Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 2008, p. 24

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24 -The Canadian Champion, Wednesday Jane 25, 2008 Skid & Sked & Sk le Sale ein ales el An ndustry leader in the design and manufacture of large dies has openings ,for experiencecl people toi join our " Tool Makers - empertence iu automotve tooling a must. " CNC Set Up Operators - 3 -.5 axis machines. " Manual Machining Operators - manuai mîlis, drills, and surface grinders. Must be available for ail shifts. Please fax or emaîl: 519-884-0875 ceccla@mullard.on.ca WANTED TAEKWONDO AND KARATE INSTRUCTORS Georgetown, Brampton nd Mssissauga, * ppurtuni t l Instruct in a Pruiessîirnal *Martial Arts Enroirmeni Plus PrI ansd Publie Sctrs *Intrnuctonl Prugrant for Trauspurted Ahter Scinuol Martial *Ants and Cunsanioual TaeKwunDul baae *Prognan. Hours from 1:30 pmi - 8:30 pmn, Munday tu Pniday and Puasible Saiurday tisurs. I *Candidates must be energetic, enthusiasfic vir a pusstie Atitude sud Wiiling to Leam, Grow sud Deneiup Pmtfeaaonaiy *Candidates Must Loue lu Work sud Motivate *Cirildrer or Eaperence in Instrucsng sud Creating Actradfes for Cirdren. *Must be Eluguent in Engiisn, Costumer Service * Oieuied, Team Piayer sud Have Guud Social SkuIls *Appiicsnts Quaidications: red bat up to4th Degnea Blacki BeR *Ages 19 years tui 31 years, bat nul recessury *Candidate accepted wiii be Padc Asti cilS Incenfive for Cotisation Cait Grand Master Felix Ayensu, 7th Dan Black Belt Phone: 905-873-2809 or Email: telix6aztac-net.cam Is loukîng lu hîre m.ctt PLUM BING I~TECHNICIANSI Exclntcompeto ~ Cal 955838-5050 ISO 001 and AS 9100 IrequredPrevousexperenzel Ipreferredi Fax: 905-864-6311 or Email: lar@pcaizdedn.o AUTOMOTIVE DETAILER . Oppontuuit to curk on eclusive ail nec uahictes . On the job training . Excellent wunkîug conditions . No sapenience requîred . Etcetlent groatti puteutial Asutut in tire set-sp sud preparation ut nec vaicteas oaniety ot Aatomotrue Marketing prutects $10-$14 par haur based un sopenreuce Plesse appiy directtp to company ors a-mail, fao on mari.: E-mail: hirisg@integnatedaata.com Fax: (905) 275-8687 Ie pnrentcecn wajeiand nefisJ trntoputatio 905-8-05#89 PLUMBERS $30-$35/hr Must have- 10 Yeats experience, own tools and reliable atransportation Call 7S905-578-4405a44 5 ea1Drywaller/Taper t rWaEstimator /T ýFamiliar with Xactimateý for fine festofafion company Exp preferfeci. C il 905_8 7.2 0 9Fax: 905-877-4320 ora'01 r yrai. 905-877-2220r NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGIST KMH cardiotuen is seekîug a fuit tino Nuclean Medicine Tacirnologîstirn tira Kitchener Hamilton raiorn Curnt C.M.R.T.O. registra- lion is nequirad. Excellent benatîts suid ramunraation pack- ago inciuding perfor- mance bonus. Fat (905) 855-1863 nasuma@kmnhiabs.con Logeatabliahed Paing CompanyI Requîtes IAphatRakemanl *AZ Briser lts ut hours CaI 905-842-4141 Ofi elp Htave you hod 11w newt' 0lada te. ha Md daIi, Oficalp Accounts Receivabie Clerk (H-amilton Office) Candidate to posseso 3 ps Accountiug sud AIR espenience, advanced Excel SIS, abiltry to cork in a tast-paced, detaîied onsîronrmnt, Fax:8905-525-3105 or hnngrenaa.net SalsHlpi Salas Help LookEnrP