The Canadian Champion, Friday Juue 13, 20080- 29 WINNFRS: ofteA CAP~PELLA SHOWCASF bike drawi are: - Ticket a06-0 S0-0 Mieeoh af Miltonalg. i Conigrooatuatin REID, Hazel Marie (nee Reed) June 20, 1934 - Jue 10, 2008 Passad away ai Georgetowns Hospital oi' Tuesday, Jane 10, 2008. Hazel Reid is sursived by bar chidren David (Jane), Barry (Jactrie), Annette (Ray), John (Debbie> and their fathar James C. Raid. Çberished graudmother of Amy, Mark, Megan, Matthew, Tyler, Travis, Jackson, Arndrea anid Adam. Hazel wilI bu sorely missed b y bar sister Mildred and hur husbaud Ken Everest. Pradeceased by ber parents Harold and Florance Raed and infant non Paui Michael. Family and friands are inaited 10 aisit aI the McKER- SIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton~ 905-878-4452 from 6-9 pm ou Friday and f rom 2-4 pm on Saturday. The fanerai service wif I follow Suturday affernoani at 4:00 pm an the luerai hume cliapel. A priaate interment will follow at Hilîcrent Çemetery iu Norvul. lu lieu of flowers, Hazel han chosen Hilîcrent Church for any memorial dona- tions. Letters of coudoleuce may ho leh for the family at W. treasure the memtorlea that taise our pain, Our loas ls Heavena gain. GILLIES, Jamie Suddanly an Suduy, Jane 8, 2000 in Milton. Jamie Gllires. dear fatber of Gregory and Brittany. Looîug son orf Allan and Carolyn Giliies. Sadly nissed by bis brorburs Robbile and Cary. Foreser remembered by bis oura, socles, coasins, uîecos and nephans. A primate famîly service miii bu beld ut tbe McKer- sia-Kochar Fanerai Home 114 Main St. Mitgn 905-878-4452. Il desired memorial donations 10 The Chidren's Wîsh Foundation would ha apprecîoted. Letters of conidoiencu nay ha left for the family ut wmm mckersî ~rInMmam 10.11Inmoriamj BLANCHE COULSON In tosmo'y of a Laing iteMothe anid Grndmaoliuu Donit ilink uof hem as g oe anay Hunaunueysjusîiiguo Liii' Ioldi su mny lacets Thisoeartirolyoone JusiibrinkofIneras uesîinfont the îannamo and theuonano In a aof waumibanoidonai Wliuieihuui'ar odays and yar Thrslalronrilrimustib ouishingiloai une cauld loa noday Andouhae ohinaliîauohn For noaihing losndiiounven losi and shnmas los.uio mco Mduao yes adouayo Z= .dfaoadly Q GRETA Iotn ADAM, Andrew Adam, Andrew (Andy) 64 yrears on Jue A4lwayo R 5, 2008. Andy mas the adored and helooad hushund of Elizaheth (Liz) for 42 years. Deuresi father of Mark and Michael, Steoun and mîf Amy Granddud to Andraur James (A.J.) Public Notices Andryu and Owen. Brothur of James & Sarah and Douglas & Churolente. Prude- ceased by bis futher James and mother HaltonF Margaret and his brother Ian. Uncle to Invi tes Sherla, Darlena, Patrick, Christopher, U1L 541h AN Heatber, John, James and their familles. 'jWed., J Andy wus groming toi love our nem friand Busrîrngt Martha. He retired from Chrysier uifer 42 2331 Newr years and 2 mouibs mîtb Plant 2 untîl i closed, thon Plant 1 and Plant 6. When Ouest Speaker C tbay closed, be worked at Plant 3 util he EIder Services retired. Andy daoelopad muuy close rTiiunc trîendsbîps with his fellom comortars. As A Unlitedt Audy hud wîsbad, a prîvute cremation mus hald. Malady FaneraI Home entrusied. 