The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 16, 2008 - B7 Pateinelsi j1c li ng tf tilny esenlis oniY Tilc t îiîti n s tvii oitbii Io localeottint gttips 10 tîssisi lit pro- nioitig tbcî r j[tîecden (lis. 3nI - chatita- bit' or non-profil t îîmiitniiv groups novl usc ilis stevît . Wc4 ti? on tut gitaiattt' onlt' issuei of pu1biîuil of ilt'ot t t'tt ttititotgi mioi' itsi lioils arit pîussibîi il t iati9îiti to (A) it lt' ftiitti tiIli'tt iittt aditillti iin don ft.ltît'sîhtî fia tîIittiit t i p llii Tui'sdiî' fot I t îtiîîi s tiîi antd fuii Imn' ittis Ivltiili ' itc t i i'i li t tt'It'liitiit Wednesday May 21 I C. Druii v Eigli 'te itil tot Onitarioi Steet iîttds ils aimiial ISohemias l'air and My Big I at Boherniaii Wedding frontî 5 30 lIo 9 piii. eaitîi'ng tfood, lire ss iiks, kiels gailes, horise ande tcarna tge tielis e'tte'rtainiiii anid a pet liîî ance b\ the cisiti of Clitc'-,ail Ast asý itis s cai s tiitisicai. Admtissioitis Ir ce andt tikens aire asatiahie lii sale lto puilcilase foo<d aiid pat ticipate li s'arivius at tîn tics. Lneryîînes welici Miltotn Meais oiin iei htîids ils Viheels to Meals itcli prograin foîr senitors ai 130 a. o. aii the tipartinri building ai 80 Onttar'io St. For mnocre information, cail (905) 878-6699. Milton District Hoispital holds a c tîn-one breastfeeding clinic wîîh a cer- tîlîcel lactation coinsutant Irtin 1:30 tel 3 pin. For moire inforination tor iii make an appoinîmnent, eall jili Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites igh sebtiol studenîs îo drop by betweciî 2:30 and 6 p.m. to play a game oii pool or îust hang tout. Acclaim Health Alzheimer Services cointinutes ils Demcntia Information Series. an eeicîcaîîeîî pregram ftor faim-î ly caiegîs Crs. Il ruits irtîn 7 te 9 pii aîî Acclaîîîî Heaidi iii Sheridanî Cellege, i430 Trafalgar Rd. in (3akville. It reg- ister, eall (905) 847-9559. Hatin Healelîcare Servîtes heîlds a prenatal breastfeeding workshop irom 7 îo 9 p.m. ai. Milteon District Hospital. Topies covered incîtîde what to expert for the initial days of breastfeeding and how to overconse challenges. T'he cost is $45 per mother and guesi. For more information, ctîntact lactation consult- ant jill Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, extl. 7610. The free Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour takes place from 9:30 to Il ami, ai Milton Gospel Hall, 306 Odntario St., wîîh a special feature on easv eîîîerîainîng svîîh Rtohin Staiîîîon ande guesi speaker Lnnu Chatftîrd. Foir moire inifornmationi o tiiranspoirtatioîn, cail Almîa ait (Q05) 878-6345. Tue Milton Seioers' Activits Centîre, 500 Ciîlds Di. hlîtles cîntraci bridge ai 9)-15 a.iii. Mexicani traitn donintes frotîî 1: 30 ttî 4 p.iii ande darns and bl- liards frin ()îî a.i lvi Q p.nii. l'ie cvîsi for eacî t is il is $2 tir tiîciiibes antd $4 tii tion1-itîeiihe s. A lic scîlîtîlar hs Grandintîthers to G ranelnîîîîhers taises place ai 12:45 p.iii li tic liiîrtry Lcarîî litîns titýs grtîtp t aises linn ,reiiess andie îîîvîbîlîzes suppot [ir .Airicts giran'd iilers. 