B8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 13, 2008 <9 %~CUSTOMER APPRECIAION Fine Children's Furniture. AL Unen and DecorOSALE 1,5-25% * OFF DURING JUNE!, (based on rnanutactirer) Risky business - weII, sort, of The sign saîd'Wet Paint. 1 will sit at that red light for 10 But was it really? The sign minutes wrestling with my con- might have been Ieft up there for science. 1 want to go through days. And paint dries quickly -that red light, but 1 just can't nowadays. Lt didn't look wet. briîîg myscîf to do it. ICs the I knew what 1 had to do. On t e samne with handicapped park- There was no way around it. 1 ing. Ihere could be seven open Iooked around to make sure tOOSeý UU11 spots in front of where 1 want to nobody was looking and then M W _go and no other cars in rhe park- carefully moved my index figure VMa Uo:-- Sly à l S 11c1D ing lot and 1 can't bring myseif toward the wall. adventure and risk, without to park there even for a minute. 1 knew it. Lt wasn't wet at ail. mucb risk. Mind you, I know people who You rhought yucould defeat Or it couîd be thes a bit of take tbose family or expectant me? You can't defeat me. 1 the rebel in ail of us As soon as mothers spots just out of princi- walked away quite content with we see a sign or arc told not to pie. myself. 1 took the nisk, I faced do something, we want to do It Its not even just as aduits. danger in the face, and I won. 'Do Not Tap on the Aquarium?' Kids takc risks aIl the time, Okay, its not skydiving, Tell me you don't bave an itch to0 doing things rhey know they're bungec jumping or mountain just tap it a little bit. Just to no supposed to do, their only climbing, but I've got more. You show you can take that risk and fear being that they don't get know those hlie catsup, relish get away with it. caught by their teachers-or par- or soy sauce packages? 1 roll 'Do not open until ents. Most of that is not going them and coll them in my fin- Christmas'? Fat chance. îoo far, and if they have any gers. I push out the air on one The risk-taking doesn't moral values at aIl they know side and then the other, taking extend îoo far. 1f 1 sce a sign that enough not t0 deface public them to the very edge of their says, 'electric fence, do 001 propertyxor steal.1 sdt e breaking point. A hatle bit more touch or you will die immedi- Freape sdt e of a squeeze and the package ately', then ifs a good bet 1 prob- flashlight when 1 had to go t0 breaks and stuff is squirted ably won't touch iî. Probably bcd and read îny Hardy Boys everywhere. And okay, maybe And l'mn not suicking my longue books under the covers. The once or îwîce they actually on a metal fence in the winter, thrill of geîîîng caught mnade il broke, but it doesn't stop me. even though theres a certain more exciîîng, but hardly death The next lime 1 gel one of those attraction there. defying. packages l'in back at it again. Breakîng the law creates a 1 wonît be taking a toaster 1 don't think liii alone with whole new dilemmna, no tratter toto the baihtub any lune soon, this stuff. Mayhe with the catsup how insignificant. if l'm on a just to sec if 1 cati survivc it, but packages, but not the weî paint. dcserîcd country road late at give nie a 'Wct Paint' sîgn and Mayhc wc feel the nccd for nîght with no cars wîîhîn miles the advcoture hegins. iock I* I Haman Resourres asd Ressources humaines et miSocial Deselotîmefli Canada Développement social Canada _ý i