A26 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 25, 2008 vsie's vide Ms ii A IMM MfY ire Tmfl MOS III? M M Tml U AMfLM MkbIlO f. *4 I ndor0 junmior Manicures Pediicures ~ yg o n *Cipcakes & aChocolate Fountain wit Fr'h Friuit& g Marshmaiiows 1.BIRTHDAY PARTIES *White, Chocoiate orStrawberry 3 pesltoissur fiwn ýt> Mîik in fancy giasses *Bnng peur mmn supplies or froue Orgasiea Goodie Bags fiied al<i okt s inith neat spa tfai feuokCus Ages 5-12. m«n 6 glIs ,bbe 2-3 hmis, Satuday afeos 6 N5Or Si$na Rd.#0, MiltonLA The Blue Room Aesthetic Spa 90q5-7-L9717 143 Main St. E., Milton 905464-0777konefokis.or Birthdays corne but once a year, soi they should be ntDr treated with extra attention - for"kids" of ail ages. Burnhampthorpe Rd.'N If you're looking for ways to impart famnily birthday ' traditions that wiIl earn rave reviews, search no f~Dundas St. further than these handy ideas. To advertise in our next month on August 29th, Please cail: 905-875-3300 or Email: c lassified@mi Iton canad lanchampion . com,