'ti) sîgîl tI tal (905) 875 1681 b% Mas 20. iFlie cetîtres Weekly Lunch Counter [eaîtrtng aî hot meal for -see more DATELINE on page B8 9 I~ back sphing EVERYDAY Homne Improvemnent Warehouse' GUARANTEED* now $128 PCA wun $148 Char-Broil Traditions Propane Grill *35,000 BTUs -590 sq. tn. cvoktng ai-ea *Stainiess borners *Posh-huttvn tgnition *Porcetîtn cooking sourlace -Tank sold separately #271563 r $144 Karcher 1,750 PSI, 1.5 GPM Electric Pressure Washer *Otrituster" rota-y spray wund - 1 -year lîmied marraniy #276506 5-piece group pnice includes one balcony table and tour padded sling/swivel chairs 40" Square Balcony Table #280249 now $100 wus $126 Set of 4 Padded Sling/ Swivel Balcony Chairs #280260 now $274 was $348 Other options: 9t Market Umbrella #280263 $98 20" Round Umbrella Base #280230 $24.96 $26 27 30" x 36" Empire Fence -Attractive and durable modula- decoraie fente * Pre-aînembed secions for easy instatltivn *Peînin aid aceessories sotd neparaieo #19299 ~$248 18-kg Cattie or Sheep Manure *Nature's Oms soi Sbutider *Çiean, odouriessand5 easy 10 use lii *For teedîng to butid soit and entourage growth #266597/266599 V * Malibu 6-Light Crystal Tier SPECIAL * Solar Lights Kit now V Weaiher i-entntant *Easy iv, insiai - 2-year warraniy #100229 ru $374 giou 028 Garden Treasures Monterey an 21" 3-mn- Outdoor Patio Furniture iMower .5-year lmited frame wurraoty gs & Straton iiio, lI q" Rust-i ee aluni nom trame series engine V 5-poniton 6eighi SPECIAL adjusiment *2-ye:an ty $2 97 9811 29852 Oypc Peim $29 1111111 111 I Extenior Latex 30 kg Quîckrete Fiat Finish Paint Concrete Mix *Onuoa val0Oage *Jvb -osa aa able -- Midew-vssant VVhl w li,,sa #61405 #268520 7Perennials -Great >6 for rock gardons *Avaiable to- sn and shade #96041 110W $3498 mas $42.98 SPECIAL Aqua Chemn Shoc Plus Pool Shock .12-dOOgm puekeis *Shock and swim in 15 mtnutes WhiIe quantifies tant #55378 $4 97 PCA Premier 28 L PRO-MIX Outdoor Containers Mix j,- Premium qualîty *Wtth extra waier retention #267017 GuA"El ONEVRY PLANT ~ ose dotails $1 198I 10" Premium Hanging Basket .Many ouitles avaîtabie for sun or shude .Curefree, conitous colour *Season-long bloomis #94004 Vîsit these locations BRANTFORD EAST GWILLIMBURY HAMILTON MAPLE NORTH BRAMPTON SOUTH BEtAMPTON TORONTO 215 H'enry St. (NEWMARKET) 1945 Bar-on St E 200 MeNaughton Rd. 10111 -teari Lake Rd. 370 Kennedy Rd. S 1300 Cislefield Ave. (ai Wayne Gîetzity Pkwy. 18401 Yonge St. (a Woodward Aie. (aI Major Mackenzie Orive (ai Bovaird Dr East and (at Sleeles Ave. E.) (at Caledonia Rd. 519-720-2060 (N. il Green Ile 905-312-5670 905-079-2450 Hwy. 410) 905-874-5000 416-780-2770 905-952-2050 905-843-4300 REGULAR STORE HOURS: Monday -Saturday 7:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m., Sunday 8:00 arn.-8:00 p.rn. - For more information visît 1 MOR THA HOME IMRVEET SEVIEIMR. All instalatonserviesi' ar uaaneedv byLoe vtiis ivrarS e IStaie ae nrai io deil dliii8 , oe S A' it reesev vli'viadvvedvs vîesýaeiieitvered raer. If FL1 reseve te riht tt iiit uantibesttLwes is cmmited to atttnale prietand eeees teigttla ret m i ns.Coretion nettces for errin the advenisemneni sut 0e postel in tur stores. lie fuarunien sue eteryday liSpettive entes. 'l 'i fn a lteeenya, C,î 3ve* oneîîî n e tia taitr, ! an vloc l e i 'ltio atsire ICn soc e Ilviieltîv nc $24 97