - any change wouîd not occur until the 2014 municipal election at the ear- liest. Almost $100.000 is beîng distrib- uted to seven community-based proj- ects from the Halton Healthy Communîty Fund. Regional counicil approved a total of $98.740 in new grants Wednesday for the area groups thaî've formed collabo- ratîve partnerships to launch projects that strengthen communities, neîgh- bourhoods and famîlies. The recipients, listed by lead admin- istrative panner and project, are: - Burlington Art Centre, Art for All - $8740 to help at-risk youth increase their knowledge and understanding of art CbarterAbîlîty PARDmers Accessible Recreational Docking Project - $10000 to operate a barrier- Regionai cound1i made the decision cari er thîs year, after receiving a report by the regional representation review sub-commit- tee, of whîch Milton Mayor Gord Keaniz is a member. The sub-commîttee was set up late iast year, after south Halton counicîllors stated more councillors were needed to represent the groxving population in Oakville and Burlington. But Krantz saîd he'd rather not see an increase in council members right now, free, lullv accessible powerboat service for people with disabilities o Big Brothers Big Sisters of Haîton, Corporate Volunteenism in Halton - $20,000 to hire two part-tîme co-ordi- nators of volunteers and launch a cor- porate outreach program to foster vol- unteerismt * Food for Lîfe Canada, Halton Communîty Housîng Corporation (HCHC) Outreach Program Projeci - $12,000 to expand îts outreach pro- gram to six additional sites - Food for Life Canada, Halton Regbon Collaboratîve Project on Food Security - $30.000 to hire a pari-lime project manager and support the îaunch of the "Hialton Food for Ail" project if you are sufferinq from any of the followinq, we can help you. Jm.miltonfootclinic.ca8 Bins with avi' i is lik 9il ith ar Yoi Ino Iha 'oii . o gii nbod 'ls 'il cîther regîonaiiy or iocaiiy. "I know theres not a big densand for more polîticians on tbe scene," he saîd. i,' thînk its about quality, not quannity" Halton His Mayor Rick Bonnette said he thinks the decîsion to mabntain the status quo was a good one. "Ifts what Vve been saying ail aîong, that we didnt need any new councillors," he said. "Let's wait for the Census and the Places to Grow/Sustainable Halton Plan to determine the numbers." . ForestVîew Church Without Waîls, Compassion Society - $12,000 to help with used clothing distribution to needy families o Communîiy Living Oakville, Halton Support Network for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities - $6,000 to host a full-day training event The Halton Hlealthy Community Fond is a partnership of community funders - încluding Halton Region. the four local municipalities and thetr respective United Ways - that pool financial, human and administrative resources to support community improvemerat projecta. -LAS a Tues teoTurs5:30O 9:45pet .Evey St &Su 9:0 m- 945Pm Locaiîy 4 DAY COURSE SPECIAL! Ouned il July 22-25, Augusi 5-8 & August 25-28 Opursird GIGl2 oad TstPregaritf Nights, Weeds à Earl Sokiiig à Veile 25 trsIe-ClaoeInsutiolf0 Coooetiio Day Course Prpoidod For tisad Test es toirli Tiie Wliee Triingo lalai SpotSa Package Rate$ & Spatial Attentioni For Iterol Modeni til Conillt Cars Paymneli Fians Avoulable iljj:o Sn ts Oeenuive Diver ee~s T ed uiblt.. Training Hlowever regional staff was dirtedC( t0 report back in September 10 the regional rep- resentation review sub-commîttee on Seat distribution changes in Halton since ils incorporation in the 1970s and on municipal models or provincial legisianion that deal wuth regular reviews of representation. The sub-committee xviii tben decide on developing a regional policy on regional rep- resentation, including its impact on the four municipalities, and a public consultation process. 11 C ItyHM Ie IUý P itfi . Fre Reor WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE Arthur Gummies Multivitamins advertised in our Current flyer ending July 25th, 2008 will flot be available. We apolaigize for any inconvenlence tis may have caused. ML W , 31111900,. fflr Ora 351 SMiu Crm, $M00 , giaa, Main 4"4Catb court, $M7.80. ftb Ioen Remia Reai Etiaie Centre, 905-878-7777 385 0«it BMW, $487010. is Hole 478 Colts Cit, $M,9.00. Hutse Obu b fisl iYou 604 tb*btrmu $319,M0, Darry ROMer Royal Lepait MeaaiitwTiwi, 05-878-8101 311 &brot St 8*4 75, $M3.00. JO94 fAs M7 couletaso $P9,000. Ceail Hadoustio 2N0 Saib tinh 03, 3239.000, ààt & Mary 043Uijoolue, $349,1100, Sbryi Gasy 474 Tiu Dr. $379,88, &Ao KIng Tomax Real Estate Centre, 905-87-7777 87 Stta Pl, $323,900, Karse Cooitoy 28 Diii: Cmus $339.900, Patiflniuo 1183 Woodufrd, $479,900, Darryt Flottio 5587 CruPlF, Maimuuga. $U36,00, Lyoda ABuo 01 Saalints Blvd. 3394,900, Bob Sbiâqs 676 trolg Tenue, $M9,9011, Huir Obus 385 sia BWd $407.,00. Aina Bouta 478 Col:i Col, $M1,910,. Hoota Ob@@ & fgul Lyons Royal Lepage MoadowtowTi 905-878-810T Your lufe is iii youir hanids, Please Don'y 1 Drink & Drive Volunteors always nleeded Look for heseaTdimore gret ilye onfine Sav tie save money. -IBRICK *ao"uq-M Canion _ 0 ENE 5O WI A SHAR Fff f9rTr. ee fobeyi 0 A-O 32 LC TEEIIO! îoommao 1EogSORC * - Go to www.fiye.rlaco q ta enter. 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