The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 27, 2008 - C7 LAW& Playing it safe this summer 'rsviaaîaing pooels arc gicat was to hav e ilatt and relax -but miake sure \,ou flulliw a e\v basic saIn>y ttps lai iaaake vout leisure tîtte as sale as pais- sible this saîîtataac. And kecp tta rtnd iditît suîpervs ion is essetital ai al titaîrs n hen chtîdren arc aising a pool. Neep a a ardless phonte or reli phonite taearby Mille the pool is in use loir emnergeities,, fi vou need ici leave tllc pooEl area, taake sure another adult s prescrit tai supervise young bathers. Va heui the pool îs not being used, uiake sure tt ix covered by a safety cover. When the pool is uncovered, it cala be a terripting playground for chil- dren. For added safeay, keep pool tuys out uf the water when flot being used and store themn out of sight. Neyer leave toys on the deck air leave a table or chairs near a pool [ence that rould allow a rhild tai clîmb cîver toto the pooil area. Makec suie y'au have a clear, unob- structecl view oh the pool fromn inside the bouse and neyer allow horseplay or rougbhousîng (dunkîng, pusbtng or tbrowing somneone niai the pool) air pla> fuI screamting [or help that could mask a rerai enmergeitro Encltose s aur yard wiib a perina- rint ertre with a self c losing, selff laicliing gaie andl instaîl a portable iiiesb heure arîîaîîd tie immecîtate poiol peritateter tii keep a bîldri t ofai thie pooal onace ilies are t ithe bac k syaid. .\ll doiîrs leacliig frina Ille boouse tai Iliae Poail sbauld alsîn lave a sel1 latrb- ing up e Iclisii (erlaiin tad tA ssitidais s .lulc havessiiis lataks i istalleal tai lresa'ii a chl IoIni clinîîbîîîg i lriitgli NIait pooul and hotubal saleis tit o- iîaîîîîî catt he laîuîîa anlîine at \vw655 piiilriii. la air tia-1 i ce at t1- 800- 879-7006.u - News Cieaada CANADA IiJYI i'n iU * 5 DAYSZEOR ON Y __ _ 12 MONTS N LYOn al puechnss of $MO or mmr cm___dft i ru o & onf Me oV J-UNE 25-2-9 Home improvement Warehousè IÀ oprofile' c~~Z Why *u anyhr else 1 auicu o ihoath Sina Jan 1,e 29 20 leal n-tr îson aen ai egîsitr20 While qaanites lasi. "i OMMATAGU Fisher&PaykeI a p p 1 i a n c e s 1." Value. Everyday Low Prices*; Nobody beats our piraces. SPAL flaN t now - $198 was $344 Karcher 1850 - : PSI, 1.5 GPM ~ Eloctric Pressure Washer *Alamînam 2. Selection. Over 250 major appliances in-stock in every store. Ttiousands more avaitable througti Special Order. SP49L VALO now $4 98 was $7.48 * a Royal Oak Plus 18-Lb. - Charcoal - Briquets - Package - *P emium 3. Neet Day V.I.P. Delisery. (Detaîls in-store> *CalI ahead service apon reqaest. *Delivery of ap tor three major appliances for the pnice of one. SPU/AL - niowW $4A48 Aero Hueae ? 68 L Blue Toto with Lîd was $6.77 #97856 While quan tes last trequent use Bniqaets *Onboard dua -Natarel detergent tanks flavour #276507 #265095 mn qasresLimi 5 bugo per cast amer mnl eqauatites last.SetLA flow 30 kg Quikrete GARDEN CENTRE OPEN CANADA DAY, $498 Fonce N' Post TUE$DAY JULY l"', 8 AM - 5 PM» was $5,57 82685qantfie lait. LiE Visit these locations BRANTFORD EAST GWILLIMBURY HAMILTON MAPLE NORTH BRAMPTON SOUTH BRAMPTON TORONTO 215 Henry St. <NEWMARKET) 1945 aton St. E 200 McNaugton Rd. 10 111 Hearl Lake Rd. 370 Kennedy Rd, S 1300 CastiiRAve (ai Wayne Gretaky Pkwy,) 18401 Yange St (ai Woodward Ave, ( ai Major Mackenzie Dr.) lai Bovaitd Dr East and lai Steeles Ave. E) (a Caledania Rdf 519-720 2060 (N oi Green Lane) 905 312-5670 905-879-2450 day .010) 905-874-s000 416 780 2770 905-952-2950 905 843-4300 REGULAR STORE HOURS:Monday Siauiaai700aan-10 ldae Sainday 800ani -800pmn Formore informationaîisit .. .,.. 1 ýIA 1 MIiý,)V M N S RVIE MPR VE EN ~ t r ~~ nr* ~ 5 7ne 1 1