Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jun 2008, p. 7

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Th. Canadian, Champion, Friday, June 27, 2018-A7 HaItn' tapaye sh nhuildn't ci~ keç rffer of fi î1lished! front bill for Oakville hospital ward for proposed Milton hospital DEAR EDITOR: Wbai's going on ai the Region of Halton headquarters? Halton Regionial Chair Gary Carr suggests 10 us that al Halton saxpayers shoulcl bc on tbe hook for up 10 $100 million for the new Oakville hospital. The Chantpion's sister publica- tion, the Oahiss le Bcas'et, receni- ly quoted the CEO of Halton Healtbcare Services as sayîng, -Really, ibis is a site for Oakville int the long future." Why should aIl Halton tax- payera bce on the hook for the parking lot, cafeteria and equîp- ment of a hospital wbose pni- mary fonction ta 10 serve Oakvillr? Dors Milton Distrnct Hospital reccîve sîmîlar tax support for ils equîpmenî purchases? I don't think an. The Milton District Hospital [-oundation and other declîcaîrd Milton communîtv members takc on the rcsponsibility andl work bard and long to raise nsucb needcd fonds for the local bospital. So wby sbould Oakvîlle communîty members be excused [rom their responsi- bilities? And biasnit Carr bren a major proponeni of uploading social services costs, ratber than put- tîng tbemn onto tbe properîy tax bae Ws y change ihat lune now - foi Oakville? I appreciair thai Halton taxes bave decreased somewbat for 2008, but we should recognîze îbat a good portion of tbe decrease carne f rom tbe Region lower-lier municipalities. An încreased Halton-wide tax burden is soîally unwarrant- cd. Halton resîdenîs have demonstratrd shey wîll cois- tribute on their own 10 wortby causes. if tbrv belîrve an Oakville-focused bospîtal is goocl for tbem, tben I'm sure thev M11l respond voluntanly and generously 10 ftindraistng endeavours on bebaîf of titat bospital. In the May 2 Champion, Carr also serins to bave defrnded a proposai that Halton reaidenual saxpayers should lie bit witb an additîonal $70-plus tax sur- charge to subsidize new indus- trnal and commercial profits. Commercial and industrial developmenî bas bren going lîke gang-bossera - jost take a look at the 401 corridor. Propertv taxes bave gone UP and, in niy opinion, quality of lite bas dropped. Wby exacer- bate the situation? Halton ta a prime drvelop- ment region - Places te Grow bas seen îo shat. So wby do exîsîing taxpayers nerd t0 take on more taxes 10 subsidîze developers? Wby sbould devel- opers nos pay their fair share? The Region website stases, 'Tbc purpose of devrlopmenî charges (DC) ta to recover the growsb related cosîs associtîd witb the capital infrastructure needed to service new develop- ment. Tcye word ta recover' - and it doean's mean cover as in 'cover liv increastng proprîy taxes:' lis ny opinion, wr dons need anv developers wbo wisb to avoid ibeir linancial responsi- fron 'M on page A6 And titere certainiy aie inany lessotîs b lbe learned - patîiîsce, persîsîrnce and anger man- agement (titeres noîbing lîke happening tipon a dogas business smack dali in ste middle of thte lawts), 10 name a frw Il gors seitiout saying tt ste benefîts of gar- denitsg go far beyond ste garden. Titeres noibing lîke pustening around in ste earlv evenîng, per- bilities by not paying for growth-relased cosîs. And since exisîîng non-discounîrd and non-waîved development charges will'winnow the wheat from the chaff,' thats fine with Furtitermore, didn't we hear as the Iast municipal election that action would bc taken 10 slow growth dosen and start te, manage it? Wby tite switch- aroo? Why is virtually unliridled growth, and an increased prop- erty îax burden, such a good thing now? t hope 100 that Carr will change bis mind about the pub- lication of municipal employer salaries over $ 100,000. His commenta in a May 2 Champion letter to the edîtor would seem to indicate he considers individ- ual municipal employer salaries of $100.000 10 bce so prevaleni, and thte amount 10 bce 50 com- parativrly insignîficant, that tax- payera shouldn't he made awarr of them. Stars Canada reports that the median Canadian family income is close 10, $69,000. 