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DAY S DELIVERV Specializing in 100% Credît Re-establishment IF WE DON'T HAVE UT -WE WILL GET IT! 2009 Nissan Maxima - from JUST on page B18 lniiprîîs'd body stiilncss blcps iniprove noise isolation [tir passen- gpies sshilc ihe copgine noie bas hecin [me nîiedc to Inst tlîe riglht uitc b I-lhe 3. -litiî V6- prîtiueslîpower to spare wheri passifl ii ieienp inie hipbispeed iî ali And loi 21110, Nissan tîllicials havse init cd iliai a diesel versioîn of tbevebu- cle will le olleied, f lie patddle sifliets aie a lice i ont b parlittilarîs for ansone pin- mng lor a iiianual tranismiissioîn (n bit bisoi ofiered hi ibe was) flic C VT pertîrits well, hut the wbîne coan geî a hit îiînch obenr plu n pnt the liedal iii tl e nieial- acoin- onciomplaina wiih ibese ty pi of transnmissioîns. Aicelejatitîn is sniotiiî aind respîînsîvî and the adapLlve shîi coiinrol svsieni is dcsîgned to adjusi shift paîleri for driecris deînaîîds in ans' dnivîng sit- Beînp a lriini-whcl dr vehi- île, Nissan engînrers also bad iii work liard iii nearîs elinaîe ih.iî TOP RIGHT: The Manima, the flagship sedan in the Nissan fleel, bas under- gone a complele redesign for 2009 wîth a more aggressive, sporly look. BOT1OM LEFT: An inlerior look at the 2009 Nissan Maxima, this wîlh the Premium Package featurîng wood lrim accent pieces. BOT1OM RIGHT: A look aI the dis- tinctive headlamps on the Nissan Maxima for 2009. High inlensily Xenon headlights are avaîlable as part of option packages. ilecadclîtlitît SIi ii s nîîh Irotîn drîxeis. S4nch il ibe perfoirmatnceîlesel- oipintent wtirls nas done ai the lattied Nnrhiirgrtiî rîtck i G eritiatîs as thi \îasm , sas Juench liarked agaîinsi wliivel lishetl 1- nriiiatsporets sedanîs lIe enid resuît is a s elîti le bhai îîîîîîpeîîs lactînrahîs i i le iide antI ltaniiliii deparitiiii iih nhanN ol lie top spots sedlans on (ieu iiai- ei. Iflie riile s a bit oîlii but iit tuc sportts cars, bt i pro- vides a tîtte balanie heisvceti pi- ness aîîd cîîîîî un il aIs lias attmore hiiiIe leel iliati the ires itis genitet aiot and the înrnîîîp diaiiee lia.s hetiredoceil hy 2. hil [t i 37 4 W Meinwbilc, tIse Masxima tîllîrs I huit ht ti atitlg i Bli t tînt and rcar seaists e plenteo(l ceprootti aitîl rc ieeacîcatî[ie îî tîtil spacc lot goll t tis, sutlacsaI lie tic I ht sîllit oîhV4t reir scats i the hast nitoill or lîset rt'arseat, f iiiigi alaitisi lie luool tarir\ andI ALaot Stia 1L, antI (ttîers, le 2ttttO lastitai 1,11 agaîîlsiîî litas t titlic Is il Iic ipo tîcdant Lla', AIl tIse tîppi ides 1111 200()î itti xliii s proitîsel rib l i iitll pncîng cîîîltl s ail t Maistta tl a leîîdtng entes ix theilaiss 1 lite tuti ditir sportns tar is i)ai k'. y. 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P-1 1551 ', 11.981 $1 1 P.1110 05 Mizda 3 GS ý67A1 P1721 $13,981 $138iiiio '05 Mizda 3 GT Sedan 165X; P1743 $14,981 $148/mo '05 Mazdâ RXII GT [42KI P1723 $21,981 $2141mo '04 Mazdâ Tribute 2WO [60KI P1677 $12,981 $128/mo V.; ý 0,ý 3 C'T "0";i ss'Oi F, $1 .1 9 q 1 1 148 'p', 06 B-1000 -IX-1 ;sý Il 1693 $1 7,981 $11,61111il *(14 Nliiid.i 3 GX 6PA! P1686 $11.981 $118/nio Mazdj Tribute 4WO Î3 6x.' Pl 741 $14,981 $148imo *06 Mazdâ 3 GS 165KI P1709 $I6,9Sý $166/mo '04 Mazdâ 3 GS [100KI P1687 $12,981 $128/mo Vl'% Jý F'r5 6 $1 , ýr8 1 ý il!, 13 Gs ýq-"h 1 Il i W ; $148/1110 04 Mazti 3 GT Sport :70hi Pl lol $15981 $ 1 55/illo Mjzdi 3 GS ý6jA P1650A $ i ý.98I S 1 281mo ýU0! Mazdâ RX8 GT !49KI P1730 $19,981 $194/ma ýZ Mazdâ 6 GT [86K] P1724 $15,981 $155/Mi VIWft £D+ #RIN r A.1 tmILrLt Ur<LIr Ar. www.ualtuIIILu.%,I V 05 2 -- _ -- 191SEE * OA ,OAVI L S. MON TU S - P CREDIT PROBLEMIS IN THE PAsT7 NO CREDIT APPICATION WILL BE REFUSEDI .................M M M M M aA POS e-zm ITI VE LYD IF F ERENT a aR FU M M U U a* ** * aU W U M M U a** a a a a 11 M a a a a-muuauIIIIII 11 Biui.sw Fîtîmo payoîtîîts are bowekIy paytet .on ~60 inn te i th 10% dmo P. tnts icIîde m andtt tue"1a $11.981 plsitixith $,20 S.tdm quisi $118 twtiq 7,85% tt ii o orra o gbei n 2,86tt m? b tthetin. Cash pwiiîcldtomt I M.