Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 2008, p. 31

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The Canoadian Champion, Friclay Juty 25, 2008 - 31 Sitilati Sae Hel 1Wi~ Hl I ataHl ii t *a 6p *Sales Hotp EidmIe Hefic -Tehnca Technîca Hnteals lialHlp 0Geea 5el ~&Agents &Agent &Aet COUNTER PROIFESSIONAIL PULL lIME Gakiiti, ON Au a 'Coontar Pro' pou ciii use pour cuolomer sernica sius as eu us pour solo parts & paint tacirricai imsietiga to neopondt b costomar inquiries iroli on tire pisse ont in peroon. Yoo ciii proceos transactiono, obtaîr papmenlo anti hurtia canir, chaque anti credt canti papserîts tirrougir o olta-of-lire-art compoter spolan. In atdîtion, pou wiii tako cuotomaer orties anti prapara tram for teisenp Proicacairg stock racaipts andi retorno are aiso atemants of tira position. Must hava 3-S poans affarmanket auto parts asperianca. Subroit your ressaie ta confidence: Emait: careers.carreaes@gpi.rom Fax: (416) 679-3078 CRossw)i NDS Not golng bock to schooi? Looklng for s fun place Ho work? AI3CUIIV JR. ANALYST, EOUIPMENT DEPARTMENT Aecor Infrastructure Group, Mihtori, Onitanio. Esential Fanictiana anti Rosponaîblîlalea: *Monthly tisotribution ni tais- communication reports * ttaoaopmant ni moritoring tono anti procassas; rasolvirg airaeons ooflwretrartiwra csse * Analaso communication casi anutysis sopporting hatrwara asporturas ont budggai planning * enelopsanit oot control procassas for agotymant flast(s) Pasition roqatrnmeeta: *Eaempiary communication sillo *Prolicient computer okitis are esoantisi *Demorsirat organizutionat anti probtan sootirg skillo *Cottage Ditomna i Uniserity Gagnas un set Forardt ronanne anti caner letton qaattng "Janiar Analyst, Eqalpnont' ta amati: hn@ctnttandaettthloRa.aon.cafl se Fan: 416 N40 2152 C SoME SEVC 'B IOR G la G al R Ti in of thr A A Bemrgo Cert - Banqet & Loange Serveen Excellent communicaton & organizotior Pma Sirop - Bocke Shap - Marats sirilto, sble to provitie a corsstantlp irigir 1mai Pleese contact Anitas of customer service ru aiosy environnment. snlta@crosswlndsgoll.com Some sotomotise kroetge a plus, irut rot I or 905-319-5991 x225 racasoanp. PC skl ta must. P/T Mon-Fît. t Peauto cal or amati ramme to L S 1 519-829-9727 As' aae Email brstinaato@blranetcoar c', hc [CARPENTERS anti - As't anaer -MangeLABOURERS - Cutre evc Guelph-Eramosa Home Boîttier is seakîrg to0 Caitnvra .nrg . *p Hartiymer anti Generai Labourers ton long Par 16849-016teniremplomHt pckt P Mscan c hanucd ortiltr KEEN RESTAURANT SERVICES mlg. ciii ha requiredti 1 set up antiul Tm troniteoirsafrotary filten, prassure sensi We are tanking fsr a FuiTm tisa tabetees, aaîomatic cappers, cosers Service Technicien Gao Fluter tu etc. Preference giver 10 cantidtiaes wit hsea e airea Hosp e tadr Mua previsus enp. ir pieumnaîic scato titanr haivinec2oas Lcnednida anti pis Isieters. Sonne aift wrk antid ess oa onertime neqairet Pleese fox resusse to 906-702912 Fax resumne toi905-568-3664 Ema50 kmo- n@zo- LO or Cal 905-840-4M0 CUSTOMER RELATIONS $17.901 he RROER aeo Local Distribalsi tan International ManufturerI okgt he now enpanting ir Burtington anti Gaki e. trienre Hase openings ir Contomer Relatios Gapart epnett ment Ns eaperience reqoiret. 