519-728-1500. Do.nations t0 .1a Loat & Faund t6e Windsor Regionul Cancer Centre mould he appreciated hy the fumily. A spacial thauk you toi aIl of the Drus and Nurses ou the 416 floor ut Met., especiutly bo those in the l.C.U. Your kindneus and caring erili nei'er ha torgotten. DUNLOP-LOUISE lKubinec) of Sarnia LOST Car, Frank: Grey and formerty of SI. Thomas, pussed ausun IaL White~ loaire~~d ou Frida, May 23rd, 2008, ut the Bluewu- mao e, buil Thanpve ter Heulth Centre, in her 47t6 yeur. Deur & Laumoe patner of Gary Cameron and lovod mite Cai 647-220-0254 of the laIte Scott Dunlop (2005). Dearly e000. REWARO! looed mather col Jacob Kuhîuec 0f Mintn and Rebecca Jean Margaret Dunlop ohf St. Thomas. Deur sister gt Margaret Durham, Paui, Mike and Joe Kubinec, ail of Milton. Dear daughter-in-luw of Jean Ue£outO i'niry required 3 and Bob Dunlop of St. Thomas. Louiu . Oy e.fne2l= uge was boru in Hamil ton ou Jaly 29, 1901, lic chck îoîrocsse- the duughter of the talte Pui and qurud. Oituruoi ua Margaret Kahinec. A public memorial 0050 905-005-0004. service mou held ou Mouday, Janie 916 ut Oqun@ougom o Williams Fanerai Home, 45 Elgian St., St. Thomas. Cremation hus taken place, with inlerment of ashes lu Fairvieus Cemetery, Dutton. Remembrauces nov ha made toi the Cunudian Cancer Society.i To Our Valued Cagtomers, We are ptleas,ed to annunce that effective Wednesday. June 18, 2008, 'Me Milton Canadias Champion wilt morve fron a Tuesday toi a Wedioe.saf(ay publiczation. Our Fnday editioi evitl continue as usual. :ùDeadline foir Wednesdy Clmsifieds wiil be lb"edys at 10:00 arn. THOMSON e14, 2003 membered by ber Family Z _Pulc Notites :amily Services yourto attend sur NUAL MEETING una 18 @ 7:30 pm lau Central Lrbrary, Street, Burlingron. ON ,sI. Juckia Brenun, 'oordinutor, HRPS ili Safety' Way Agency CHILDCARE oueIuO0u or ina home. tri a inbar uf HCCe, 1 have 000 & Fnit speuSaon pasied. r poide lunchesu&snadks. Fouend- ly, iaseg aneironniOt. Cali NANNIEIBABYS ITER fo 3 eunings penonfou 5-u0mnfo 2 su boys saunue, pluosu cet 905- 876-1441 & ru use aues- HOT Tub/Spa 2008 n everyaiogade, a vatrs. 40 lets, Sil riruipd, musat sal, oi $805. Sac- rifice $3950 Cuir 519-572 Orly $595,00 905-070- WAOOOEI front loade, ai nosirroaý $250 Also riu amuir Cail 90s5693-1991 neu' Sue laigu sommai'o or umber aria tuais Cal oas-usa-r 733ý 'UPn fr Saie Cihubahaa <catir, Ponnoirruri, Jacki Russelr, Cooliapoa. Shi- Pou. Fa Ox JouikRusseli Pugl, <orlon Las, aoor, 000ki,. vag. vînt vnarols. soi ohnsiud, deooinOa fltrou ai00 Rusns Pei Cenr 905-875-475. OOOM Ai Covatorrus, 3 2005 Smart FarTuu Car. unvts 5 200 000 $70M0 Diesal 72.OOOkons Grear eacsy rvr 10 0 0 mCsap Cari 5is 853-0347. $300 00 OBue Cal 95< 878-0643 2007 Chrysier FT Crarser OKing or Onruuv C1toCno <v Osb ony ai1 ra0 doc mai'oss soi Ne S A uo Pas ai ena vuna AndOarr Hald- srsoo sa ou us <sou ings 905-873-3776 