B18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 27, 2008 Siimmer programs for teenagers offered Registration is on. to 16 and mun Iroru july 22 to 25 and August relationships will bc covered. The John Howard Socity of Peel-Halton- il to 14. The pegrams are free and lunch is provid- Duffenin is now holding registration for ils Each day, front il arn. to 3 p.m., topics ed. YO! Summer Programs for teens. including substance use and -buse, gangs and To register for one or more days, cati Kara The programs are open t0 vouths aged 13 helongrng, anger and emtoton and healthy at (905) 864-1306. " Family Entertainment System " Ford SYNO Media System " Navigation Systemn " Rear Console Refrigeration " Remote Start System " Sony 10 Speaker Audio System " Trailer Tow Package - up to 4200# " Two Tone Roof " Vista Roof - 4 Panel WiII these temper tantrums ever stop? Question: My four-year-old still has temper tantrums. t thought he would grow ont of this. it is emharrassing and frustrai- ing. How long hefore thts stops? Kelly Answer: One only needs to stand in line at a local customer service couniter for a short tirne to ralize that somne people neyer ouigi 0W temper tantrunis, Femperament plas's a big rote tu ho-uý people (including chtldren) caut to frustration. Sorne chtldren strup> has e a shorter fuse and wtil throw îantrt.nts more often and for longer durations. However, there are some thtngs that parents can do to hetp ease the situa- tion. Thtnk CPR for emergency situa- lions: Compassion, patience artd resolve. Compassion: Try to understand where the tantrum, came from. ts your child tired or hungry? Have you put themn into a situation that would try even an adutt, such as shopping for an excessive amouni of time? Patience: Two angry people scream- ing at each other witt not hetp the situ- ation. Take a minute to cottect youiself and figure out a reasonabte plan of action, one that you can tive with. Resolve: Whatever your decision, stick with ît. This is where your chitd wilt learn someihing from you. Will il be 1t have to cry and scream extra long to gel what t want"? Or witt it be "Once t start throwing a fit, my parents witt stand their ground"? As a commnunty, we can support each other duting these titres. For instance, instead of tutt-tutting, we can give each other a knowing "Been there" smile. It is timportant to remeruher that a child who has tantrums isn't a sign of had parenting, just the sign of a strong witted chitd. This strong wtlt might serve him/her wetl someday Goodness knows there are a few successfut tantrum throwers tn parliament. Danielle and Sue accept parentîng questions at Danietlel@mcrc.on.ca. Danielle Lalonde E.C.E, B.A. is the motter of two and a Peirenting Educator wîîh the Ontario Earty Years Centre, North Hatton (www.merc.on.ca). She, wtth her cotleague Sue Bratttwaite, pro- vide support and resources to asstst par- ents and caregivers ini their rotes. The cen- tre also provîdes earty leaning expert- ences.for chitdren O-6years ofage.