A8 The-Canadian Ctampîon. Friday. May 9, 2008 c7oQ M)oi~ship In Praise Spt îng is thc favortet sc ts( tai- t naty peopic, perhaps because the xsorld seetlis to conte back to lifte after its long wintcr dornîancy. In soîne parts of the country, winter ik so long and cold that we really are left to wonder how anything living outside could survive such drastic conditions. But then, every spring the robins return, the trees burst forth with greenery, and flowers bloom, seerningly overnight. Frorn the first tender buds to the newest hatchlings, the new life of spring is of Spring truly a vestige of creation and sliuuld remîund us tht creatiot i an ongoing process and tic unfiding of God's beneficent plan. And although none of us fully undetstand God's plan, each spring as we witness the renewal of life on our planet, and sirnultaneously feel the life flow back into our veins, we know intuitively that it is good. At this tirne of year, we should rernemnber to thank God for the return of spring and abundant life which it brings. 'M House of David Invites you to our Sunday Service 'In His Presence' Sunday 10OAm Meeting Room 3 - Miltos Sports Cesier 605 Santa Maria Bîvd. L9T 6J5 DerrylOntanio Rd (West of Derryl Prayer & Connsrling: 647-999-3562 Lire A Meaningful life. Mno À niffironto --1 Miton 80 At Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Starting Mayl2th Vue ta the Thompson Rd & Nîpissing intersection clasure access ta Nipissing is off Iilds Dr. Sunday 1O:3Oam &5r"vne b*kcome! &L Pastor Gard Rutéege S The X Sunday, Mayl11 10:00 a.m. "U Lasting Legacy " 905.257.3987 Milton Sports Centre 605 Santa Maia Mvd. (Den Rd. wvest of Hwy. 25) www.thesanctuarymîlton.com ?n4111119% MILTON SEVENTFI-DAY ADVN1S CHURCH ivt, u o ounr eekin Sahirati, ,Žnuices Hugit Foter Hatl, 43 Brown St. Milton Sat 1 'i 0 a. n.- Sahleiih ScorS Sut 1 ifliii.- Ounc Seru te BIBtL E SCIOOt. ,ni thea c n , a 10 PO) lim ;01, Siunruuitu iMiln.S ,hni ,unii PASTOR Mi Da(u. Su 1u Y-;58 i Fo ui i i ur iauiion t u our r\ic ani pugrin, piu.un ufl GRACEWAY CBAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1 629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 arn. - Sunday School 11:00 arn. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "You'II always fi nd a triend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org qé>ce ~anjticaân 317 Main St. E W56-878-2411 wwwvf é gr a cec h u rc h mionclaOm Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist + children's programs CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11 :00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Misister Steve Corbett St George' s Anglican Church L o,* /îi1lle , Oî lt a rîo RECTOR: Rev.-Caiton Chartes Masters Sunday Services - 8:30 ain - Mornisg Prayer 110:311 arn - Sasctuary - Hely Corrmrunies 0:311 atr - Earnîly Reerni Monisg Pra\er StGeorgesLowville.org 7051 Guelph Line ait Derry 'R 878-1363 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. -TheLords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study So then every onîe of us shall give account of hiînelf to God. Romans 14.12 I{NOX Knox Presbyterian "Uniied by Christs love we share Hirr wîtll the worid join us Sunda> 10:30 arn Worship Service, Sunday Schoot Wednesday, May 14,2008,12 noon until Luncheon tottowed by "CULTURE IN MI with John McDonatd Tickets $7 (nouse number availabi, only in adotoe frot 905-878-6066) All poceeds fortheo Knox BLoSdig Resiora ir M i MM U i'7ý What does Islam say about God? ".eis God, the Absolutely Orne; God, the Eternal; He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is nothing like unto Him. 95 (Quran, Ch. 112) Discover thte Ho/y Quran - thte Last Testament This message brought te you loy the Muslim Association of Milton For more info ptease write to islaminloia)miltonmasjid.ca or C-ati t 877-QIJRAN4U or 416.648.8507 391 Rornhamthorpc Road E, Oakville, ON, 1.6F1 7R4 NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SIJNDAYS P1ni/i - i Misc coi i iii'rih i (4 5ý Childrens'Mini,çtries Avoulable in ail Services *Captioned for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing WErDNESDAYS F<iiil> N il /i 70 n fu "rim Iiic YhiSn & Nursery 2 pm His Season In Concert ITON" Mothers Day Sundayr at 6:30 pm rh ofce OnIy $10 at thre deor -Limited Seating .Ovaiable Svi Visit Us Ontine www.NewLifeMilton.com Mn, m bpring iea - bai. may -tu, i:;jupm, zli as aoor Shirley Lewis speaks on working with Ethîspian girls Sun. May 11, Christian Farnily Holiday Traditional & Contemporary- 10:30 arn Supervised Nursery Care from 10:15 am Cott ee & Conversation after the service Church School & Gospel Unit for JK-gr 8