The Canadian Çhàmpmon, Fr'day, JuIy 25, 2008 - A17 theBiKi3 DAYI _ _ __ff es Âtr _ mvuanress ~pCCIdII.flb ~ *~ r FRIDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY!a King SInop Set 51699.97 SAVE $400 Reg. $2099-97 AQUAPKPIr Qunn or Klng avullable I flrm. "LÀ 4 j[4 ~ 4i n' ~ ~ V±4-YY ~9 '9LS9 If ~w ~w - - - - -- - - Mîlton 1220 Steeles Ave E. Hwy 401 & James Snow Pkwy <905) 864-3303 Â'AC Y We will BEAT any Sieep on lit competitor's comparable off er on a comparable tonig t product by 100/o 1 .. .? 1 , 11- f- ý ". -le Ilý,,;, M îlzEzzGý ýM"j creitofffaniablupoap!rovi ouedtmlonyrBrick Card Platinum Minimum puchýo. $250.00,Any Brick dlIvey charge, AST (5%), pro91cai oo.o taxes (il appkoýble, and GAdminisA<atiori ($99.95) "aw'oidtos G paid aSt lo pAOhSs, balance 010e' MyGo 20910001 0000 comobinod vot any Chdsoo sst Ar Toto gift putottoso sat Ae. o o, proottton, soloss stotovs stcfied. 00feciv ly 25th - 200h, 2008, unoitostttoososo nid Smo in sto for cooplt dotAi Buyittoday 'w