Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jun 2008, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Friday Jane 27, 2008 - 31 GeealHl 1Gra Het7 f-tin Rel Ikle & kle kle fice lfelpOfieHl H lpOpprnit te Oppnrtinîtipo Techaîcat Help [m Technical Help M Techmicet HeIp Applcatave a rl t îae trulyin eposition e Mand agncenroe Taineoîo -Mrkig tor .osie thebenett Sfea3-dyicedneas prsiMust Ouoe puilbliinlciaey L Caliioo fovrs Inerationa Mnfatue Cfompavy affrelae Coperilaren, su vactonil apd oncments &n benhîs Awig plcnouet bet at n apparan e o redy teat& indpnedi-, Fiays ch an Straselon. ek eier a 905)0 63a7-8795 CUSTOMER RELATIONS $16.361 he Local Dstributor for International Manufacturer roc eepaoding in Bulînglon and Oukaîl le. Have openinigo in Cutomer Relations Depertment. No eeperieoca required. Company offero: Comptea training, paîd vacation, repid Adeencement & enefito. AIl applicantu mut ha neut in appearunce and raady te, tert immedi- ately ci owni transportation. 905-634-M 000lam-Opm ATTRE TRANSOATION $16.1 LclDstrur fren Iornonal fore ctre nwepnn inr Burliegon lndoainav picauf inusoe h a o Dex llent . Nolu u * p Exicelqird Weman offers corpeie tranen, on fheatiob, raining & bent eefi s c Age. plca ms Sena i pene d reme 10:tr ime a ou ngtridgecao Excel~ ~ a el 0eurdfo n f Gnorgnlxwnus premier locu- ions, Ademaon Spa and Selon. Must hae ut leati 10 years epriencein theoGT reeb ttractivel ~package rtherigt rîghper0 W i a torea 9571957 AUTO SERVICE EXPERTS Opportonity for a se tmotivated, naperrenced indi oidual choenjoys corkng citfr tha public Wue ffoer an excellant tartrg aay, group baenali package and ongong tainingavailable. Resumeo can ha tonnardeIo: t178 Guelph Strnet Georgeto0cr ON L7G 4A1 L .Attention: Gag 95873-1621 I~O901 and S 100 IrequiredPrevicus exPerelCeU jpreferred IFax: 905-864-6311 or Emaîl j ljzasieliecdlng.oj ML:!TH With over 850 U.S. stores ranging front 20,000 tu 110.000 square fast, e am vo.y oocited *bout ou. secn.d Canadien store ln Onkville. Now Hiring Sales, Stock, Cashiers,& Bridai Consultants Full/Par't-Time needed IMMEDIATE INTERVIEWS Beginnlng Wedniesday. July 2nd and contlnuing through Tlwrsday, July, 17tti Monday - Saturday e Sam-7pm Doly exmpt Soindera, UvLW cd PoWs rs RW ife. APPLY IN PERSON Holiday Inn - Oakville Conter At Trafalgar For directions. coui 905.842.5000 BED BATH & MIII ical Hein Tehnl Hlp 1endandNTERS1 [ulhEramosa hume builder seeking experi Itme be sitions.n O emme gtnc519-ax5hnm105 SR. ENGINEER Energy Eftmciency Programts Ennngy Adoantage isa e ading Ennrgy Management Cxnuting Company ioloed ie pnoeiding e tatI range et technolngy-driteen, valse eddîng solutions and services te clients le comercial, industriel and instihttenel sectero. Eanngy adeantaga la Ianking for e candidate t0 loie eut tese buced en Burlington Ontario and Inelp anergy end-usens significantly renace their enengy utiization, thrnugh the establishment et suetaineble energy Management programe. Yo cilI joie a tear ofe lilc-mtnded dedicatnd inividuals che nilI ha able to provîde support, training and assistance as pou parîcpate in this iynamîc and gronîng fnid. Prlsary Responslbllîles: -Corioct on sote energy sunsmentu te identify enrgy ravîngo opperturitie and quantify theon enurgy savîngs opportunitins using engineering calculations and ennrgy management guielines - Aooist te concept development and implementation ot energy effîcîency programe for cliente - Direct building simulations for commercial, rataîl uni instîtutional cltents )DOE-2, EE-4, f-Ouest) - Provîde monitor- ing und verîticatien analysîs for ennrgy effîcîency proîncte - Proide ennrgy consumptior aralysîs lot Beselîne Reports, Ouartenly Reports and Annual Reviens in conjonction nîthtiha Client Services uni Operobions Greup. Job Qualifications: Technîcal Sktlls - Gosi knonlndg 0 f ennrgy eflîciency rn commercial, industrial uni inistitotionel applications * Ongreel Dîplome in an engineering discipline. Performance Skillo - Gond communication sktlls - Gond ongenîxetion and planning Eaponience - Computer liferocy e must (Microoft Office) * 5 10 10 peurs et industriell commercisvl institutional energy nffictency prolect naponînoce - Eapertence inalîng wfth guenment nnergy egencina and atilities. Plia mait or email reaameel le: lnryAvn ageIc. 540rth srvic RosI Burlînglon, ON, L7L 6C7 AI: Energy Eflclancy Emaîl: aa-jebs@energyadnnage.com llsiiO (îîîvidvi is Canadas leading poudurer cf edile où proddusand a poud pare ef Buge Odmite4ai glowa agrlbuulneus nda fond campaoy adOf integraied vperatieas ftat exten.dfom thue conumoer produci. We are a principal supplier cf kigA qualit agrlculaaral comodltle, voalse- addedfenld predÙcn and upecileelzedfand and feed lngredeuen BOZNG Second Clas Operatmng Engineer The Srcond (les Operaeug Eogîurrr lShbb Enginern is rrsponsihtr for the sale aol efficient vpeioniii of the Hlamiltîon plant Briller nouen Edîblr Ois Facifity hattr aod aceuînia viimpresrsi and aoy aociltary eqaiporornt Tbe plantortte 24' exith rmytoyrro woelaua on t2 but nratn shibts. Thr Shift refor os aise, thr plans Fies id attaendant. Reporaibitturs tactuin, but arr uvt limîtni iv: *5 boirs proisitea tOM .tltOAi boteiaro ai 150I pot, -Plat tir protecttion spre A ir comreors -Aroosia oopeffras and aaxdirs; * (,ka hattr fie drodouizise rowr Qualîfird candidates abouti torwari a reourn hy F.-oley, Juy 11, 20108 iv: aune Canada Pax: (905) 469-20020er E-mail. tinareruirleg.a uC hse.cvom sisiaG CiANDA ppn- nu Po,, % ffiunk a.epimStriooin-si.hr I ooking tc, rire leeperiencedl î PLUMBING J CHICIANS] Cel 905-88-5058 MODATEKSstema es an sotomote Tier rEjetr 2 supplier of modulan angine cradle eesembliea, reun twist ales end full trames. Our primany tech- nologies include hydro-forming, weld aeaembly, machining and e-coat peint. Modetek, located in Milton Ontario, lu a growîng division of Coama Structural Systema, Magna International PRODUCTION TEAM MEMBERS Seeking highly motieeted individuela with hendu or auperience teea maoufectuning eneimonment. SKILLEDTRADES (Millwdght, Tout and Die, Electricel, Controlu) Expaeuece nith ueretcing, mainlehning, rp istt iealing and testing equipment. Must hae catiete of quelification or cempleted a specielized course (contrel), coupted with applicable auperience. Att productionr and tredeo pesitios are beoed an a 3 shift rotation, Pliase reply loi: emnploymeelOmedaltek.com or Fax (905) 864-3415 Vile ttrenk ail epplicento for their tetereaf, however, erip those selncted for interenwsa cr11 ha contactnd. Prenious epplicants nnnd not eppip. magna ix au arguaI oppunlaniti employer xffnning cumpetbban nagesaend a cumprehtensive beonfit plan NUCLEAR - Electrlclanl MEDICINE Panel Builder TECHNOLOGIST -Indust. Meci KMH Cardioloa is MlllwrIght seekîna a fîl-me Selary tiaclear Medicine cemmenauraee Techroloarot in the with eupnninncn. Kitchener Hamilton Send renume te: C.A.M.R.T. and beanw C.M.R.T.O. reaistra- meldpee.com tior is requîred. fou 905-335-1116 Excellent benefîts and remuneratior pack- age încluiing perfor- * ae mance boras. Long