The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 3, 2008 - A3 Reqion supports bid for Pan American Games events Illte Region lias ibi owi n s Suppor t As part ofth ioces the Proione lias s anous coinioîunitics i hrougbctut the G fA. behind tbe Provinces efforts iii bring the Pan American Gamnes ici tbe GIA/Greaier Goldetn Horsesboe. A motion to ibai effect was endorsed by regional counicil ai ils meeting Wednesday It comes ini response to tbe business case tbe Ministry of Healtb Promotion is prepar- ing tbaî assesses tbe viabilîîy of tbe GIA/Greater Golden Horsesboe area making a successful bid for tbe games in 2015. been coîîsulîîng wîîb municipalities tî explore interest in tbe gantes and potential training and coiipetiiioii venues for tbe bîd. Wbile tbe motion passed by roundci urges Milton, Halton Hîlîs, Burlingion andI Oakville iii partîcîpate in tbe process, tbe four muicipalities bave already been iiîvolved in tbe consultations. If tbe bid goes forward and is ultimaîely selcîed, tben tbe gamnes would be beld in fbe Pai American Gaines are a multi- sport eveni ibats beld every four years between competîtors frcîm ail nations of tbe Amenicas - Nortb, Soutb and Central. Tbe games were beld lasi year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazîl, wbile tbe lasi Nortb Amerîcan cîîy 10 bost tbe gaines was Winnipeg ini 1999. Tbe games include a total of 38 partici- pating sports, 332 events, 16 venues and about 5,500 ililctcs. Curreni bididers for the 2015 gaines include. Lima, Peru; Caracas, Venezuela and Bogota, Columbia. A fuît business case will bc presented to Premier Dalton McGuinty hy the end of June. Decisions will then be made on cahai the next steps in tbe process should be. Region staff bas been directed to report back to tbe administration and finance comn mittee on the outcome. Wednesday Champion coming soon Tbe Ganadian Champions Tuesday edînion ta spninging for- ward by one day! Starting Wednesday June 18, tbe mid-week paper will move from a Tuesday publication to a more traditional Wednesday edition. Tbe benefits of tbe cbange for local readers are rwo-fold, said General Manager David Harvev. "Firsi, it allows our reporting staff tbe opportunity to investi- gaie late-breakîng stories from tbe weekend," be saîd. "Tbe extra time is a great benebit to tbe writers and pboîograpbers." He also noted tbat Wednesday is a popular day for flyer distrnbution as people often begîn making tbeir plans for weekend sbopping. Tbe Champion ta une of Canada's oldest community newspapers. Tbe twice-weekly publication ba5 been delivering news t0 tbe community sînce 1858. It bas won numerous awards, moat recently Besi All- Round Newspaper in its circula- tion class in tbe Canadian Community Newspaper Association's 2008 Better Newspapers Competition. NOTICE: UNCLAIMED DAMAGE DEPOSITSI According to Town by-law 31-94, ail monies remaining unclaimed for a period of six years from the date of deposit, may be transferred ta the general funds of the Town, provided that a notice containing a list of such unclaimed monies, including the names of the depositor is published. This list can be found on the Town of Multon's web site at This notice is to inform that ail persons having any dlaim to any of such monies are required to prove their dlaims within ninety days f rom the publication of this notice. Upon the expiration of ninety days from the publication of this notice, the Town Treasurer may transfer ail of such monies against which no dlaim has been made 10 the general funds of the Town, f ree of and f rom any and aIl dlaims of any kind whatsoever. If you require any additional information please contact Janine Gallagher @ 905-878-7252 ext. 2471. Entoi cm "Just 11km Ded" Faths Day Contamt Sand us a photo of you andS___ your Son. Salactad photo. wil ba publighad in dui Canadien Champion laauiday, Juna Srd, 2000. Raadaa wll be aaked to 1i;; Uia uàl àS ho look The top 3 wInnlng pairs wHI reoelvea HURRYI *Deadlîne for photos ls June 6, 2008. Email your photos totof10 l itnaacacap or drop them off at 1he front desk of The Canadien Champion 555 Industriel Drive, 2nd Floor, Mitton between 9 amn and 4 prî, Monday ta Friday. *Photos are nit turaitedI tapa ain paeThey aie on a lit corme, firsi sertit tatas