B12 The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 25, 2008 t..r~iI) front DATEUNE on page B4 lic heaîth nurse at the Ct 1-800-488-5666 or visit ww.apsgo.ca. Years Centre, 410 Bronte St wt Catling New Parents, a free drop-în to 3:30 p.m. tc discuss pa rr.r nr program for parents and babies aged 6 infant care. For more infor d;P .- Y. months and younger, meets with a pub- (905) 825-6000. ext. 7299. itanio Early [, romn 1:30 renting and marlon, cati Th O, e. e * GreenCart Summer Tips At the Curb " Put your GreenCart out at the curb every week, even if it s only partiaill full " Do flot place your Ktchen Catcher or compostabie bags at the curb, the Kitchen Catcher is mfore Iikely to blow away in the wind and compostable bags mnay leak or break apart, they are oniy meani to be liers. Only put your GreenCari at the curb. " Put ail food waste in the GreenCart for weekiy collection. " Ensure the GreenCari lid lu closed and locked. Avoid Odours and Pests " Avoid insecis and other pests by sprinkling a handfui of sait, garden lime or powdered ginger in the GreenCart or Kitchen Catcher. " Wrap food waste in newspaper or soiled paper towels or place in a cardboard box like a cracker or cereai box. " Wrap meai and bones in paper and add additionai layers of paper to the GreenCart each time you empty your Kitchen Catcher. " To reduce odours, clean out your fridge the day before GreenCart collection. * If space permits, store meat scraps in the freezer until collection day. " Store your GreenCart where you store your regular garbage container (in the garage or at the side of your home). Keep it out of direct sunlight. " Empty the contents of your Kitchen Catcher into your GreenCari daiiy. Keep it Clean * Wash your GreenCart and Kitchen Catcher wiîh mild detergent as required. The Kitchen Catcher is dishwasher safe. " To reduce odour and minimize mess, you can uine your Kitchen Catcher and GreenCart with newspaper, cardboard, paper towels, a paper bag or a certified compostabie bag. More Blue and Green for a Better Planet Und.rtandig what air qualltyl Halton Region is commiited 10 safeguarding residents' healih. Thie Air Quality Healih Index (AQHI) is a new health-hased index developed by federai and provincial goveroments which wili help us achieve this goal together. The AQHI is designed to help you make decisions to proiect your heaith by: " lndicaiing when air quality presents an increased risk to health; * Helping you to understand when you have symptomu that may be related 10 air quality; and " Clarifying how and when you shouid adjusi your activities hecause of air quality. Gar y Cnrr - egionai Chair Currently, Halion's AQHî lu hased on two Ministry of the Environment air monitoring stations in Oakville and Burlinglon. The Region is installing ita own air monitoring station in Milton to add another air monitor ta Halion's AQHI network. Learn more about the Air Quality Health Index at www.halton.caltodaysairquality. Milton District Hospital holds a one- on-one breastfeeding clinic wnth a cer- tified lactation consultant fromt 9:30 to 11:30 arn. For more information or to make an appointment, caîl uitl Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrante), invites students in grades 6 to 12 to drop by between 0000 and 5 p.m. to play a game of pooi or just hang out. For more information, visit wNvwthedetkmiton.tom. The Milton Seniors'Actîvîts' Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds bingo at t1:30 p.m., its Downsizers Weight Loss Club ai 10 a.m., darts and billiards irom 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and cribbage [rom 1 to 3 p.m. The tost [or each atn'at ts $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Evening Bid [uchre takes place at 7:30 p.m. at a cost of $2.50. For morc information, tait (905) 875161. Tht Milton Toastmasters nicts at 7:30 p.m ni.ii the upper hall at the Royal Canadian Legion. 21 C harles St. Mctîihers of Halton Hîlis Toastrnasîcrs svtll also he attendtng due to thectomn- hrned sommier rmeeting scliedule. Guests aire welconie. For more infor- miation, visît xs'svxVînltontoasimas- tcrs.org. Wednesday july 30 Milton Dtstrict H-ospitat hotds a one- on-one breastfeeding clinic with a ter- tihied lactation consultant from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, catt Jilt Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites students in grades 6 to 12 to drop by between 0000 and 5 p.m. to play a game of pool or Biackterry Curve 8330 *MP3 Compaibuiity 2.0 megapixel Camnera & Camoorder ExIternai memnory îlot *Phrone, email, lent messaging. jusr hang out. For more information, visit wwwthedeckmilton.com. The Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 500 Chitds Dr., hotds contract bridge at 9:15 a.m., Mexican train domninoes [romt 1:30 ro 4 p.m. and dants and bil- liards [rom 9 a.m. t0 9 p.m. The cosi [or cach ativity is $2 for members and $4 for non-members Ils summer bar- becue is held [romn 11:45 a.m. to 1230 p.m. Tht cost îs $6. Sîgn op at the receptioiî desk tir phone in yoor oidei hy îîooîî the Monday hcforc at (905) 875-1681. Tbursday July 31 Tbe Deck youtb rentre, 200 Main St. (rear entrante), invites students in grades 6 to 12 to drop by hetween noon and 5 p.m. tii play a gaine oif pool or îust hang out. For more information, vîsit www.thedeckmilton.com. Momns Supporting Moins in Milton - a support grîîup for moihers wlîo aie struggling wviih postparîom clcprcssion aind/or an.xictv rocis at 1Itaîttit kids West Miltoîn Hth at Our Lady of Vicîory 'ithool, 540 Comimercial St. frona 7 tii 8:30 p.m. F-or miore inflorma- tion, taI Janet Siverrns at (905) 825- 6000, ext. 2927. Milton District Hospital holds a one- on-one breastfeeding chiri with a ter- tified lactation consultant [coin 7 to, 9 p.m. For more information or to niake an appoinîment, cati jill Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Sexual Assault and Violente Intervention Services of Hatton (SAVIS) botds its weekly Multicuttural Drop-in Group [romn 1 t0 4 p.m. at H-opedale Malt, 1515 Rebecca St., suite 227, for women survivors of violence. For more information, caît (905) 825-3622. S;u ;A URDY Y26 Fb MOBULITY r - elackSerry Pearl 813w 2.0 megapnel camnera & Camorder Expandable memnory instant Mesfin s9e ries Phone, email SMS, browserj ro er, and caiendar ana organizer EXPRESSVU- YMPATICO'" n up on the Performance or Unpluggeai Package CUSTOMER APPRECIATIONManSreE s MI Out RichI Salo 50%etIIthe Enpesstu sytem, Renlal 2 MoUdn hreu prgramming" WaoilW o" [flineronsu on, a 1 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M ýLI Iq: 9(v Toll Fiee. 1 8t)O 4HAI-TON - TTYý 90S-827-9833