eabîlis Fao 19051 855-1863 F Faan Companyi resametkmhlabs com - eqvîneo i AZ Driver * -Labour * Gond puy with j lots of houts L905-842-4141 *eperieceonl I toulsanud neIable tranotatou 905-578-M40 Milton office reuores Occourîs Rocaîvabîn, 001er Ertry and lrvoicirgq support. Punther dotias inole scîlchboand reception, mail and courier pactiaging, filing vnl ottier dutîeo as aooîgnud. The applîcant muet bu eroonablu, organîzel and datal orîuntcd, cîth vacellent verbal and wfene s6110 to, cork ri thio taot-pacvd envînrment. Pînase seuti reume incladiag oufèeneces lu: c/e MilIen Canaian Chrampion Box# 30A -555 Industriel Oc., 2nd Fluer 1 Mlton, On., L9T-5Et ChrpateOffice Assistant Ixoy officeoueko permanent,.part tile (3-41 afrospar ceeti) hardcorkîng. multîtaoking reibewre omanage clînîc. Aluariced computer and telephoru skillo are eoountîal. Ofic prenîa ce prferuld Emall resume le: lnfa, 0 KimFamlyChIPrerctc. Co fi MEDICALIPHYSIOTHERAFY RECEPTIONIST Reqaîrad for nec clînîc in (Milton, ON) openîng Augoot 1, 2008x. Pravoos eperiarce, inter- persona[ & computer akîllu an usant. 2 positione sesîlable (t PT + 1 PlM) Fax rese fo: 90&6093-0877. Sales Help SlsHl & Aent &Ageants UNSIDE SALES $PECIALI$lT Reynolds and Recynolds, a ouarken-leadine pronider of software, sern nices and document soluions to automone retailers, has an oppor- tne y far an Inalde Sales Speclalist ln ose Mîssissauga office. This positaon is respons Ibe fer d ieg and achievneg specific sales geaIs and ouarket share growth an Western Canada. ideal çqnidla*sswfl . * ebstued bacdilor's de" 3 IemmeYom 'of effldthSm nb» uu l ohOmne sllwad8 Pesuasiev rled pee .apUdlS apr.f er We uffer a tonal compensation package includieg: salary, overtime, medical, dental, vision and pension. If pou are looking to groro pour sales career, please saboule voue resume with salarp requiremnents to: HRCnada@breyrey.comt Ref. #51CDAML Onia tîuaiid aepieurii wiii b conaarad ww .ryeycaaAnEqa Op. tniy.mloe LoIgfor Professlonal Experlend aokigfa cae e n ented, enthusieutic, har k ring nde vduels. Wie prne de ful benefitfa bu- nusan cer e owences. Eeneasucceuful lving Ienywhefromn$45,000 t0$7500t yeeI. 1Ce lone gon ego fltn GEORGETOW KIA SUPERSTOIRE Celi 90877-875 Or emel robtaseel3il.çm Professional Sales Consultants For the explosive Str rn rýfn$6 ztr IlaturnaVnde proen treck record le automelive sales and o Ieaoking tee a hume, but ether cule- meliva nnp. mep ha cenoidnend. Nu ahb heppenu pleace, mn eelp muet cemmnilled people. Commissien un salarp plus bons anaitable. Onon pro g am anailabîn tu qaalified candidate. Chck vs eut et www.buddssatunn.ca Emaîl resumre, le: Dud ' wcaeleebeidisaaab.ca sui t canicSa Inside Sales Representative SIaafth vale & caitrmls LId. is snnkieg e entha- siactic mohfi-tasknr te tilt the roIl Ot rusile Sales Rnpresentativ. Il pou haee e desine te succeni, a min. 0f 3yrs caperine in industrîi prncnsa con- trois or valves, have abvm average compater skdlis, supponted bp a grade 12 aducatien citti a cellega diplome i te echenical, saes or engineering Saeli, please foseend poan resumne statieg position t0. leI@saathvalve.com tis aller competlllva salary, benefil, and excellent worlt anroreent. r TNTS FACTORVI IHELPI Fax resume toU 41-23756 iltoncanadianchamPIOWMI Licenced Trailer Mechanic or Apprentice F c"'Int Il? 1 LakeShole Rd fA'ssýs5a"ga 905 82ý lé,00 Exte R,ý897 Fire & Waterr Restoration Technicians & P-T Estimator Fax 905-877-4320o, Cali 905 8 , 7 7- 2 320

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