Tho r.nneai r.hmmnimin Frielso, Jiiev 25 2008 - Bll 51 BIis Urescent MAXXIMUM SERVICES 44 iver urive Absolatelu Stannirg! Beauiful Home W/Finiahed Bamt *MLa LISTING *DEIICATEO AGENT ' rU On Huge ije-Shaped Premium Lot (One 0f Langeai On 41OPEN HOOOEO *vIVIo PsCTOGRAPHY Street); Detached Hame But By Tittans Pare MAI Brick *STAOINO OOVICE 49APPOINTMENTBeOOvINGS Constructian. Close Ta New Schaoi,401 & All Amenities. *NEWoSPoeRASoa ~COLOUnFUL FEAron5 SHEETS &MonoI akerof Reord s inhOest umber (76)ofhSliso sod an-Ar20 SOi stai s So urc ande nden orice Baeo BSaînO i st s 'I isiedand so.d bistn gn SIQî cetu iion yord with flogstone waikway & parkcing pad. Entry from garage ta home. Thse greot room overlooks an eat-la khuches with waikout to flup fenced yard wlth decli usld hot tub. Includes ail appliances. Cali Jsy* to book pour showing todopi $324,900. YD4IOUI NATURE'S PARADISE ' Winding drive leada ta secluded one acre denti properly with 4 bdrm, brick and alaminum home. 2 car garage. Minutes ta 401. Cati Cameras for more information. T i.s g pe nth itnCa po (cicultio 2410 h I ndeen n & Fre Prs ( irclto 25,65 and. il . a (crua ion2700) Fo booin inomain al DIN at 90-7824 Ix 21 ore aldae (a itnaainhm io. or RGER t 90-878234 ext 252or.enI. rbrrn(mlocndaca o.c11 Si mple Landscape Tricks to Increase Curb Appeal (MSI These daye, the home- ompravemnent indusiry os as big as ite ever been. Take a Ca-suit drive thiough a typicat suburban neighborhaood and piu're tiabte ta see a faon number ai houses cîndergaing came sort s'f rectanvition pnojvct. lie it a new garage daim, a fresh eoat of paint soi the coco poputar add-on, homes across the country are geteisog mone facetifts thon an aging Hattevod stantet. That said, many homeoconere are teft toosking for eoays ta keep up with the Janeses white nat bneakîag the bank. Thantefutty, the oneever fora tot if peopte os rsght autside theor windoses. tmonneng the tandscape sof a yard doesn't have to be ecîrensive. And such impravements con go a tlong way to incnnasing a bouses curb appeat. osakong it mare attractive ta priospective buvere. Think Foliage [tpion ptantong flawers, noany homeowners are surprised at the impact those Itaccers haive sun the look and feet oif theun hanse. Ftoerebeds oroound the penisseten of a hose add to the costor aifou home, white atea making it feet mone wetcaming ta guests. înctud- ing prospective buyeno. A good tricke s to ptant tisseers atoong the edges of a dniveeoay or weattoeoap. This con pnoe'odn a strooo cssntnost toa odrab driveevay or evatkeeav. tn additian, sucb flusevers witt droeo, the attenion of guests on those in the reat estate market, taking their eyce axoan froom potentiat poobteno areas yssu moght sot be abte to fox ai the moment. Plant Trees If. tike mony hameowners, pou simpty don't have the time ta keep pour tawn tooking tueh and green ttonoughaut the pear, consider ptanting same trees araund the praperty. This es nat anty envirnn osentotiy froendtv, boit effort-friendtp as wett. as tending ta treeo os nat neorty as timne coneuming as keeping a tawn in great shape. Once a tree begins to spraut, ennetap its base lu a bed of match. Mutch anty needs ta, be reptenîshed ance pen yean, and the tank it creates is bath beautitut and serene. In addition, t-oanting trees is inexpensove. Just make sure yau consutt with neighbors firet if hou ptan on ptanting near propeth' lnes. Work On Your Walkwvays & Surrounding Landscape tintess hou have young chidren, yoso and ynour guests wîtt tokety spend mono turme an watkways and patio etecles thon pou witt in the actuat yard taon. Tâke odoantage ai that by further tessening the ime you spenet on the octuat grass as a oneans ta keepîng it lu even better shape. Fier enompte, if h'au have a baclepord garden piscie especîatty prouet of, instati a concrete wattoeoy that teads pou and patential visitons bock tes tise gardeus. This wilt greatty reduce !iL aoiund sof eear and Sean vour toron tokes each tome 'osa visiot fC, garden. ton addition, o concrete Ot wop en t be damaged b'. wheetbarrows futt of soît ar new plants. If watkways teading unta the home are atready ouned eooth fotiagV, make aune yoou keep them wett tnîmmed. Keeping sbrube aiod bush es wett-tnimined daesn't require a toit of effort but doses give the impressian of a home that's been wett cared for. On the othen hand unkempt sbrubs and buoheo are an epe sare. and can ompty a home- awner has been tari n ather maintenance areas as wett. John Know your Rate Before ou Morigage Planner Mo tgarg M At -ch'tects g 6 14 Martin Si. Miltas, ON Calt"i dream leam "for greai ris fastfriedly seric& ectiressfee morigages.-, John, Km & Oelna ER878-721 3 UL .2% 2% 650 Missossga Rd., Misisauga, ON 7 .2 62 ' 89 v www.stresstreemartgag.e.a %! ia1qaiay!rpwiio 0AC Jey NIse et" Régi~ 9087-M6O 1-877-0-260 19-941-5151 LARGE 3 BORMI3 BATH RAISED BUNGALOW I' n country subdivision. Handy tu Ern, Hillsburgh & S Orangesille. Large family size kitchen, w/o from '~'basement double attached garage. Don't miss tbis Soppontuniy' $399,900, CREATE ai TRAFFUC!! am Reserve YOUR Foature Home Today! aiecaîl Diane an Roger to batk your eit or the o'iWedceeday tact Homes Rteal Ette Secton, Friday Spatlight an eames or Youi Country Reach Feator Blane Woisonholnie 905-878-2341 eut.212 dlanew@mIItosanadianchOIpiafl.oO Rener Bertrand 9ea&e78-2341 ext. 252 (t,~lflj~oe M7 î e.