frmfes sional Expeienced Longfor career orîentad, enlirusîastic, ird j orkiuig urdclass V/e prourda fuoll Sa netîts, bu. rsuad car aitoaucas. tEarui a succesotu liinrg anyher frtta$45000to$75.000 per pear. 111 fon roaîn jeaffi1 Cati: 905-877-8375 Or enai: nubtsi38irotmsi con Inside Sales Representative Steclth Valse & Contrats L d. is seektuig a anthu- sisstic muiti-lasker lu frI thre roll ut tuside Sales Represeutstiue. tf you have s detîre lu sacceed, a min. ot 3yrs etperîeuce ir industria proceso cor- trois or alvses, haae abuse aserage cumputer SUIS1, suppurtei by a grade 12 educallun wrth a cottage dîpioma in a mechanica, sales or engineering field, pisasa toseard pour resamne stssing positiou to: lyle@atealthvalecom vie offer competfitie aalary, benefita, and excellent mark ersclronment. Seio Bokee A cveli estabtîsbed Insestrosut Compamy is iuokîng for a Senior Buokkeepen. This 's a great oppontunity to conk for a gructh orient- ed companty. ou wilt be su urgauîzed, self atarten, ciro a able tu curk iu a faut-paced,] pnoductive enirnment. The succesafut candidate must have euperîenca in Adminis- tratîion as cati uo Senior Bookkeepîng Youn areat otf raopooaîbiîty cîi ircioda, ail spectso rf bookkuaping înciudîng fînauciai ututament prearotioni oitir ochaduiao, sud perîpiera dultes us raqoeutad. Wa ana local- ed on Nontircest Mîuoîuoougu. Applicants wiii be reqaired ta complets a bookkeep- ing test. Fiase tomuard yosr resume iu sur.Oookkaeper@gmsii.com ChrpateOffice Assistant Buyoffice saabs permanent, part rima (3-4 * sharroons per week) hardaorkrrg, molitlskinug, *reliîbe workrto marag cliîrcAdvancedi jcomputer and telephone skîlls ara essentîil Ofic pririce pr e terred Esnctt reaume loi: à nfoOKtmFamttyClrroctic.com so regtc y amit efmotivated salas 77 Stdi &Safo *sîdsaiseekîig a fuiiiîimacurear nthhacaghtl lt s rng i management nutrition field. Traînîuig prooîdad. pT & PT Pax rasoma ru: Servers 289-344-0113 Appip ta Persan 3455 Faioiew Street, Bartingtan Retail alesHal = HteRsaurat Cati 905e37-7171 RETAIL F I IIGR SA A T elli re Uri n coma work ut a giowinsg compsry that oSonrs OLON compeîoîue ages, berhefîts, pension plan, teani aimosphere sud oppontunîties ton aduancement. We are in need ut dyuamic, energeto snd eaperieucad individues lotut our tax SUYER KEY RESPONSIBILITIES * Manage tire prourenent sud inaentory management ut edgebsnding inciad- iug PVC, shoot sud coud ueneur, netanre sdhasîues sud polyester tape *Ensure daiiy cycle courits, track resuits sud matuitai stocki osais * Inuentigute uea or alternative soppy utrategies *Negutiate prîcing, source aiteruate suppliers suid/or pruducta *Prouide intormation ou treudulissoas to tire ard Produot Manager - Edgebardirg *Coundiruste thre culoar matchirg procesu for interuia sud extenat customers *Moîntair muster cutour croas-nefenence lust sud cuioar offenings *Matutain pnicîug in systemr fon ail edgebanding SKUS ru match price books SKILLSIEXPERIENCE REI3MIRED: 3 -35 years insa neiaed esperrence *Preaous expenenose aith Navsstn or Chr MRP/ERIP systerros * Superior negutiatug sud communicatiun skiiis *Steog kuowiedge sud practîcai espenience aida basic ucuntinag puincipies *PMACi? Loete iti socreditaiun isa