GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION ANGUNG FOR SUCCESS: Local pro anglers D I Hawk (left) and Doug Brownrîdge hope the big ones will be biting today, ochen they begin the Capital One Canadian Open of Fishing ait Sarnia Bay Marina. Short bench costly for Under-1 2 girls Sumnmer vacations left Milton's Under-12 girls with a severely short lineup Wednesday nighi - contihut- ing to their only non-viciory in regular scason play A 1-1 stalemate agaînat Clarkson B put the Magtc ai 7-0- 1 in the South Region Soccer League's Second Division. A penalty shot deposit by the hosis evened things up wiîh about 15 minutes remaintng atter Hayley Schroder had given Milton the lead early on, hury- ing a well placed comner kick from Cassidy Chatten. The nie came on thse heels of the hectic weekend of Ontanio Cup playdown action. The Magic retumn to Lions Sports Park Tuesday night to take on Mississauga B. Game ttme is 7 p.m. See more local sports at MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE TEAMS G W L T PTS 1 SOUTHSIDE 1 14 12 2 O 24 2 KNOX 13 il1 2 0 22 3 ST. GEORGE 14 110 4 0 20 4 NEW LIFE "B" 14 16 7 1 13 5 NEW LIFE "A" 14 16 7 1i 13 6 HILLCREST 14 16 7 1i 13 7__ SOUTHSIDE 2 12 15 5 12 12 8__ BOSTON 14 5 7 12 12 9__ HOLY ROSARY 13 5 7 1 il 10 MILTON BIBLE 14 3 9 2 8 il1 ST.PAULS 14 1 13 0O "TERRY Makung Your Home -làROWLEY cOmfort ourBusÎness vitj our fireptace showmoom 925 Main St. E., Unit #3, Mdton OPENdIIy to Fiday 8 -n -5 pln, Satîwday tîy appohdnt eSAM1S Il . IN'-TAI 1 I MkmmolUuk 878-1979 ccs rix i i h The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 25, 2008 -A21 Tish Wilson loi ~201 -l1580 Derry Rd E corner of Derry and Trudeau 2nd floor Please welcome your new Co-operators agent right here in your community. With over 17 years experience, you can count on Tish for solid advice. Cali today for a free no obligation needs analysis. Sthe co-oprâtors A Better Place For Vou- Largest 100% Canadian multi-product insurer. Home Auto Lite Investments 1Group Business Farm, Travel Tish Wilson, Agent 201 - 1580 Derry Rd E, Milton ON L9T 6R2 (905) 864-6900 Invest in our future aeivstn in th uue - hs an our e hlrnwh n -.5igvve e hyst k-Indegre ar kid e h are putn Hunan Resources and Ressources humaines et '-L0 Ki ù.S SoIcaiai Deveiopmetnt Canada Développement social Canada-