The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 25, 2008 B15 ~ i~!t5 n~EthPr E"~Look nq for somme special Browse our free date connection Sc u iDiscreet and secure vest rvdd a seven-seat SU wwwmmiltoncanadianchampion.corn with the power to surprise By JIM ROBINSON Metroland Media Group CALGARY: Kia Canadas slogan is " the power to surprise" and that thcy have certatnly done wtth the 2009 Borrego seven-Seat SUV in light of current gasoline prtces, you would think bning- ing out a big SUV, with a V6 and a V8, would seem like the rigbt vehicle (at least last year) but at the wrong ttme. Kia, however, is verv upbeat about this traditional body- on-trame SUV because of pnice, wbat lis included on the pnice, fuel consomrption and Kias great 5-5-5 warranty. The Borrego os Kias third SUV (Sportage, Sorento), four if you counit the Rondo. The Borrego is nottceably bigger than Kta SUVs that have gone hefore. Kia secs the V6 goireg up agatnst Ford Explorer, Ntssan Fathlînder, Jeep Grand Cherokcc and Honda Pilot whilc the V8 (hascd on power and 7,500 lb towtng capacity) competes with Dodge Durango, Chrysier Aspen, Cbevy Iaboc and even the buge Ford Expeditoon. In tenus of the power, tbe 3.8 ittre DOHC V6 tn Borrego produces 276 bp and 267 lb/fi of torque. Thts compares to 2 10 bp in the 4.0-litre V6 Explorer, 266 hp tn the 4.0-litre V6 Fatbftnder and 236 bp in the 4.O litre V6 4kunner. The 4.6-itre DOHC V8 in Borrego makes 337 bp and 323 lb/ft of torquc. The 4.6-litre Explorer V8 produces 292 bp, the 5.6-litre V8 Patbftnder bas 310 bp, and the 4.7-litre V8 4Runner comes tn at 260 hp. Fuel consumption ftgures [or the V6 are 11.0L/100 km ctty, 9.4L1100 km higbway The V8 gets 14.11i100 km cîty and 9.71J100 km bigbway see BANG on page B16 Whether in the heart of the city or in the heart cf Aibertas ruttle countiy, the 2009 Kia Borrego sesen-seat SUV can handie just about any terrain thrown at it. 'g'T Il Il III 0'Il SeCsduesBPwsiieiw, ee tu ods AsoR jCodixus owWsdwPoee oetekRees eodioisPeotsusW, os 00 Lcm Rmt KeesoEeeASRekuoo lieoiapoAiFJiI K~ls EtyB BseoARoDI satpsA iFIit sseu eteAB ouesoo i HaIA5SMFîC Il - --e-. I I 'I * e Si *, SI - ~ uun ~ e~i~s~ ~,,5,,, - os, 0e os~O.~O0os osa.a.imoeda~ NU)ITi 1PU NISSAN GAS ADVANTAE L.SAVE 200 ON EVERY LITRE FOR ONE YEARf THE 2008 NISSAN %LEASE FOR - -- *PURCHASE $1 98 mm~ ~ M UFNANCING FER IlH FOR 48 IlH SE 1 AFIOR UP TO EXCLUDES 2.0 60 MONTHS FREIGNT AND PDE CTY:LAERT3lOOKM (34MPG), DowNè AD .HANT 2a5ItOK PAYMENT ADATAE6.UOOM(44 MPG) $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT 610OMARTIN STREET, MILTON 2.0 S model shown t tee dealer toe details 1 91/ APR, Gatose AAO00,60 munt teeun $1225 teeiatt lic, îegistrutiun and tuxes due ai isuse inceptkem excesu km charge ai 100 pet urn, ise obligaioun $11.880. NGR TH END SALES DEPTRR. o: hi I Mi. 010 - 00 II~ I~ ]LyD. Si. 9000 SIT Il