B16 - The Canadian Champion, Fîîday, Juty 25, 2008 Get more banca for your buck fromn KIA on page 61 5 ln terma of pnice, the base V6 Borrego LX slan.s ai $36,995 and the V8 LX is $39,495. The top trîm EX models*start ai $40,995 for the V6 and $43,495 for the V8. Pnices dîffer froin region 10 regiiîn and even dlealer to dealer, but Borrego com- pares to the base Ford Explorer at $41.399 and the base Nissan Pathfinder ai $38,298. But il is whaî's încluded in the price where the Borrego h)eginis to stand out. 1 lie base IX V\\6 cornes wi th part tite four-whcel drive (4WD), Electromuc Stability Control (ESC), four dise brakes wtb ABS and traction control, Downhill Assisi Control (DAC), Hill Assent Control (HAC), air, cruise, 1 7-incb alloy wheels, power locks/windows/doors, windshield wiper deicing, underbody skîd plates, heated front seins, roof rails and the liai goes on. Movîng up to the EX trim for $4,000 and it adds full lime ÙALNE PREk' I NEARL NEWBAREL, RARLY DIN. 20i6 FORD 4 cl,5 soifmiau sir AMFMCD. toi v6> a to t aiPg p idea pmî rt V,ato, A/C ýrtîpi tly 3454 kis V8 5.4L autOI.air pwpdil port, cris tIt gl tt ass e at spoieoi0k tk tl 7953 km s tac if Fato SIk 2786A. iaac ifFct Warat & ttitioe s tnig boards #satsts Warraîy Stk 272A (Peiu US etal) boxt ir oîy34,5671km tk. #2766A 2 ((( 1 55I 5L V8 ato. air p ittati. p stîtatîl Only 72,682 kmsf With Wafraîts Slk F8t91A ABOVE: The interior of the Borrego wvhether LX or EX (showvn) is roomy wîth amber lit instruments and a total cargo capacîty of 2,765 litres. RIGHT. The inlerior of the Borrego is full of creature comforls lîke Sirius satellite radio and a transmissbon tunnel mounted receptacle for MP3 music players.. 4\VD, leather, dual climtate control, tililslide power sunroof, driver's seat memory (mirror, seat, steering column), bigger 18-inch alloy wheels and more. On the LX modela, regardlesa of engine, the dnivetraîn consista of a five-speed Sîeptronic transmission wit manual shift mode and a part-lime 4WD sysîemn that lets the driver chose rear-wheel-drive, 4hî and 41o.The EX models comes with a six-speed Sîepîronîc auîomaîic witb aýfull-time 4W0 sysîemt that adds an "Auto" seîîing that shifts torque around on demand. Alan standard on Borrego ta a nifty rear dîfferential that locks up when one wheel turns; more than îhree degrees faster than the other. You will neyer know, or probably feel, the dîfferential deploy but il dises wonders in places leas than ideal like the dedicaîed off-road park north of Calgary thai Kia took us toi as part of the Borrego press introduction. With a rutted, dlay road after an heavy rain, the aurface waa very slîck. Selecîing 41o, the V8 1 waa dniving clambered tip and down and over protruding rocks with little effort. Although downhill and hilI asseni are standard equipment, 1 neyer needed these aids. Comîng down a sîeep mifne, engine braking and brake pedal modulation were aIl that waa nerd- ed. With an almosi dainty îurning radius of 5.5 meters, steer- îng in the îîghî confines of a logging road or the heari of downiown Toronto is a bolon. see EXCEPTIONALLY on page B19 lki 10;1 - 11 'À f 6 i auoM o unpiai ws & V88 r i w gEw u ot aV uo upgiu VOfyM 8 rs5bat irP8t Pt dcati cas A d 1o ecl lndgas fl Ony855km'SI 66ABwieof t Wi aine fF ta Wi tA OA02A ly5 58ks aane8m B tr 0 2 m.Blac o at oy srnt l War5y5 Pýiu UA weil 88rafl ,Stt 2?S 26A(r sUA efn Ca rProof ý,zîaz -00 1MIN207FRD A _ýW 7 î - , 1 1 > ?00:1 CM VY Cavalier 2 Dr : ý,. ý Y- . î r__ýqm FORD 1 F-150 Sup XLT