Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 2008, p. 7

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We ned !wn ri rh road rage before more fatalities occur DEAR EDITOR: The recent tragedy surround- ing the aileged roaci rage inci- dent off of James Snow Parkway remînded me oîf a sîmîlar inci- deiii that happened 10 me fast month. Onjune 15, i was heading up Main Street ai about 10) ans. on my wav bo pick up a cake for îoy daughter's bîrthdlay parîy As i approached the red lighî ai the intersectictn of Main ai-d Martin streels, i found nsyseif bchînd a sîopped vehîcie. i waîched as a young woman, perhaps in ber îwenîies, exîîed the drivers sîde and sort of stumbled behînd the vehie, whîle at the samne lîme a moan exiîed the passengers side and îraded plates with ber. As the man enîered the driver's seat, the lîghî changed 10 green. 1 waiîed parienîiy for several set- onds for the vehitie 10 begin bo move, but il didn't. i tould tlearly sec that th£ îwo individuais in the front seat were engagîng i some sort of hanter and seensed 10 have no intention of moving. Meanwhîie, 1 could sc in my rearvîew mîrror ihat aisother vehîcie was approaching from behînd. i reasoned that the onroming car woîîid mosi likeiy be notîcîng the green ligbî, nol the [act that my brake fines were on, and decided to sound my horu in case the person in front had nul notîced tbat the Iight had changed. Tbis wasn't an obnoxiotts, blaring honk but tather a quîck, panîcked beep to alert the ih viduais in the car in front that we needed 10 toove before an accident transpîred. What foilowed was truly shocking. The y oung womnan hung bier head oui of the pas- senger window and proceeded t0 yeil obscenities and threaîs at me wiîh such rage that I was truly frîghtened. 1 quickly passed the vehicie, winch had stîli flot begun 10 move, and headed up Main Street. I heard the tires squeal and in my rearview mîrror 1 couid see them following behind. Shaken and unsure of what was goîng 10 transpire next, 1 modîhied my route and headed up Ontanio Street and dlown Chiids Dnive - my intent beîng 10 pull int the poliice station if the pursuît con- îinued, whîch iuckîiy dîdn'î happen. 1 pulied over and sat for sev- eral minutes 10 attempt tu regain my co heading off b r nation. i bave live more than 35 boncstlv say 1 rienced anythîr Eacbi week i about drunk t ness countless gai u-tomrs a lights îhrough tions. Now, 10 we have road r Milton is b iown woth big that is a frigbte i don't kno state of our roa lion of the ir stress in peop the resuit of Milton, or a boîh. What i d tragedies likç er thîs iiontis I've described that somethi wrong with th roads and our Let's try 10 and our humat can. Return of wallet truly appre DEAR EDITOR: in a day and age where theft - boîb matenial and îdenîiîy - is a growing conceru, ils corufori- ing 10 know that you tan stili tounit on a chosen lew bo bc honesi and truc. Our smali îown of Milton is expanding by the minute and îs sîarîing 111 gel the reputation of a big cîîy, Cnime is ofîtn reporîed îo the max, but you seldom bear about the stonies wîîh happy endings. Weli mine is jusi îbaî. Il aIl started wiîb a tnip to the Farmers'Market. 1 placed mv walleî oin a vendors table wbiie pur- chasîng sîrawberrîes and didn't notice il fail t0 the grîsund as i packcd îoy wagon and proceeded on. Readv t make my tsext purchase, I realczed my walieî was mîssîng. My beari sank to mv tocs as aIl osf mv ID was in that waileî. The thoughî of bav- îng t. replace evcrvthing was sîressfui, but even worsc to thînk that someone could be walkîng mposurC before ny original desti d in Milton for years and can hiave neyer expe- ig like thîs. The Canadiani Champion, Friday, JuIy 25, 2008-A7 No shortaqe of jobs as Milton's industries continue to prosper 'Time Capsules' are gems of mnfor- niation extracted from past issues of the Champion and other publications in aider to proviele a window into MiItons past. ExpIanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. January 1912 divers, atsd wit PL. Robertson Co. Lîmiîed employs cars maktng uicl a0bands and turms out many gross nd runnîng red of the screw of the future daily, and ar major inlerset- that are unable to supply the orders add to the isix, of manufacturers, SO that the screw age ai bas nul bren put on the open retail .ecomîng a smil market but new machines are being cîîy sîrecîs, and added as [ast as possible and witis ning prospect. increased capacily tise retail market w if the current will