The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2008 -C7 Turn your attic into a closet When the seasons change, so does your wardrobe. This can lead to, an abundance of clothes cluttering your closet. if you are not quite ready to part with last season's styles but fear your closet may explode, consider 4, using your attic as a storage space for your winter jackets and sweaters. Renovating your attic into a closet can be a do-it-yourself project, not only saving fou money but making your life a littie less cluttered. Here are five simple steps to trans- form your attic into, a comfortable closet fit to house your favourite win- ter garments: _____________ 1 . Make sure you have enough Iight to work in and chat you have something safe to wvalk and kneel on. 2. Before you add any insulation to your attic, you need to know how ____________ much insulation (R-value) is already there. This is simply done by measuring the thickness of your attic's existing insulation. Many older homes have between 3' and 6" of fibre qlass blan- an Rvalue between R-10 and R-19. To achieve maximum energy efficiency, an R -Value of 50 is recommended for attics. if a cavity is not completely filled, use the appropriate width of PINK Fibergias insulation for attics. 3. Once aIl cavities are completely F E filled, lay further layers of insulation P c p aL t s h w o bants in long runs perpendicular to i k U aLe us ho y u wood structural members, using left- over pieces for shorter spaces. Start at A s m l suretthe FREE fro the eave vetsedd insuaindetlD IvrB Q G nusY u B Q block the ventilation space leading up D lv t B è i sY u B a raft-R-mate attic rafter vent wherev- er there is an eave vent to ensure air- lm$~ A 6 ~ \ Cook BookCa Be fo.Proper air flow can help prolong .uM. the life of your roof shingles and avoid condensation problems. 5. Brighten your wardrobe by installing a Iighs in your new closet. To insulate around electrical wiring simpîy N \Y U split an insulation batt and fit it around the wire so that there's no gap. Make sure to, use approved insulated aA1 4M0r0 electrical boxes for new lighting fia-- sures you may want to instaîl in your ,.ON Receive a $20.00 6.A soo asc heie insuratin as at6.i so na ese e rq ired lai ancei been installed, finish the walls and ceil- SELECTED G F ing wvith an approved interior finish,AC E S R SC RTFC T such as gypsum wallboard. C E S RE E TFC T For step-by-step instructions onw thB Q p r as how to instali attic insulation and help ihB p r as calcuiate how much insulation you will need hased on the size of your attic, visit -News Canada Business without adverfising. is like winking in the dark - l'oit knou, zvhat voit "-t' doilig - but nobodý, c1se dot,.,ç.'