Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jul 2008, p. 8

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A8 -The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 9, 2008 r-T--i 48 arer4Y O M M www.kuremhf COM Single mom facing tough struggle head on Young son lus ce'rebral palsy By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF They say everyîbing happeos for a reasun. These are words that local siogle moîher Knista Brown lives by, even in the îoughesî of situations. The 27 yecar-uld's faîîh in ihis sentiment lias cerîainly been put îu the test uver the pasi îwu yeacs as she's worked hard lu deal wîîh tbe day-tu-day realîties of having a child with special needs. Hec 23-munth uld son, l<risîupber, was dîagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) earlîer this year ater extensive testing for everyîhing truin terminal ilînesses lu diseases that would've left bIin severely mental1>' and physically dîsabled. "lis a relief lu gel a diagnusis, but tu label bima with sume- îhîng is bard," saîd Brown. "Ils been a really long stmuggle." Alog wiib the label cumes expenses for medications, equipînenl and treatinents like physiu and speech therapies. Tu itiake Knistuphers plîgbî a lîtîle easier, the commîînity bas stepped up tu belp out, svith several fuodraisers being beld recently Tbe pruceedsIvil1 be put mbt a trust fund that's being establîshed by Bruwn's employer, Truy Newton of Truy's Diner. Knistopber's juurney, althuugh short s0 far, bas been billed witb medical problerus fruin day une. I started wben be was humn au Milton Distrnct Huspital wmtb a deflaîed lefî lung. After waîting for seven boucs foc a specialîy tearu [rom McMaster Cbîldren's Hospital tu arrive, Brown was îuld that ber son~s lung had ce-inlated on ils own. He was ambulanced to Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital for monitornng and altec 48 bours, he was able to go hume. But ai a mere 18 days old, he developed bis ficsî lung infection - someîhîog be ow gels about every four t0 six weeks. Sburily afier thai, Bruwn nuîîced ber sons eyes were flick- ecing hack and forth capîdly. She was tuld be had a codition knuwn as Niystagmus. At six mnîlis otd. be was adîîîîîîed tsi McMastec foc a week and testcd for neticsîlasiuina (cancer of the nervous sysîcos). WhVlen the cesuîcs; caine back negative, we began testiof Knistopher as an oulpatient and we've been tesîîng biun eveî since," saîd Brown. The sweet little blond-haired, blue-eyed boy was ulti maîely dîagnused witb CP, which essentially means he ha! damage lu bis braîn. Bruwn saîd [coin ber uwn researcb, sht discoveced tbaî înany CP cases are caused by a lack of oxy gen at birth. Whlile such a diagnusîs inay knuck sume peuple down Brown bas taken a differeni appruach to the situation. "Kristopber bas changed îny lîfe foc the better," she saîd "He's taugbî me mure su lac tban muost peuple learu in a fle time. This horrible issue we're dealîngM wtb bas belped me b a betier person." Brown saîd ber dasîgbtec, four-year-uld Erika, gels a litîl jealous [roin lune lu tine about the attention ber little brotli et gets, but ai the end ut tbe day 'shes like a second motl er." "Kristopber lias a peanut allergy, su Erika always asks pec pIe, 'Did you check that [sor peantits?' she saîd. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION THE TIES THAT BIND: Krista Brown gises four-year-old f rika and 23-month-old Kristopher -who has cerebral palsy -a big hug. Altbough Kristopbers health issues continue, bes also made somne amazing progress thanks lu extensive therapy He leamned bow to bold his own head up and sit when he was younger, and now hels walking. Brown also taught hiru how to sigo a few words, since he catit yet verbalize. "Thau (walking) is a miracle to us," Brown said. "Hes very high functioning." Tests and therapies for Kristopher are ongoing, and the toddler will also be going in for surgery in September to fix his blocked tear ducts. To help cover some of his costs now and in the future, Brown's co-workers au Troy's Diner have stepped up to the plate, lîke Greg Mountain. The 16-year-old recently field a yard sale and raised about $650. 'Il îhoughî it would be nice to do sonnetbing for Krista," Mountaîn said. Another Troy's employee, Lînda D'Entremont, organized a Kare for Kristopber' concert that brought in just under $2,000. Roses are also for sale at Troy's Dîner and Gruwer Direct Flowers, with proceeds designated for Krisiopher. Other local businesses have corne to tbe youngsîers aid as well. AIl of the money wîll go into the trust fund once uts set up. Brown wdll only bc able to access the rnoney for Kristopher's expenses. "1 jusi can't get over the fact su many people are willing to help out sumeone they don't know," she said,"'i very thankful." Despite their ongoing pligbt, the single mnother said she continues to truly believe tbîngs do happen tor a rel.soo. Il believe l'in supposed t0 be Kristophe<s iom lies taugbit me su îiaîy things, like buw to lîve lîfe lu ils fullest," saîd Brown. "Would 1 go back and change îbings (for hiiin) if 1 could? 0f course. But then he wouldo'i be Krisiopber." Melanie Hennessc'y can bc reaclîcd ai mhcnntssty@)niliimn- canadiaichampion.com. 71\COGECO -Cogeco Cable Channel 14 %~ly Local Trelevision Mi.. Miiiin,IPIs-1 10 M MIcM iC-IiPi1M vwww.cogeco.ca Il III Haii iiuii l Miý IluM Mil MMMn Milsn e, i . M HM I ii'iîciii,, i MPa KM.ciii lis, ld ui NORTH HALTON STUDIO Me 1'iiuuiuiiiiiiu TVWùNf e r m,70 M P a rs ýn Laurier Plaza M . hiuiiuuiiiiuu Ha 5 ,iiiuiuiMu a 00PM W=Miiiiiiii M M &iiuiu 500 Laurier Avenue In Hall. Hiii nàiuiuiiii Mi~~~on, ON L9Tn and uicii oi.MiP Programming Schedule - Wednesday, Juy 2 - Moday,JuIy ,2W8> NIN PM t i0 PM iCgi,i I i, NI iN- SNI, 1M0PM Mi4 N NMI. SIi& Eil 6MPM nIVug. W NI YS Fet Il IMdi,iiii H l. i s 1M u 63u P M ULIuMulM iiiiiu ýMiiiN NiI.i MMii& Mi Pl^iaiMi I ft iuiiuiiiM PA' die Il S iiuIIMiuIiuli iMidMu Pada H icMi&iuiw VCIMN-ii NI.'uMIiiiIM Ii ,ii I 'c iii ftI iuiiiu , i. i ,, M,,týn liýltýn n% un An,- 1 M M ýl, 1 fIllyn, I , -Y.I 1 I.Nle Il Mlib, HaUl 11.41 & 8.1-nd 6 00 Çq IVCýQll' N- News SMd, & f1l"s Il MIMd, Hall, HM and R.k.ý 6 30 PM your Lllmtyw il s ý0Ru1 = k' In M'a. Hall. HIN, & . 7 00 PM = d N- %- YM & 1-Is 1 d NI HdIs and ocý 7 30 PU YoIrLontm ?IS'YNfLdepm.ln Wkm Hainan Hill "ýWIdW 800. V=N- - sc:ýe 9m HM and 8 30 PM Ywr CMM Ils 'VSr LOMMI, in MdW HO. HM & R.&«.d lu - e .Ms

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