1 would argue titat salanies of individual municipal employees wbo make almost 50 per cent more titan baîf of Canadian familirs are of great interesi 10 taxpayers. Carr nerds to do mucb ber- ter. 1 belîrve bie can, and hope ihat hc wtll. MIKE GRIMWOOD MILTON baps even sakîng in a sunsel. Neyer wouid i bave titouglit tas puling weeds could lie rewardîng or tat wasrring could lie as good for te soul as il is for ste flowers. Il's a calming activity, and one tat leaves a lin- gerîng sense of weli-ling. Il forces me 10 slow dosen and sake pleasure in ste small îtings in hic. Titanka, Mont, for opening ste flcodgates - is à brave nrw worid inderd. mation extracted front past issues of thse Champion and other publications in order to provide a window int Miltons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. November 1911 The possibility of the establish- ment of a hosputal in Milton leads a Miltorn old boy and girl to make a generous offer to furnish a private ward. They wil will be next? The interiot Otnagh bas lie during the pas Georgia pine ct and reflects gre tractor, Samuel The whole of repainted and Anmstrong, Go the thanka of the very able t did their worl tings and choir added and the. proud possesso est churches in The recent ably increasedi springs and at reservoir bas1 for a 24-itour relief and corn osers. Progress the Agnew apri farther than it becoming mor The waterw ed a second ga' pipe-laying extension, witl It is reportrd tI of pipe in one to lie no doubi finished liefor witb favourali done very 500 the Agnew s1 sitaîl shen havi is, the heavy months bave strong that de ent of the en fMeti Capsules there bas bren a 24-hour service for more tban a werk, the reservoir i said 10 lie filing sseadily do il wrll, t00. Whto Knox Church will bave a gowned choir. For some une titis bashbeen considered. The session bas gîven r of Christ Cburch, authonty and the gowns purcbased ýn undergomng rpair, and tbey will lie womn on Sonday t few weeks. A new lThe Ladies' Aid Society bas also pre- liling lias lieen pot in sented Mr. Mackay witb a beauttful as credit on te con- silk pulpis gown and cassock. 1Henson, of Milton. Decemlier 1911 the interior bas hem The liilinguai achools arr coming grained and Messrs. in for a good deal of discussion in the [lins and Maxtrd bave presens election campaign, bus il 15 10 te congregation for lie feared tas noshing will come of sauner in witici t hey titis uniras te Englisit-speaking cîti- t. New carpets, mat- zens of Ontario, Protestants and chairs have aiso bren Roman Catholica make ste question Anglicans are now the non-political and unise in demanding ra of one of the pressi- shas Englisit shaîllie ste language of ste neighliouritood. titis Brifisb province and the only 9 a 0language taugt in ita public acitools. rains bave consider- Now is the rie te, do titis. the flow of waîer [romt a' last tite supply to, the A meeting of Milton hockey fans become large enougit was iteid last wrek as wbicb il was service, 10, tite great decidrd 10 enter two trams in ste vrnience of te watrr O.HA. competisions titis season, sin pipe-Iayiasg fromt intermediate and junior. Bot are ng is atili slow, stougit exprcted 10 lie ssrong enougi to1 was as the men are make a good sbowing and there will eexpert as tbe work. lie no end of sport at thte rink. lThe 0 0 aexecutive committee wiul select a orka committer stars- manager and a captain for racit tram. ng of metn on Monday, 00 mn te waterworks Milton seaser-users will lie glad tc0 h Wl. Lots as overseer. itear tt ste pipe line [rom ste big sas stey laid 1,000 fers Agnese spring viii lie connecîrd seiti day Titerr now seema ste oid uine riither soday or tomorrow. t titat ste work viii lie Titis means abondance of seaser for rwinter arts in and, ste future, as least unsil the popula- le weater il seul lie tion of ste tosen increases grrasly. n and the seaser [rom The watrrworks committer is roble ring turned on. Wr congratulatrd on ste way in seiicit e plenty of waîer. As is ste work bas bren rusitrd lasely rains of ste ast swo This material is aasembled on beisalf made ste apringa so of thse Milton Historical Society luy Jim sise iraks, independ- Dills, who cati be reached through tise stension, and thougit sociery at (905) 875-4156. Many lessons Iearned in the garden D RIV EWIS E qocîd driv(r ain th y c b I

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