A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 25, 2008 SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@mlltoncanadianchampon.com ________Moffat pins down Cadet Pan-Arn silver By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF M omentary heartbreak, overaîl satis[action. Ibat pretty much encapsulates Duncan Moffats recent trip t0 El Salvador, where hie delivcrcd Miltons best-ever finish as part of the national wrestling program. in another building block performance, con- sidered one of the finest of bis career, the 16-year nId Mdltonran placed second at the Cadet Pan-Arn Cbampionships. The 58-kilogram grap- pler can be excused for looking upon bis silver medal with initial disap- pointment, however. After aIl, stating that hie came close to gold would bie a major understatement. SILVER UN Up against a defensive- ly-stellar Per-uvian opo Moffat prouc nient in the final, MoffatCae n- dropped the openîng round via a tie- breakîng clîncb, despite gettîng the coin-toss advantage. Front ibere hie was eclîpsed 1-0, surrendering the fonte point witb îust 10 seconds remaîning on a couniter. -Those type of losses don't get any casier to swallow Ycab at first I was kînd of bitter," recalled the local grap- pler, whos bad ë numhcr of narroos c banpionsbip defeats ovci tbe past couple of years - ncludîng at 0f SAA. He (ecruvian) was so sirong on delencc that anytîme I madle a movc, lie'd stcp back ancd l'cl end up burning energ. 1 just couldo't get in on hîm. Bu t an imipressive ali-arounci show- ing in bis fîrst appearance on the national team wouîd soon overshadox ihat stîngrng conclusion. Pari of a bighly-accompiished wrestling family, Moffat used bis trade- mark strong defence and a couplc of weli exccuîed fîremans to turn back bis birst two oppontents. WhVile comîng ont a bit tentative, bie kicked off the day witb a 2-1, 6-0 deci- sion over a cadet [rom Hondouras - scoring late in the birst round hefore dominating the second. He'd then advance to the final witb an openîng-round pîn-fail victory against an Argentîmian foe. "My defence was pret- ty strong and I'd say it was one of my best perfor m- ances ever," noted the sil- ver medaist, who heipeci Canadas 1 7-member con- tingent to overail gold. Added national cadet coach and fellow Miltonian Dave Mottram, "Duncan really wrestied well and heid bis own in rte final. Hlis techniques ING: Duncan improving and if hie keeps ly displays his it cîp bes got more success n silver medal. ahead of bîm. Secuning Pan-Arn hardware wasn't exactx' a sbock alter Moffats excep- tionai effort jusi one week cachier ai the Canada Cup. Enjoying home-floor advantage of sorts - ai the nearbv University of Guelph - bie reacbed the top of the podium witb a 4-0 mun. Making bis latesi tîtle wîn ail ibe more rewarcling was the fact thai lie got payback on three acîversanies wbodc beaten boni ini bigh-siakes competition oser the pisi %,car - ncluding Newionbrook's i oz Manning, wbo'd cdgecl bîm outr of OFSAA goid. [bhai cefiniieiv gave ric a lot if conificdence foir Fl Salvador,- be saicl. It got nie past a bcimp and I wenî in (to Cadet Pan-Ams) on a hîgb.' Moffai bopes to add anoîber inter- national niedal in early October, when bie beacîs t Ptne, India for the Youth Commîonwealth Gaines. PLANY IT feflrin Sj GRAND OPENUNG 500/ OFF* aComposite Sticks *Basball Gloves & Shoos *Golf Drivers & Hybrids I a Hockey Equlpment onsclected tomis