1 JIR W P LUMBN G Company sufera. Comptate inainingport maca. TECHNICIANS bon, rapid Atisancement & haee. Ai appli Excellentompensation. caris mont ha seat rn appoanante anti eadti bCti 905-83&M05 start immatiiataly, aitir on transportation. ItrseinWofing Foi MONEY MARC RINANCIAL Aie'ne ionking ton irigir energy, a positîve atti-t tueanti self-motisatton for Customer cw est Sevc or i lri you're tooiîg hon i w s fleible hours, atisancement opporturîttes No eeperience neicessanp 1or more inration ll EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT ani an nlyment torm ut: r eetiet no mn Oskirsitt corponate office top- - wmonsmartca.can t 866-448-430 noting tire CEG anti CFO. Seaking s matare, a ~seusonei EA ca-n stmang communication skials anti public campae apontante, preteabl ir a SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE NEEDEDI manufacto ng erretoment. C pettne puy aelsa i oknfo futmacouple toi sie-n with Benefits andiPension. poiina Gesrgetswn propery a ais incluta Ta appty ploase inanarti yossre s o cloas ngisa nteance anti artsinstration. Cospnn aflîce@viceet.com c. atsation incluties saa banalts, aacation, 2 qastlag "EA Candidats" ln tho Sabjnt Uno Fboom spartmer bonuses! Appl on- ne ai ww.reasara oucaaars) or by tascoseriesuse to 416-9e9315 tQuota GTOON-07 OFFICE CLERICAL I*iiiiiiMIIIIMMIIIIIIIM*MMMIIII Mîttor office negluines Accounts Recaîsabla, 1ipac o n d O rGîer Entry anti traoîcîng support. Funtirn E UlCaoaon(baeaa dunies inctutia swatchhant recaption, nat anti ASKA OUrA '0 " '0" coonier packaging, hîtîng anti othar tioties as cal 9058178.2341 asnîgnati Thre applicant must ire pansonairte, WO i i iCO orgunîneti anti tintait orianteti. aiti escellant g OMtM Hotp serrai anti aites sius to nr rn tia hast- 1.18rie FORpacateironomant. PIese asdmasna riae te oest: cos i EK o:x ea30A -a555lndtiaaiDr, 2ndle 1 aistas Ont., gta-et FO MN ust haw gootd valphona sonnaiJ J411111 7ourly naga + Banatls No Stutianto Ca for iniarvie Monday to Firiday Ref 759am -5pm o ýi Linsiru. L rsr i AI ýl11L , L :,IN 'Connor Mucteoti Hanu LLP /0 a nîneter agiar toit sarvice tace f/rn, locata i n Gakoîtte, mtarin. As ara cuorentty saakîng an indivirtu- citir Monicipul anti Landi Use Davaiopment nul Estate aaporîance. ne succatotul cantidate aui hava knowistge uati use tianetopomnt, intiotiing ragistraion subdivistons, contiominiums, oensicing anti tae plan agraements anti sasemento. Kroei- tige ot tira municîpai Plsnn pnocass anti te 0MB appa procaca coi= ha an assaI. tittionsi ranponsîbitttiet inctutie atiministra- ve eork socir us tiaiip canrespontianca, legat aemannumo, agreements, f iiags for tribunai ianars, snpot of ioclets, etc. Il appiicanto ohouiti hase a thoroogir knoai- tige oh MS Wordt, Microsoft Guttoo - Corsey- ncen anti hase excellent communication anti nganizationat sius. rlafemmo raicaiset il bii hl ietin otricteot ontîiaenca. nteresteti canitatas shoulti senti thir toume to: 'Connor MarLeoti Haseis LLP loirristeas & Soltcttorn '50 Kern Strasf Gskvilta, ON, L6K 3A5 atention: Penelope Hunst i-mail: hsestlisistr Piease type ir tira position netarnce jr tire tuiject ire. Viot oun cabota ut: wwwamh-ca Chntr ountants icatr ungter 90e r eingo GNaCo ntr Cmenaton fabl e r ton , nti arssito sp e 9ere sekI teigei r Man-ier to ib wtespoe friatce jray point accuriting frt pepaorepranti fael fat tafnts ae att ans Rcrpoatae ani pemora ircome tas puts. <ouwttiga 0ft anlbewt, moTas re fania stocet s , nd reti. o teyer Pse su bnsslcniawlt our esse t Merngqulfctos R nimm ffic Maa ear reea t ephene OA Jonced, CApue and l Rogknweg J a tonbiion, CAtes Po 3515ina ccuitn Meaion Drive sCM Ofic Assistant. officeo queutis pranentpr ima (- lroor pare week)l irrwhgmsriuti managee coli trîne ctpnD omper anti. a thota onî are j3e aopeigcoptiiopentio31 pealet for-n ie s aclstati Op- - a melass coat an pesoa -nom * - rts a tanforldg fsrof -aeae TxP enaî axe itac an - - - - alssttrain t -au ceun * a 351mîtaine Div P nla arit @ dons Crnaatprasi Offlce youistan 790rnn Gueipr Lina hrwokng uli esseniel.Ofic Guprie cai 905.878.234 OUT1WE AOVEBISING SALES Ooit Bookr o tire prînt undi ontîre titracnonp tiisonso Metrolunt Matia 0 oup tt a chsitp ocrati suisitiurp oh Torstar Corporatison 90e service local mankets, prositîrs sait bus/nasses cir afontabin mulimea