The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2008 C3 Give roses a new future By Kari Smith n a wvorld fîlled wvith wvhat seems like unlimited choices, gardeners are finding that some of the traditional varieties of plants, like old fashioned roses, are disappearing. In an effort ho bring back somne of those varieties, many gardeners are creating heritage gardens ho pass along plants from one generation ho another. If you want ho recreahe your grandmother's beautiful rose garden, starh a heritage gar- den. Ask family members if they can recail the rose vani ehies, then go to your local nursery and see if they're avail able. If not, go online and visit somne of the heirloom garden- ing sites. once you find the varieties you'ire looking for, plan out your garden before planting. A landscape fabric around your plants will protect against wveeds wvithout harsh chemi- cals. A natural product like Landmaster Biodegradable Mulch Paper offers the per- formance of tradihional land- scape fabric without harming the environmenh. It is made from 100 percent post-con- sumer waste and completely biodegradable. More informa- tion can be found online ah or hoîl free ah 800-327-9462. Fragrances from a garden often evoke memories of gar- dens we once knew and the people who grew hhem. If you wanh ho smell flowers inshead of fertilizer, use newv Jobe's Organics Fertilizer Spikes ho keep your heritage garden flourishing. Push the spikes inho the ground near planhs and the naturally slow-release organic nutrients will ensure hearty plants and healhhy soil wihhout releasing pungent odours into the air. Creahe a herihage garden this year and the nexh hime you find yourself feeling 'scenhi- mental" abouh hhe past, you can visit the living scrapboook growing in your yard. -News Canada lon -e s. -.d Do some Furnace and Air Condi«tio,#ner Offers seem Un-Real? ", The truth lis, without over-lnflated prlcing, exorbitant Installation fees, or rebate deductions you're entiled to anyway - they are LJn-Reai! At AI we give you straight forward, ~"'~'î) ~ easy to understand pricing. And when ~ ~ you take our no-hassie Installation and quaiity service into account, our bottomn Une aiways looks better. PRE-SE-ASON REBATES! On1 Selected Equipment From DON'T MISS OUT' These are somne of the largest Governmenh and Manufacturer Rebates ever offered! (ili for DeadlUnes and Complete Detaits 905-~8 44 29 49 and we'il do the Paperwork for you. Ai Air Condltlonlng & Hoatinh ,e gadenl ceitr'e Monday to Wednesday: 9-6 Thursday & Friday: 9-8 Saturday: 9-6, Sunday: 10-5 1/2 km east of #25 ) on Campbellville Rd. 905-878-0223 map at DO YOUR PART Help keep Our community dlean by tollowing Milton's local recycling guidelines, and recycle this papier when you're finished reading it! W1 t1ap,- m