B4 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jane 18, 2008 ateaAAAb une i be Milimîn Hisiot irai Sotiets' Mot Milton issoibe wîtis aiid/or flaiton COr l. Conut p.ni F JanetS ext. 2C Mil bolds ing cli lion ci Forr make Hicks 7610. Ha bolds awart Oaks' Fbhursday Junc 19 2515 \Wyecro[î Rd., with a v rlis Supporting Moms in and cheese recepiion ai 6 p - a support group foi and tise mnee'ing ai 7 p.ns rs who arc struggiing byiaw changes ecoinienî posipartum depression Audited f linancial siaicineni' anxiely - mnecis ai available ai ibe mneeting or Kids Vs'cst Milton Hub ,si calling the hospiial adinini' idy of Victisy Srbool, 540 lion office ai (905) 338-461 tercial St., froni 7 (o 8:30 WIN and NIM mneet or more information, raIl Rattlesnake Point Golf ,ivernis ai (905) 825-6000, vith a sommet golf chiti )27. 6.1510o7:15 p.m.. nmeeting r ion Distri Hospital iralion and neîworkîng f a one-on-one breastfeed- 0:30 10 7:30 p.m. and tbe is [fic witb a certified latta- îng and dinner [ront 7:30 t uinsultani [romn 7 to 9 p.m. p.m. wiih speaker Ni nore information or t0 Belanger. Tickets for tbe n ant appointimeni, cal1 JilI îng and dinner cosi $35 ai (905) 878-2383, ext. members and $45 [tir members and $30 [tir ment Iton Ilealitcare Services and $35 [or non-rmetobers ils atînual meeting and 18 and yoonger. To tesen 15 ceremony ai the spot, e-mail inetings@wln îlle C onference Centre, nim.ca or cal1 (416) 226-31 -c St 37,$' cwompany In a reent independent research study, Herbai Magic achieved a world-class customer satisfaction rating of 91%/.t " Developed by licensed Health Care Professionals " Exclusive WM-2OOOTMOuick-LossTM Plus formula nm. hioids a potluck dinner ai 6 30 vitb p tus, ai the Haltois Cooinir led. Radial Ratilway Museui on are Guelpht Line ieaîoîîîîg a ride on -by ,iuihentîc raiiroad cars ani a stra- toucriof the tnoseum. Car a e 6. ai 6 p.iii. sharp [roin SX\aldte ai Biacksistiiils Shîsp, 16 jamnes Si. lob for ihose waîsîîng a ride. Thsc ce front foi ihe et i s $6. Brtng s otr egis- favoorite fuocîs, disies and rom riensils. seet- The Milton Seniors Attivîts o 10 Centre, 500 Chiids Dr.. hîsid's kole contraci bridge ai 1:30 p.i aîsd ietl- dans and billiards [rom () a.n for 10 9 p.ms. The rosi for each non- ativity is $2 for rneinbers and ibers $4 for non-members, its aged Walking Club takes plate frotta ^ve a 10 aiii iii noon. Somec etîtrante and- iees appy lis free Coffee and 288. - see more DATELINE on page B5 Frances would be pleased .from PARK on page B3 She wenî îbrough six rycles of cbenoiberapy over the nîne years. aîsd alwas's fotused on how soon she cottld be hark on tIse bîke," she said. "Mont ronîîoued iii porsue lier other hobbies and interesis ilsrtitgiîsri ber baîtie wiîh cancer. In fart, ber indlornitable nature and bubhly spirits were an inspiration and cîsîsfori bo other patients undergoing tancer treat- ment ai Princess Margaret Hospital." Althougb Harry stifi oides, lie admit- ted iî was Frances' enîhusiasin for cycling that kept bim motivaîed. Frances didn't like tbe idea of a con- ventional gravesîte and stone and siot ply requested a magnolia îree be plant- ed in ber memory, wbîcb the famîly did on îbeîr properties. Sbe wanted someîhing that would add enjoyment to a location, ibus tbey chose the bencb as the meinorial, said Debbrecht. Tbe bencb, made locally, bears Frances' name as well as an inscriptioti, and will be dedicaîed in a sînaîl cere- mony ibis Saturday Debbrecbi said îbe bencb memorial will contoibote to the work of tbe Destination Campbellville Cominmnity Association. Her moîber would loîve the idea of heauîîfyîng and boosîiisg Caispbellville'sý agri-tourisîn and wîsrld lîkely base jîsîned the cause. "Mot would love t0 knîsw tbai ibere is an îungîsing plan 10 revitalîze Caiitî,bells'ille. Beîng a part tof îbaî would he s'ery special to ber," saîrl Dehhrccrii