Ouen 0295ý 905-567- 9-459 I11* Cars Wanfed BEDROOM Cho ,ynood. uua, dreisser, vrrror, chss Doaaailuconstraucion. Casr $70oo, Suri $15M0 Ooing- 000v r1 p'ou Cherry Neou Cost $8000 aill $1900, 905 567 4042 - CARPET i have svaora .,000 yards or 000 Stin Moasior & 100% n'ylono par Wili do hiorgroon & hali for $309. rioladus car- ptpuri0 & instalaion (30 - yurds) Sinon, 905-633 FERRET cagounli levols 70 BrneRCkil and bud for Sule busi cnrir éL Su05875 6596 H0T Tas (Spul Coanîs i Z test posae, Basi qaiiy Arri siupus & salurs. Cu i- 866-sus-auna ousoilco- COOKSVILLE Auto Wruoir. verguyoou ers, ssîap ours, trscr ru- inovui. caush, fi bet sur- orsii prooussod WTla fr Sale 2004 Fond Espione, b0,00 c f MC6 Wlfu 7,6eSiios. Loudod. LOO K Cou 1983-14 ALL ABat C.OtîO Paei va- Jas9i12, 0008, 011000, DmeaChina, Cry-na tai, Situa,, Fil= 23 oie arva, Rayal 000900n, 4 03OdoCror aki, Ait anique turi-tin- 550, ursaut, et elue, c ap- oaa&, Ai-t, toiiatbi.a, tainai, Spit bensir o- ntn. Entai. Sunaiaa, isiod, iuriid, aexcellent Tee Casho. ati Jhod onrdition. $69M Cuir Tiacy 05-331-2477 905-076-4093. go nAucin ~ARtn FURNTUEAn, SAL Sarurdoy June 141h from 9:00 un - 4:08 pro il t998 Wroston Cburchll Boalevard 2kns Nortb ot Muytrid RoOd,17th Srderad Georgetown, ON Newr aud ready toi finish handcrutled tarnilure. Orassors, uordrobes, armarre. night lubies, biankel boxes, dressing ouoiiy, bookcaas, TV flaI panel stand urdc cabinets, cohuee and end tables, hatch and buffet, corner cahinets, puritry lelîs cahinets, doacon banchas, drysrnk. desks. erre racks, carra cabinets, mnis, plant stands. harvasî tahle, china cabinets, nuguzine racksa, nagazine tablas, and mach mach mate. Bring a trucktuaie i wîlh o. Ordiernewelamne. Briug yoot imagination. le LMro q l i toircvcfeL, OACHSiI0NOS mrniatau 204Cod Ce' s "" a- Snmilr & long Cuir. MIF sabni oundua .oudih, $500 70 Oakorio 905 EsoiCn aas a 849-7136, and larin iding oniy. Ai nuys maiutied, nu top Slm caslr le end including.Wusuo pi- 0 $3,800. Cui 416-936-1242. 1003 Ctans Cora S O- cylintiuo Excellent oondi- Hm lion, îolrablu tiarspoiuiou ovmet cnrtifid and uiesiudl Apîri 2007. $i.500 obo. Cali 905-873-1077. 193 Frob G0 oiage aus OOHC, 5-spuud. SPECIALZOO in Framnrg 25t2.OOkns, Nasa, nano Drywat 05090ng No tub .inter Supuib ondiion tu sualr 17 yourS uua. $aoaa Cati (>47-273-r851i Oaseniiu Additrons, _______________ ardnood Ftooi RuîrnrsS, 19%6 Otdsnmobit Colins, 'ng, Finish Caipuiniry. Cari sapruno SL, 4-dm0r 416 5S6-0492. 286.6761knrs Loadua. Sewa nuior Curuidîn iusiodý S.. Service; Gunnoal $2.500. Cari 509-053-4044. Conioaing, Hone 1 - - proaenn ro0% Curon- 1000 Chuorolt Maiba. or Sataction, Busi Frisas, 40000 155'is6kns. '50000 morito, wrî 416u Louluit Certiiodioinootd 400-325 1 $2,9sou Cari 519-853-41044 19U0 Hundo Coruc 4-doar, i ïbi eo uir 5-suuud. COrMF3 aioRmoa par stine JONK & iobbiremo l ess, enira unotu starter, Great raies W o art vue so eta non bruros. Coaon irfting. 