B10 The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 11, 2008 ii FV OPE HOUSE! ~ ~ - ff OPN OUS! 4 MNION 1220 FIELD DRIVE MGIIETMTAYFEHLH mOCreate Trafflc!! Gre gaedtce ero.Iag ore ice ih MGIIETIATM REODI ceteisad&S/ pline.Mai i a FIWl)Spciu cl P uar Speeadale model 2 yeals nec tho10059 see in Cali wOt aneplce toart iving &ou listing rom thel pe lo ugrades allows lka a model hoce! Naet to gol cuse on a quiet Tuesday Best Homes Real Estate k ilh large deckioccol lihing. Walk lI parkameoiies. See viiOoOl tour cresceet Hardwood 110015 on maie Ilocan gourcet H ien witc Section and FridaH Spotlught on Homest eaiouono lisenes eiaplaes3gadim OdsCoes io Feature F-shopping. GO statin & sports aiena. Only $279,900 RE/MAX ABOUTOWNE REALTY CORP. BROKERNCE moPiMIKnuii BEfILAS! BLAIN, SALES RER, (905) 338-90 ROYALLEPAGE Te~ eeev oi p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pae coutr catiai hof photo hine ng1e8r76I en tdt ae hi rnak~~~~~~Oelokn 12. achis of matur psdket aundia lyfcue n(&craey cosevaro re ider YOsR aI detiN FOC S iIe ofrer yathe ppforton. ashî 0~ ph oos i yoifr e hus n1 yopen ngewpraor t' aeirre val fenîpltsoyr on n]hiha ac coreth ncehraIo uineds -r an & aîiersacoorf wes pariget fuiatioof chart apens. a vvau wotbe tavie Iohavease. tN oCLS wlaffer the raader thf chancet tart sef the persaalsdea phtaur o e businessoeig evpodc rias Residerîts of Miltone wilt but able ta pick op a copy af IN FOCUS ait local ý ONN husirîcssas, offices, library and schools. alkice \NgrntadHIVfo s PIVER ON BIOK IIUAITY MII STOCK l6SPAU 112 PAE VERTICAL UJPARME estiovt in fn OfCLre.liii 2.5 xa3.5 loches 5 x 14 loches 10.25 a 14 loches $70 $M $M6iue15niii ovninp ftw Inciades procesa colour Inctudes proces cataur inctades procees cotour J 5 X 3.5 lctm 10.25 x. 7 e.hs 1.5 4Ic $1~~~~5 $nutra $r. IC' onittonynetonaprx2ace fnlds rcs Reatu ntade Saless Reporsentatiespoasclu 11cîwifitfliilddi;hdt)l PA M4M ,U c1EM 02%OFwt iti ,egrsadpn le)ý UT05 87TU4 RaM FM5 or Disse, patio fox (905)o 876-2364i 'Toaiots lu818 101MW~ plnl asiot n-O d -2a0 *N 4M