sirung asset *Mustibe sble su aisaaliy distingutsh minute moanudtterences beiceeri producta KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: *Update sud modits ait pedtinent plaus sud achedalea based un tac matenîia avaiabilty, sud castumen reqaests *Elîmînate deisys snd aburtages by aiayoîng the carrent achedute uto tiag any probterros, sud aonkinig cit retenant departrnents tu resle any asation * Deaeiop ceeky repieutshment pias t meet custumen requinemeuts, lu- seniory teeas sud most bobties *Ensare pnupe tnacing and sabmînsaaon ut pnouction Uae data SKILLSIEXPERIENCE REGUIREO: *2-4 years ut neiaied espenience * Enceptionai urganizationa SkiIS *Strunag mstitssking abitit *Struug initerpenoua siifs *Nasision ornuther MRIPERIP systerr espenience *Post Secuuidany Sohout in a reiated field Please suimit a resume aida saiary eopectatuu by Jane 301h, 2008 tu: resames@olou.com onPas: 905-877-7383 on Drup off poar nesame to: -42 Anmstrung Avenue, Gorgetocu, Ontario L7G 4R9 t/tait ouncwebste ai ww.oru.com 80e tuank ailappioauts, nommer, onipioseiectedfabn interview wiii0o cuontcea Oion Indtustries ns an aussi uppurtauaiy employer OfiSce Attistant Tu ts sit I4d/wk (15hrs), Our team Imember tu a grua nga ICentre. At a pentsct os *communicatur flesibe, th ablt o tize. A pute skis wuadbe an ss Please fxyou rsu (Nu taxes acceptsd Reqd r rdenal j Denta sxpas I Please ema 1 rinldntal SUN Sia\ta O Sunrise of Burlii P-T Care RN's / Volunteers AI Please fax reaure burtington.boc@aar Part-Time Cashier tor Buop Barlntn Phsrmscp. Eusnîings & Weekends nequîred. Presse fax resumes to 905-336-9658 MILTON COMPLEX GARAGE SALE Sat June 28 ~ Bam - lpm 371 Bronte St. Luadu of oerythiug for suae tiassauawaya GIANT GARAGE SALE Sun June 29 ~ Bam - 6pm 10695 Fifth Line RR# 2 Rockwood Contents of a wetaSmu sirop, motoroyce, lawn moiur. tnuseitems &mm muc much mure MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat June 28 7am - 2pm 749 Irving Terrace (Thomnoson ae Rodi) Faretars, cluossng, otisoabtes. Loong fot asperiencad tait-lime semver. j5omsys, nightsndeekendoj IPeasa 90-702-528unremîil W1 lree insnn@ belnt.ca Hosptal, OAKVtLLE Medtcal, Dental JOB FAIR Supemîsoro, Line Couks, Dîsh, Prep, tirs Office Manager ap to Severs, Hostt is ioukrng to sdd s niew Bartendors nd oery buap dastinesu Please appiy in psr- udidats, pou ans a great I son ar Shseiess Jues 11iilent mititsker îi11 2501 comfontabis rese ot cum- Prince Michael Dr. et. Tues. Jane 24ih me lu: 905-873-8158 12-8pm afler June 30tb, 2008) eàAGE Colmmunity E HGIEIST Newspaper offce ru Georgetown. i n print suce reqaîred. il reoume ru: obMysirm .com LÙSEworkp ls,5 Vour Wsgon Now Hiring Total Managers Recrwitownt RIPN's Si.ain ways Welcome a e to: 905-333-3199 nîaeseniorliving.com eaclang Te chi I (T I E: nM-eu e0CMeo aud.Pleases esuea toi Camiayn Capetlaa onaive a South u Fax: 905-702-1ors rioc na ianch pil, I 9 MORING AR SALE Sat June 28 7am - l Pm itofrod GARAGE SALE Sat June 28 8m-No Bdrnusr, prusoarinar s, utasano, asddsnt sotmvn ud sfCu t os fo ae Pant-Time, ton tannîtane store. Some weekends, enpenîence an auset. Fax resumae ta: 905-639-8854 or cati 905-639-8852 o«Ilt &-el fol

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