The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jute 18, 2008 - B5 niecessity !or àdvertisieig suunu lui finds itself immune to business." Derby Brown - from DATELINE on page 84 Chai nîns [roni 10 io 11:30 Seniors are îns'îîed to couie by anti eîîoy free refresiîiienis and taLc a louir. Bjd cre is field ai 1 30 p.iii ai 'i tosî of $2.5~0 for îîîeînbers and $4.50 for non- inembers. lis Tbursday Aiternoon MoNie taLes place ai 1:30 pin. featuring 27 Dresses ai a tosi of $2. And ils Foot Care (-,inie takes plate by appoint- muent ai a cosi of $25, piyable 10 the nurse. To book, an appoint- ment, cal1 (905) 875-1681. The Deck youtb centre, 200 Main Si. (rear entrante), invites studenis in Grades 6 tii 8 10 drop by beîweeîî 3 30 and 6:15 p.m. 10 play a gaine of pool or just haîîg oui. Hîgh school stu- dents are welcoine f ront 7 to 10 Fridayjune 20 Milton Distict Hospital hoids a drop-in breastfeeding group wiîiî a terîifîed lactationî consultant [romn 10 to 11.30 airn. ai Otur Lady of Vitory Sthool, 540 Comîiriercîal Si., wîîh informnation shared and babies weigbed. For woînen and babies oniy. Foi more infonna- Lion, cati Jili Hicks ai (905) 878- 2383, exi. 7610. The Milton Seniors' Activiiy Centre, 500 Childs Dr., bolds bingo and contract bridge ai 9:30, ils Cyber Cale fromn 1 10 3 p.m. and darts and billiards froin 9 arn. to 4 The cosi for each actis'iîy is $2 for inern- bers and $4 for non-mnembers. Euchre takes place ai 1:30 pin. ai a cosi of $2.50 for memnbcrs and $~4.50 for non-inembers. its Friday Evening Movie staris ai 7 p.în. feaiuring 27 Dîrsscsý The cosi i, $2. And Fvening Euchrc is held aithie Carnpbeilviile Lions Hall ai 7.30 p.m. ai a cosi of $2.50. For mnore inforination, cati (905) 875-1681. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main Si. (rear enîrance), invites Grade 6 to 8 students to drop by between 3:30 and 6:15 p.m. te0 play a gamne of pool or jusi hang oui. High scbool studenis are welcoîne fromn 7 io il p ni. Comforiable banking means being open even longer hours, so you can bank when il's convenieni for you -8 'tii laie sia days straighi. And nom f rom June 20 unil July 25, vsit your TD Canada Trust branch for a summer of eaciiing giveamays and other surprises. its our may of saying hom much me appreciate your business. 71MIanfo>yura "Otl _____ dcanadatrustcom IE Canada Trust Banking cas be tis cnmfortable M ST. * My Sosiers Closet " Zaks Pharmacy " Mikes Barber Shop " The Denture Cllnic " Shoppers Dm0g Mari " A Country Mile " Gearhead " As We Grow - Ricardson Chevroiel uOTl ST " La Rose Italian Bakery " EB Brewster *The lay Arms *Millown Computer Milon Urgent Gare *Austen and Noble oONTIro S-. Clinie *Haiton His Fine - Milot Public Library STEELES AVE. Jewellery -Re/Max -Milon Home Hardware *Milon Greenhouses - Shear Pieasure - Gorradas Auto *Prudenlial . Tht Water Store iL 1jjjjiIIIjjIý