The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2008 - B19 DateIGe1ý 1957.ft~ GO GRIEEN - trom DATELINE on page B18 pseople afferteri hs' repiession or hipolar disorder -pirescis psyciaîî si Dr. Jane Giliert speaking titi \\ bai Youa andl iour Fainiiy C an Do to Maie 'tort Bettert at 7:30 p.ta ai Fvangei Penterostai C hurrh, i 4W0 Reherra St. in Oalk tUe. For more information, cail the Caniadian Mental 1iieaith Associations at (905) 693-4270. ihe Milton Toasînsasters tacets at 7 30 p.nî. at the Roy ai fanadian Leginmn, 21 C harles St., i thc upper hall. Lvery ones weironte. For more informa- tion, visit www.miltontiiastmnas- The Saivation Army Khi Cotamunîity, 100 Ntpissing Rd., unit 3, lîolds its Busy Hands, Creative Minds programn front 9:30 to il a.ns for pre-scmoît lads and their caregivers. i inriodes traits, songs and stît nies. For nmore information, eaul (905) 875-1022. Hetp for Parents, a lialton parent support gtoup. tacets i the evening i the haseient of Si. lizabeth's C hurrh., 5324 Broîaley Rd., in Burlîngion. This ton-denoîninationai self-srip) potrt griîup helps patents of r hîl ri-en vwho are in tirouble aîî hromte, at srhooi or wîth the lasi, or who are abusive oi- taking rrgs. Tht gronip is a tîsetsher of tht Assoriations of Paient Support Groups in Ontario, lii moie informnation, rail i -800- 488-5666 ot vsmii ixweapsgo.ra. (alling New Parents, a fiee(- rop ii progian foir parentis anrd babies ageri b ionîh,; anri \vorInget, Mets itl J ptUIhi hecalth nuirse ici dîsrnîss paient- ing anrd infant taie - lie giortp tacets ai tise Ointaio i ail Y eai s (entre aît 410 3rtint St. f rotîs iL30 ti 3 50 p taI Foi noie infor mations, r ail (905) 825 6000, ext. 7299. Miltron Distrîrct Hlospital hrîids a ont -on-ont breastfeed- ing elinfe wiîh a rertified farta- tion tonsultant frnsm 9:30 tb il:30 a.n. Foi mrnoe informa- tion or to mnake an apptiintrnt, tailjili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. 'Tht Miltton Seniors' Artix îty entcure, 500 C hiilds Dr., htids bingo at 130 p.ns. iii Downsizers Weight Loss Club at 10 a.tin and darts and bil lifards frot 9 ,î n. tii Q p.i nich rost for cadri ativiy is $2 foîr tietîshers anri S4 fror non- meta heis. Fvening Bid I uchre takes plare at T 30 p n. aîî a c osi of $2.5L). Astd tht Kiiehen Band is iookingo foi new isseiies ti sîîsg anri/tr pliy ais i tacets frit Q to il W0 a.ita iVely M en tand vnc art,î titiroint. Fo mi iore itifotinia tltti, r,îll «-)05) 87)-1681. Wtdntxdcav May 14 Tht i dia Snow l-itittli of Retired Wiimen Teatheis tsf 0ritario isteets ai KnistPît sbslititi Chuch li .\rtoit \Viii ',peal et Ca,îl,î 'astis ofi tht Doli initjoî tits Ail iti tiiC a ttisiici, scet- aie ils itien l3ig li tiis sBilg oittstf lilttii lisirs a volutttr into(r- mnatîcîn session at 7 p. ta ai lis Miltons offire, 410 Brîtnte St. S. Tht agenry is parîîrrilarly looîk- ing tir lBig Brothers dot tîs a severe shîîrtage tif miait vrsin teers in tht nottrh Haitots aiea. Ftor taore insfosrmastioni, ru1l (90t) 878-8840, t miîl iiti5dhh)1ýlsiatiiira tir visit xxw)xv11)sllalttsis rt Miltoîs isticrt Hi tial lsolds a rse tn-itîs hreastieed- ing clinic wîîli a rertîfîtri lacta tîoîs rconsultant irrita 1:30 tri 3 p.ils lioi msore insfoirmations tir tIo issake ais apîsîînînseîst, rail liii Hirks at (W5D) 878-2383, ext. 7610, Tise Deck youth centre, 200 Mains Sti. .i enit ,tiirt i te,; isigli 'rchooil sttritis tii ri p is sttts2 30 ansr 6 p.iii. io play at gainse oif potl ori îst lsait ot. Gerrie is a Canadian, family owned company that has been serving the Milton area since 1978. We are the source for ail of your electrical, lighting, data comm and automation requirements. Stop by our newly renovated location for energy efficient solutions for your home or office. t ', ,ài i ,l' The average home has approxfmately 30( lights. By replacing the five most frequentfy used bulbis with ENERGY STAR qualified bufbis, you can save more than $60 each year in enetgy costs (based on a minimum itéf of 6,000 hours at $0.10 kWh). Buy 5 Compact Fluorescent Lamps & we'Il give you a FR 313 Steeles Avenue, Milton Phone: 905-878-8406 Monday - Frfday 7:30 arn - 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 arn - Noon Invest in your cI'ild Le à a~r~~I~xi * Enjoy a whiter, brighter smile today Oo-I leînît Teeth iNhitening now only 3,55Q* S ave $100!Take home kits starting ai s1 89 Teeth whîîenmng is a safe aind effective procedure with immediate and positive results! Radiante dental iyg enisis also provide a range of oral hygiene services including cleaning & scaling, sealants, and mouth guards. Wedding Party Packages, Croup Rotes and Gift Certificates avoulable. 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