Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2008, p. 63

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 23, 2008 - Cl 1 coverîii Discover the sophisticated style of Charleston Homes at Carniage Place in Rockwood I ocaieci a sbtort counntry drivs cni M'iltoni andc Ar ton, Ch.l estonî Homtîses procicls iiiirtidrics Cairnage Placc, a pi i s aie enîclavec ol cari iage trade towis hcmies iii Rock\osc. This quaint frceitlcl coim- inriiity osf 42 iown homtiies offers custolîs cralted luxury iii a itiveiy country seîîîîsg. Perched Iigis abos' tise Erar-ntsa Risver and cbarniig bisttsric viliifge tif Rockwood. ltocal master-builder Cbarleston Homes, bas an intirnate coli- lection of bomnes cii a landscaped cul-de- sac. Eacb of tbe plans offers excepîfonatiy. spacious, wide îowî bornes witb rare waikouîs basernents or "dayligbt" above- ground basernents. Unlike traditioiiai towns tbese homres are clusiered as semis tir sînail blocks tif tbree tir four. Tbe look and feel is isaîscsorne stsîe anti stucco witb preîty înullîoned windows, iiippecl roofs and ciassic cîsacîs style garages. Cbarleston Hiornes bias built two tiwi btome niodels to stîcwcase tbe uinique clesiglîs aîîd cusîtîti craited teatures as'ail- able ai Carniage Place. TIse Cbarlesiton Horne buyer îs a scipbisticatcd atîd sav'sy consumer wbo reccîgnîzes qualiîy aîsd classie style. TIse îwcs modeis arc a vîrtuai sbowroon tif exteritîr aîsd intericîr finish- es ibat attcsw tbe buyer to cîsotse, a la carte, tbe rnany toptions aisd styles ibat suit ibeir lifestyle. 'Tbe homes bave beeti fuiiy decorated ici appeal totî ui sty lisi and sopbisticated active aduit wlio appre- ciates tbe tiner tlsings in fle. i be Brotikfiellen cut m odîîce] offers 1955 sq.ft of stylisbi sophîistication. The foyer, study, aîsd dîîsîîg roorn are decorat- cd wiîlî elegani furnisbiîigs iii dark wocsds, ricîs gtossy fitîcrs, anti trainatit periwînkie blue and soft icreami walf s accenîed by double Frenchs dîsors. Tbre firstimîîpressionî is warrn, classît aîid cee gant. The ensuite in the Brookfield (above left is warm and inviting wvith an oversized glass showver outfitted wvith rain showerhead and body sprays, bench seating and artisan-tile work, The rear of tIse borne topenîs up iii reveil a stunnilig ctibinccl kitclici aiid great rcîtsn. Vauiicd ccilings, ilirc sets tsf stiaring wiîîdtiss aisc tic rtiiims greai proipotions îîîake tiss gaticrisg place extraordiiîary. Tlîe kîitei is a goucrmets cîclîglît wiiii sasi expatises tif creamin ar- bic ctsuiteritips, paisiry, chief s isiaiid aiiic sîaîîsless steel appliaisces. -flie scatilig arca s pittsb anîd iîisiting \i ts giainrics furnisiîings ciressed iii silks, scivets aîsd xx tols. tinti iii cabtnctry ait situe, gas fireplaice aisc sofi ligbiting niike tiis rtstsîî btt tozy aind forinaliy elegai ai thc saisie uinie. Tue lest tif tic msaini fItoî boasis a drinatit poix cir rotis inric rortîmiauiidry aîîd doturble garage acccss. Upsiairs tise Brtsckfieild tffers îwîî innti uxc iay ouîs tisai artc ideal for emrpty isesters tir pi tfesSitiials. As ,iiabIe as i twti bcclrtiiin tir miega tiliiter suîite, this pln tif ers Chlarlestonss iLoit laîîcbîg tir biraiii spaice" a tcs ver sway of miiiziiîg a geisci tis laîîding aircai. Bruît-iii ssork, stirfaccs cati bctiiic c IIIIipciicr ticotves hotmle tiffic e, andc gallcrv tii buiffet airca toi- tic isaster suiitc. Tise iiî,stcl bcirtioîn is a sciiîiptutirs retreai tonspicte SxtIu spacitîcs bcclrtii ssa115 iii citiset, andc spainspîreci ensuite. Th lit nsuîtte is x.varni anisc itiîtîg xs iii super sizec(l glass sfitssx ci- otitted sii raiis siitwcrlicacl anid btodys spra~ys, bencli scaîîîîg aiid antisais tîle sstsrk. As scotndc bcclrtîtîî aîîd enîsuite bath maltes a peifeci guesi suite tir prisate bcd- roor11 loi 5 isitin idts linic 10111 011 Ci- Ioe lc iiî,îl ast i cili s ar\ duiî,îc ius alsoiicic oi laroc w', iîtîîss arid \sall< tut Planl Th li inhiiicî> i cai adapi ilsis lossý Cr lese ci i thsiing uy -1 ii. is miodel brornie \vas dctoî aicd iii reflec I a sispbistict.ied gamies!miedia/enîtertaiîiîîieiîi rooni wtitb builti ii ctfelbai and nîeichai- dîsed witb overstuffed leather club chairs, casual furniture, bar stools, tasteful card table and art wîsrk. A powder room ancd second room is ideal for a guesi suite or even borne office. Tbe unlinisbed area is very large ancd ideal loi storage, wiec ccl- lr, hbbies etc \\ alk oui to a woodecl conserv'atjion area ss iîh bac kyarcls aîs clecpi as 175 teet. The adjoîning miocel f llic Drcîminond, is a IQ 11 scî fi. planwtl esen moire featut es cîressecl iii a lîgbîcer colocir pale ancd slîoss',caisîng diffe-rnit bciilti ns, cîtiset sysiens, cabinetrv, miaster ensuitie lay'ouis, i ese ci îclcîdes anr adap- tatioîn tif the Chbarlestuon l1ot landing' tIsai features a botel-suite înspîred "buf- fet" litchli -î aîcrrîfîc place tb brest ip ccîffec oir basve a glass tif- orange îctice xx bile you gel rcaciy lfoi tbe dlay Tue Drumrnitinds' ltîwer tes'ei also rciiy's tbe tiexibiiiy aîsd fuîsctioîsaiity tif tîsese geiterous horis roinss witb plciy osf oiptionîs for adapting a brigbt wsaikt to y orr tif estyle îsceds. Tbe Model bome ns locatecl of f obblestone, Irons Hwyý 7, iii tbe village tif Rtick\,ocd f Cail. 51Q-856-441 l tir vîsît cisarlestiitýiics.comi for nmore detaîls. itocrs: 'atîrclay & Scay12.00 tî 5:00) PM. Moiitay iliru \\ cdiîesday trous 2:00 to 7:00 PM. Puicesi Iiomi $369,900 Occupancs- -roîn Juie Io Noveniber 2008 M 1 h ca at1aqe place mo u OO tý1: t' v( bee t .cc , èta' tc 'o a;p,ý t'o 1 hu and SO n siCtntJ uCivO c)tS , 'at le~[, c 1* c' ý r1q' i 1fe

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