The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 25, 2008 - B7 Village Home, The Cherrywood Elev. 'C', 1,040 Sq.Ft. 224ee~ NOW $21 9,990 Claac -rcn Avial n eetPerir os Hawthomne Village is Martamy's premiere fam-ily community. And now we are offering special pricing on select mnventory lots. Jomn us today to enjoy great fàmily home designs with up to $1 5,000 ini savings. Or you can put your family into a new home on a premium lot at a new affordable price. Corne and see why 7,000 familles have akeady chosen to tive'at the foot of the escarpment in a community that lias just been honoured as ENERGY STAR" Builder of the Year. Village Homes From $220,990 WideLot"' Townhomes From $249,990 Main Street Townhomes From $275,990 WideLot" Semis From $289,99040 28' Detached Homes From $329,990br 34' WideLot' From $31-2,990 *ae De RdE 36' WideLot' From $352,990 ~T~ 43' WideLot' From $408,990 50' WideLot' From $432,990 WideLot"' Semni, The Honeydale Corner 'A, 1,700 Sq.Ft., $23r995 NOW $318,990 43' WideLot-, The juneberry 'B', 2,839 Sq.Ft., $455519et NOW $444,990 à' -8