be supplird before long. Toronto cds is a manifesta- Saturday Night continues ils kasock- creascd levels of ing, inspired by thse screw trust, but le's daily lives or tise sisarebolders pay no attention to the growîh in it Tbey are more than satisfled. Thse tombînation of old establisbed brick works have orders for ail the brick they can make o know is that and are runnmng to, their full capacity. sh ietuain The new one, Brandons Pressed and the siu in Brick Co. Ltd.. employa 40 hands above are signs and will engage a good many more ng is very, very sbortly, as an extra kiln is about toisee e state of botb our constructed to supply tise demands Society. for their bricks, which are inferior to, reclaim our roads none ruade anywhere. Tise Edwards îniîy whîle we stili Electrical Co. employ 40 hands and would have more if accommodation JODI CROSS could be had for thcrru in tise town. It ROBERT STREET will be supplied next spring. Williams & Co. Ltd. bave 30 hands buyadneed more, but like the Jated electmical company cannot get accommodation for theru at present. around as toc was gutwrcncbing. To make a long story short, 1 wouîd like t0 express my extreme gratitude to Nasir, the bonest man wbo was at the market witb Is son - after basebali practice at Rotary Park - for picking up my walleî, conîactîng me and even dropping it off ai my house. Nasîr, you wenî above ande beyond the caîl of duty I onlv wtsh that there could be more people like you tii ihis world. i would also lîke 10 thank Deb at the Milton Mail Royal Bank. I appreciale your supporlîve, [ast and friendly service. A word of advice, toming [rom the police cierk, to those of you whîs may flot be as lucky as i was - don't carry your SIN card and/or bîrîh certîfîcate in your walleî, or someone touid end up walkîng arotind as you. LISA COUTURE MILTON Tise annual meeting of tise Halton Agricultural Society was held attse town.isali yesterday. Officers elected: President, WN. Scott; Vice-presi- dent, Jj. Wilson; second vice presi- dent, Ed. McCann. Directors: Nelson- G.E. Gastie, Geo. Bell, Ed. Porter; Nassagaweya- J.C. Blackîock, M.J. Carton-, Esquesing- Tisos. Aitkin, M. Turner; Milton- jas. Houston, A. McGiision, Dr. Robertson, Janes H. Wilson, WE. McCready, Franke Greenlees, Geo. Andrew; Hon. Directors, Mattisew Dite, J.H. Peacock, W]J. Clemrents, J.D. McGibbon, Alfred Hulmer, S.H. McGibison. il was decided tisat tise Advertisement: General Servant wanted. Good wages. Canadian girl [rom tise country preferred; no Englisis need appiy, Apply te, Miss Livingston. In Fehruary a letter writer protested "feeling of greal indigniîy re ad. As an Englisis woman, 1 beg to be allowed to sup- port tise Englisis girl. Wby this dis- cnimination sbould ise nmade i [ail to see as there are good and bad wher- ever one goes. This depreciation is moat unfair to, many wbo are capable of filling any reasonable situation with credt to themseives and satis- faction to their maistresses, Fair play." January is miaking up for tise miid- ness of Decemiser. We have had about two weeks of veiy coid weath- er. Tise mercury stood at 12 degrees beiow zero at 7 arn. on Friday according tc0 the officiai report froru. Turunto observatoryi tise lowest in severai years. in other thermometers tise mercury went mucis lower. Thtis material is assembl cd on behalf of thie Milton Historical Soeietv by Jim Dills, who con bc reached tlîrough the socicty ai (905) 875-4156. D RI1V E s. i You H aih We gurne o ilkowh tod n.. wetàh ita *vWd August 5, 6, 7, 8 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30 arn. to 4:15 p.m. August 25, 26, 27, 28 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30 arn. ta 4:15 p.m. Septemiser 20, 21, 27, 28 Saturday & Sunday (2 weekends) 9:30 arn. to 4:1 5 p.m. 'lit' i 0 a a filton 0+ ý Capsules ci spring fair will be Aptil 19. Arepresentalîve of the Hydro- Electrit Commission was in Milton last week in connection witis tise pro- pos 'ed contract for power for the town. He was flot in a position then 10 quote rates, whicis wili depend on what kind of connection is ruade. -il is expected that tise figure wiii ise about $30 a horse power per year. Tise isead of one of our industries toid tise Champion tisai tisougi was possible to produce power by otiser means tisan electrical at a Iower price tise mean cost would be a great deal of money He iselieved tisat reliaisie power, witis a 24-bout service, would be a great boon to tbe town.

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