atonntîaing bonties art prssitirg conaumans citr comfpiata listings of bus/nsssa nd servions ralevunt ns rireir commonities. To esors oor conoinuat groclir ont socceso, Gosi Bsok os seuncing for enengesoc anti self motîsutet irtisîtouis tloii on teun. 90e ana saakîng foulltisa OUTSIDB ADVBBTISINO SALES REPiIESENTATîVES nsi sarv/on on Brampton, Milton, Cuistot & Onangasîia narets. Tira prisuny resporsibtinay of this position /0 to maxieino udtunî rasasse hon uisit Boni. In ti/ foin, pou ciii in customan focoset undi cii but aîsrorg retattonahipa c/rh nec cli/ents. Yoo ciii prosîiae potnat cosromera ci creul/se, affectiae atuertisrg/manrketirg soltions undi ciii plap u irnp rotais lire onnati ssccess oh sonf ongan/oalîsn. *Ara pou a hurt coriig undi inepertent, self-strater? D Os ou en/nf teatîrg c/tr saui bosînases art meeting nec people aoarg tapI *Are ysu a hunier, ci lire confitdencan unt tios eon ai gensnuîing unt csîrg nein business? Do Bnou hase ecellent communîcation, praserraior ardtleephore sius? Ar Amynu a ype-A pnnssraltopcho is goat-onreti art capale of meeting uggnessîe caniltargalst *Dopsou ha a serareoen araires" anttiue chans ones tos achîn oro hiranctai goals? *Are poo entnemeip ambOîous cia-arn ourslant/ng conk natoi art onpnncetarnt di/ve for immetiale rassira? *Do pos hase a net/aine uniîcie? Il pou araceee /Tes" b au i rirte ainse anti couti le ns punsun a nncsntiîrs careen cfirh an irsovatîse leatarin rire sertis triuatrp, tuis opporunitp map Ina-ne siih ors fon pos. 90e oflen a competitîse compensation plan cir anlieltet inra eennint Intersîaet cantidtea are movtedten appl pro Mary Riclamas Regonul Sules Manager an mfirkosn@neldbesk.rs SI fsr an irreraieccii be contactit. No phne catis or sgnis pîease. Gold Boolk goldbook.ca L Atg O Y Are yaa ta RETAIL SALES ; nsAnY"a Interoatsdc ln a maint DfETRjetat lob? Autre seektng mature, tatenteti, esparianceti peopleaweuh a backrnrtin jrelling jr a retait environnent to irecome La-Z-Bey Sales Pro- losstonas We oller a garerons Compersaron Pmogram, Company Berefa Plan, Prolessioral Traiig, Opporturitiet for Artoancement anti a urique sppsrtunity to work with Caratiat fasteut g rowingirigh qualit furriture showrooms - LZ mtoyr reGalles. Vos must hase meitaine transportation, ancei- taent variai anti entrer communication sius, tome pranios ratail aspanience asti a fiaxible achatista that permits pou ta wnrr or weeai- antis anti somae eaerirgs. Wie have operîrgu at - OaknlltoMMtSlsag Border, Brampton, Balngton, Narth Mia- nissauga anti Enabtccoe Ifs essy to apy! We taire applications ip tale- phorne oriy - 24 tonr a tiay - simply cati Char- te. at 905-315-9966 - aire graatmng hegîra yos tuai 150, thar tuai ll6t51#l b raspondti amnai questors. The Classifieds S Attract Readers. lILaimqste sal rsiMgcarthasainqa nesiren a lob fnidu an emplsyase' ani te ses Il yaun taenia 4lit bintay ralitiotns? i Place ani adinit Clastinis! fih laa at y. Î! Cali 905-878-2341 ioday S ta place your ad. RAiFf o S clsslfiod@ miltancaaadiaschampisn.cni NOW HIRINO FuIl-Tîme & Part-Time Sales (stertIng mid Auguat) 300 Nsoith Serrie Asati, West CalviIe Tosen Cantre Soperior muscn oaitie, Rasporeibtai Retiable Reaîat eaperine Apply ln person wlth Resusse: By JuIy 31, 2008 In stote suies associatas Base pus cammisin. 1-yeartas apeience srmaare Entai peur fesume to: daiO tl. JaIb Fate super B et 6625 Kennedy Rd- Ulsolsasga Saturtiey July26th FT sales paopis ne- goîtat. Potins A aretuable fr thra A s Noa anti Est GTA. s Montirty royaltias' flesible boums imme- U tiata position aaitabis. Contîts u aa i A bout.. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. snswortng l service Phono WOrKOpOIlSuo 1-W00-91-«82 1-51943l6-1522 L

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