The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 2, 2008 - A3 SchLà boardt. passes ; $434.5-million budget By Tim WhItneiI SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION f-lton District Schooi Board trustees have approved the operating and capital budgets for thc 2008-09 school s car with the overaîl spcndtng tncrease lower than tise pres'ious veat. Budget issues were debated for fixe hours at a workshop for trustees anti buard administrators un Junc 16 with a final discussion anci vote field at the June 18 public schooi boar d tseettng. The budget received unanimous tmustee approval. The 2008-09 overali budget is $434.5 million. Its broken down into $407.9 million for day to day opera- tions and $26.6 million for capital building needs. Vsîth this budget, ssc aie butiding on the imvestients and the boards operationai objectives of 2007-08, Steven Parfenitk, tue boards treasurer and superitendent of business, satd in a press release. -The 2008-09 budget refiecis an ongoîng commitmeni lu student achies'ement and continuai improve- ment of board programns and services for every student. in addition, the budget reflects the needs of a growing sc.hool board îhrough investiment in school îeaching staff, schooi support staff and administrative staff. overali, the budget bas îîîcreased $21.6 million, or 5.3 per cent, oser the previous seat due. tbe board sas s, to stutdrnt ctttlmcttt growth of 2.7 per cent. Halton is one of oniy a handftîl of growth hoards aîsong the 72 us the province. l'lie prcvious s Car the Haiton public huards-, combtned budget xvent up _8.i petrcent. f-be latesi lilton huard buîdget is up aimosi $123 million stnce 2003-04. The huard savs that province-wîde, educattos fîtndîng for 2008-09 bas încreased $315 miion un $18.8 billion. Vuýe arc otie of the few growing huards is tise province but we have dif- ferent growth,- Parfenîuk îoid trustees ai the Jue 18 huard mteeting. "Burlington's (overali enrolment) is stable whîle Oakviie, Miloin artd Haht His wiil continue tu grow. By 2014 il us pru]ected that Miton wiil have more ciemnentars studenîs than us iicirlington. Parfeiuis satd the down sîde lu isexi *year's budget us that istoney for special educatiots us oniy keepîng pace wiîh the growîh in overali student enctilment with fundîng for spectai needs pupils iagging ai 2005-06 levels. He also noted that nisîng uiity cosîs for electrncity, diesel fuel and naturai gas are outstripping the exisîing fund- iisg aisd that the huard may have to go hack un the Mtntstry of Education early in the next schooi year for additionai money Milton Trutec Donnsa Danielli aslued Parfentuis il the 604 fulitime- Ssee NO on page A9 123 ain stm.t Milton ~~ SORY1YORTM & OO p BOQICAP IV4-3a>rsAWoek We Kick Butt <yours) OIo.St