4168655- i52,aoakns. E-t0064 8260 t0 1 Ora8jntaSuas $3.600. Cali 2t9-878-8356. muamutankboanson 2000 Chuvoa o MaliSa o-itou, 77 022kns Lois ci Electrical nîlias Coul nalu nulted Services $3.500. Cail 519 -i144 ____________ LOCAL and nuil pir000d 2003 Haandar Acsunt GSI, nliian Carry bot 20000 - OlSanard Lioensu and Musior i9 47krns Laadd. recnse. Ns job oSnn Cnrtirilo , $5.000 Foi a frais esirnan Cuit Cai 519-ff3-41iao George (416)-688-7959 Motorcvcle Traininu- .u orefi h rvr et Chonsi' Shbidan for profussiouai mororcycie truining tbat graus yoa the' skiffs and eoperrusoe to safli and krrswiudqiaby nasvat u r roads and bighways. Wu are one of tbe largust mororcycie programs tin Canada, and oaî dedîcati'd instraoors naku thu differi'nc'0 tirir enibusiasm foi notorsycie rîding andi yoat safi'y oîuati's a comfortabii, yersonaizi'd ieariîg expeririocu M2 Exit Course ~ now available! For more information, omsit us anline or cali: À 905.845.9430, eutl. 2690 (0aloillelMiississauga)l n 905.681.4611, eut. 2690 fBurlington/Hamilton) Shierida n one yearwil get youbffe. an excitig new life in the world of Ian Pasi secodary educatian or business esperience is aIl yau need to get ittu Humbers unique Office Administration -Law Firm Profile programt Youili get classes filled with practical, bauds-an appicatians, and well place you unta ane af severa of Ontarias mast proarnt la firms tor 7 weeaa af paid un-site training. Ail this is accomplished in anly to semnesters su yau dont have ta do any ansecessary tme. Call 416-675-6622 est. 4371 and get a (newl Ille. it's the L W du HUMBER The Busimass Scbool lnferasled in the Trades? r Atfend a FREE information Thinhîng ut sessionl on 1 becomiug o loucher2 APPRENTICESHIPS Trai dayi Iobeom IN ONTARIO a Teacher oi Logirsti us Weduesduy Jane 18, 2008 ut flpm a yeod Languagu To oegtster cail the YMCA Teach Eoglish rIs nemrs in Burlington@90"-81 -1 140 IoCanor go abroat Funded by the Gouernment of Ontario and iravîl th worfi Nue aceepring applications for M 1 fTESL Diplunu startbug FIT & PITlIn Sept Excela llent te£ uttrariig' Rflize by TESL Ontario n rESL Canada. Reus o an iv pîcalnta y, TRANSPORTATION INC. DRIVER ITRAINER AUtridge Transportaion is the prom arn operator of school buses and coach sersice Ihroughoaî Ontario. An immediaIe oponing is available for the pos ion of Manager of Safety and Training. The Manager is responsie for the Iraining of now drivers and the re-Iraining or upgradîng of existing bus drisers wi1h the assistance of other insîructors. Qualîtied applicants must have held a valid BZ liconse for the past 5 years. Applicants must be signing authorities or have fhe ability to becomne a signing authority on behalt of the company. Preference filI ho given 10 candidates curroully certified as insîructors. Applicants must possoss excellent verbal and written uhility, oulstanding inler-porsonal exporienco as a train- or, proterably in the school bus industry, evili ho an asset. lnterested applicants shoutd torward their resumne ta 5439 Harvester Road, Burlingion L7L 5J7 Fax: 905-333-3866 or by emnail toi 1