A12 -The Canadian Champion, Fniday, July 25, 2008 Man charged in break-mns Halton sergeant wins award [Ioliý:c OîS liîged a nian in co.n- necuion with a slew of nighttime break-ina that occurred while home- owners alept. A total of 14 homes - four in Milton and 10 in Oakville - were entered last montli and into July Some of the homes had heen left unlocked, police saad. Valuahlea targeted mncluded cam- cias, lapiep COu1)UttI , floti Police are wamîing residents to lock ail their doors and ground floor win- dows hefore going to hed ai night. A 20-year-old man of no fixed address has heen charged with 14 counis of break and enter and three counis of hreach of a recognizance. He was sclieduled to appear for a hail hearing last week in Miton court. [fltiei i in l M~oppcî, ls Co îdi- nator Sgt. Gary Gold lias been named Ontarios Co-ordmnator of the Year. Sgt. Gold was recendly presented with thse award at thse closing ban- quet of thse annual Ontario Crime Stoppers conference. The award committee acknowl- edged the effort lie made te, organize a fundraising bicycle ride from, Burlington to Windsor to taise fonda for Crime Stoppers. Sgt. Gold was appointed co-ordi- nator of the Halton Crime Stoppers program in 2007, and since then lias developed new projects and enhanced Crime Stoppers in the region's secondary schools. An interactive, computerized promotional initiative lie lielped to design and develop encourages young people to cail Crime Stoppers if they become aware of any kind of criminal activity, including drugs and weapons in tlieir schools. It replaced a PowerPoint presentation that had heen used for a number of years to acquaint higli scliool stu- dents with the Crime Stoppera con- cept. .Sgt. Gold lias also assisted in making improvements; to tlie mani- aging and tracking of tips received liy Halton Crime Stoppers, and Shelped estalilial the Crime of the SWeek programi on Cogeco cable. Halton Crime Stoppera co-ordinator Sgt. Gary GoId receives the Co- ordinator of the Year award from Pat Gillie, president of the Ontario Association of Crime Stoppera. Gold has developed numerous new projects and also embarked on an ambitious fundraising bicycle ride. - rn114*Ai TWNNIB- tenniseveryday.comn WAREHOUSE DIRECT A MILTON'Se LARGEST HOT TUB DEALER *4 Brands e 35 Model's *Up Té 9 Tubs On Display Wetflluns 12 -6 *Fri 10:30 - 7 Salarday 1t0- 4306 Sun 12 - e:30 OIR RY AP9NMNT 52 MinStE www.HTwD.ca 905-693-9230 Sin p w .uliatdivr. 01iw DRIVINO IS A PRIVILEGE, LET US HELP YOUR EARN IT j ~ Classes available in evenings, weekend & 4 consecutive days. [~Exclusive sessions on lmpaired Driving. [7j Speaial Presentations on Collision preventon and Road Rage. rý Special Preparation & Evaluation for the Minislry Road Test 71Qur Success Rate is 98% F FREE Pick-up from home, work or school. M Fleet of new Model Cars. r MTO Approved Program qualifies you for maximum insurance discount uýJ f-" ULTIMATE DRIVE R$ 4 Day Condensed Course SUMMER SPECIAL s 5)cc AUG. 39 49 5, 6 Vai n g Weekend Courses Also Available 500 ChiIds Drive, Milton (Milton Seniors Centre) 90 - 2 1 i7Z 1