34 - The Cunudian Champion, Friduy June 27, 2008 Girta's Coig Advanced Aesthetics ...IleCIDESCO D4"ffaI is tise world' n mot presious qualifcaio.. Aesthetiçs s an exciting anti ever-expasting carter anhd i ose of tise fasteet growing iseati anti weeheesa, professions. Women, anti a growing num- ber of men are becoming ever mor conscious of iheir appeurance. Thsis creates a dernunti for well-tanetiprofession- A estheticiaes seetiet ta work in beauty opax, mie- icat-spua, wcllness centres, isotet opu, destination resorts anti much more. Aethe"icj ose of tise few carrea where YOU cas StMr eariog mosey -vn before yau graduelte, work fU oc part tirne, uIs you cao Cake your care= anywisrre. If yoe arc conaitiering a caree is aretsetice. you can.oc ta participate in the CIDESCO inteadit Beaeiy Therapist Diplom. This programi preparea otutirs ta Cake te internatltal CIDESCO Exantohution leaing te, he prestigious wiorlti reuowueti CIDESCO International Beauty Therapiet Diptouna.- The CIDESCO Diplomu a is e wortti' mot pres- tigioue qualdication in tise fielti cf acatisetico asti beuty dserapy andtihie pineacle of professionat- iomn, openung doora Ce tssay prestigious carrer opporCtunitiee all over tise worlti us emptoyere anti clients recognize tise value asti s"is Chat titis acliievement repregeett. As a proffessioatea aetieticias you cas go on te have a carrer as a: CRllal Aestitetldan Spa Direeto AeatItetic bluitruera gnurerenu *For more infioneation oie ail our courses visit: wwgocollege£cou or CaR 905-602-U91. Aricle prnnridécd by Glna's College. TÏîat, our passion, your futu - Gins/s sCudents Icarn from thse miost coroprehcnsavc ctuculum avaiable toCday and train witu state of thse art iequîpmnent anti European resffment lunes I WreHi GRADUATING TOP BEAU1Y PICOFESSIONAIS SINCE 1979. *984b job platemnent with ministry approvedi diploma course * hnancing a'aailable -flexible course heurs PISSEN OH S s O L F EIO CONVENIENT LOCATION: 427 and Dundas Street Tel. 905.602.BB91 ginascollege.comn IT R1tEGISTRATION Roi-land Farms. Ltd as the largeat producer oof ffreassh muah- rooms in Canada. Our Campbellvjlle location is currently expunding production, and haa many opportunities available. Our Mission "Educafe allat work logether in a dlean, healthy, and sale environmenf growiag qualify muahrooms for aur customnera." WE OFFER competitive pay rates/benefils, continuous ad- vancemeat opportunities, and a teamn enviroament. Employment Opportunities: " Harveef Roomn Supervisora (Spanish apeaking akilis are highly desruble) " Harvesfers " Forkf ifs Drivers!/ Elecfric Palmet Operators " Genera labour (Tray Pmep, Amity, Tray Harveaf) Pieuse note that ail positions are permanent, since the company operates during ai aeasoss. JOB FAIR Friday JuIy 4 lprn-8pm 1 7345 Guelph Lise Carnpbellville, Ontario. f nlerested candidates cas contact: Anlu Kalsi @ (905) 878 9375 office or (905> 878 7897 fax akalsi@rollandfarms.com wwwroladfamsco Owner/Operatoir to run LTL into thse U.S.A. We protide: Ail atarI up casis reaivedi - RESPECT iEncepl It DtA test) " A seiid pratessiana, Safe Driver Banus Pragram $ no farcat dispalch teas * Ail carde for Tsils, Bridges, " Picke asd draps puid tZ Pass, Puai praaidtd $25.00 & $38.00 nr yard Scale " Puei Surcharge Prumium! New uquipmunl " Lots of milesl Secared, pusti yard " Patenil la tara aver $1.50 a milt! Cet5hed garage an promise Vea protide: *A desire loa better life style *Wiling ro are mare masey *A dlean Abesrcl *Cieun CVOR - Criminel recard search . LaIe matai tquipmenl in excellent conditian - A safe/auccesefuaitfude W ar ob fng fort popi eo os ou tenno the fOl fa oser ng arasIo " Overnight Associates " Cashiers " Sales Associates " Receiving Associates " Truck Unloaders In addition, we are iaoking for Associates ta jais aur Produce, Grocery, Bakery, Meut. and Deli teums. Pieuse bring 2 References und Photo ID ta the job fuir. Peelkabee Chili Lare is a fast growing organizalion with plenly of opporlunîlies for advancemenil We have 7weil equipped centrea featuring ail the grealeal laya and individaal claasroom budgeta!! We offer heallh and dental benefils, professional develoymeni opporlanities and edacalional re-imbarnemeni We have crealeri a greal leam envirorsment lhroagh special evenis and staff recognition programai Take a Peek at what you're misaîng, vieil sur webaile @ ww-w.peekabookid.com! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: ECE diploma or AECEO equivalent), ECAaaialan, or Sapply Staff, for ages Infant la Kindergarten, in maltiple locations,... Check oar locationa page aI ww.peekabookid.com There's a Peekaboo close to youl Please fax or e-mail yoar caver letter and resame lv: (tas) 905-451-8416 - (e-mail) amanda@peekabokd.cam ROMAC INC. CUSTOM MACIEMM SnOP LocATED IN MiUfTON EEQUIRIPS CNC HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Expcaicenred 4.tOSP4uci MCNc VERTICAL LATHIE OPERATOIR TMB20 Experinoein Piatat Ceitutla Applicants nust haea., a minimum qf5yrs , experience in a CWhsoa Machine Shop environMenL Fao Resume Ce: (905) 876-4451 hr@romacl.com POSVELYDIFFERENT Doy hou huvee u W.te rmit uhssCOMpeslmauco 10-is? Qarerîle Mazda as grareing fuel, and we sre looking far la enled peo- pIe la aois sur award-aînning grsup. The nighl individuals aill be tamv- ice-aniented, pseass greal attitudes and the dettre ta conlnhbule ta, the everal auccese of the ream. Presîsus Automatise Esperience an assel. We affur a Pasilîsely Different cuelamer experience with an empîsyment esperience la match. Whal makea us differenîl Tep 6 in Canada for Cusîsmer Service. A leam-orined work envirsnmenl, regolar training, a benief île package, sari a com- pensation plan liraI rearda achievers. New Facility comîng sean. Immeiute Oppertutles: *Service Manager w-e - - wh " Ucnsedi Techniclan " Sales R elpreseantative1 e Detailer *Shuttle Driver *PIT Receptionlet Pieuse farard yvur reaume la: "mUtb Gu" mill- e-mail: CSFOffr@Oo& llOltazdLcofl Pax: <(U5) 827-40 Ail applications wli be kepl convidensi