Al12 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 2, 2008 SORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail Tough day for hometown cowboy at rodeo Misses his shot in stecu wrestling, but * ~ wife shows strongly in barrel rcing GRAHAM PAINt CANADIAN CHAMPION Mark McNutt can't qutte naîl the pttch in Sundays steer wrestltng competition. By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF It wasnît due the svas Mark McNti iad buipec te bc iro dccd iii bis sîottîe tc e choi Mîltonians, 'Vit tîbiing taktng a tnajor bit titis hast weekeîtc at Cttuirs Herîtage Park, the seasîined ctîwbîîs anti tît toi ltus sîcer wrcstliîg eonpcttcrs iîiîssed the piiich dut irg Mîlîtîts debut tit tue 10-stttp Dîttge Rodei Tour. "Id expecîed about 10 moree [cci ftor nîy shot tii ente," be saîd momientis afier Scinda> aiternoonis appearance, tin fronît tif rtiugiiiy 600 spectators. "Thats the was it gtics -tote day it works otîo aîîd tht nexi day it dcîesn', N'eu cat win cs'cry tie, its dîsappoîîîîîng, sure, but thats pari tii tht game. its tiet like goîîîg te Las Vtgas and iosîîg. lucres aiways anoîhet weekend. Having rectntly htoghî a home in towiî wtth wîlt and felltîw tour partici- pant Joanîte Fisher - and slaîed te move in shorîly - MeNuît bias heen tht tores rtservt champîuon (second- place fînîsher) four ut the lasi six years and had plaeed tin the money (top fîve) jusi ont weekend cachier iii Milverton. Tbis tinte arootîtihe watched as O 'Shea moves into second on CFLs ali-ime DI Iist Nît surpîrtsiiîgis Mîke il'Shlta ssa' qttîck te diwilas lis latesi itîtîs e til tiîhCe ail tîtîte tatkitigs. I liai loump carnte iii seasît t iietting lilas Et idis iglît, wiiei iii frontt ofi 26,i155 faits ai 'VS itnipeg's C aîad luits Jîtintsîtt fot seconidt iii cateer tleitiists'c tackies ss'îh lis i ,085th -delîsercîl iii the seconîd quarter. Like hie lias tit a nonther tii presi- Mîke O'Shea eus occasitons, Mîltotîs 37-year-olîi liîîîeac Ici îîîaîîîîaîîîc ihai lis itîdi- sîitiai itoîners are abtot ioîîgevîîy andi nit ait iiig tii get liung tit tit. lThe Aigos' sîaiwarî was likeis mtîure ttcutscl tit lis teais cistrali strîîîg ieletîsîs c shiwiig, thai helped tiser- siîatiw a shtîrt-cirectiting tîffence aîîd îttwercd iTorontot i a 23-16 decîsion tvise îtt Bloc Bttiobtrs. [lic win was a payhack tif sotirs itîr last stars lîtss ti Wininipeg in tht East finais. lThe six-fittii e mciIi, 224- pîtundet wîuald hîghlighî 1-ridas effotirs wîîh a big iîîurîh-quarîci saek tif Bîîmhers c1tarterhaek Kevîn Gletnn shît wsas piîîed tîff three uniîes b> tht Argos' seeeitdar\y A fise-ltte East Divsiontî ail star and three-îîîîe Grey Cup champîton (1996, '97 atîc '04), O'Shea is now i bis l6tiî seastîl ini tht CEL - wîth mosi oif that tie spcnt wîîh tht Boatnien. Petrelia's i3e \0c ( et intek rode hi, elti borse, Mtirplivs to top iîeîoeîîs deing -e ni an tmpiessive 8.47 seconds arnidsi eveicait skies and a ltglîii di t cie. Fisher solid in barrel racing i arîng ontuc h licter tits past we ek- end, Fi sher anri niie scai--tîid quai et- heise Clîcis i aced te a ieurib plate linisli iii 'iaicrdis s arrel rat ing siepping the cleck ai 1 5.6s. Thai ss ecld have been eiîîîugh for fîrst iii the nexi daN 's 10-comenîpier field. IGis en the cenditions, Ici say I clid lîretiy weIl," she notcd, referring te the ring'- muddy fuuuuing follewing hcasy, early-mîînîng shewers. Nîîw pulling double dutv, Fisher is iii the midsi ofniber isi sea-on serviiîg as hubby s hazer -winch foîr ihese unfamiliar wiih the sport is the niert- cd cowboy (or girl) who rides along the right-hand side of the sicer te kcep îî runnming sîraight for the wrestlcr. "Joanîte dîd a great job teday. There wasn'î anv prohlem on ber end," saîd MeNutt. White Courns Herîtage Park dicîn'i exactly draw the type of crowd the tour ses in other csiablished centres lîke Milverton, the couple leli the tumnout was great - cîîrsicering lie weaiher and îî heing the liist seai tin Milton. Aîîd uic hoîîdeLs ef aiea csîdenis whtî nac it oui certain]\, base an ice- breaker shoulcl thes itîcci ihe rîtcc duo laier ihîs sommner. 'Ycah a loti of peopîlle arc sîiiprised ai lîrsi iii hear abouti i te cyre lîke, Ycui do what?,- "cuîppecl Fishe. "Thlis is jcisi somcthing wc do ui tihe weceids. its lîke our suttrier lantîly Sponsored b>' the Ciptimnisi Cluh anti the Chiamupion- among others -ihe wcekend rodeci alsut leaîured hcîll riclîng and ropîng. LÉFullIService - 12 -S eFilO1:30 -7 j4Full Support Sra 0-40pS 2-4» ~Chomicaisy MAS M 523 iMain St E ____________ WARFEHOU:SE DI1RECT MILTON'S LARGEST HOT TUB DEALER ClakeisGoli Big Berthe Irons <'nàea.GPS Systems Boys and Girls Junior sets AUREUS GOLF SHIRTS Gel the exact yardage F, rsoe'aIzfo pwIlES flflffS F- '299.95 Chîldu nome embroldored DUY ONE CET THE on th. banl pocket 2MB 112 PRICE! RIDE 'EM COWBQY: